Module 1
Module 1
Module 1
Dr.Prashanth Rao
NMIMS School Of Commerce
Mobile: 9959876779
Macro deals with aggregates, Micro deals with specific product or market or
decision of a particular consumer or firm
Microeconomics and Macroeconomics are the two sides of same coin – explain.
Main objectives of Macroeconomic policies
To maintain a high level and increasing rate of growth in national income along with stable prices
and low unemployment
Macroeconomic Environment
• Demand
• Interest rates
• Prices
• Stability
• Exchange rate fluctuations
A low rate of inflation and low unemployment
A healthy growth and an equal distribution of income and wealth
• It is difficult to achieve equality in the distribution of
income and wealth ‘side by side’ with growth because
forcing equality can have an adverse effect on the
incentives for work and, thus, lead to inefficiencies.
Currency exchange
rate, foreign exchange
Open market operations, CRR,
interest rate, exchange rate
Tax cut
Tax rise
Increase in government expenditure and investment
Decrease in government expenditure and investment
Monetary Policy
Monetary policy is a set of tools used by a nation's central bank to
control the overall money supply and promote economic growth and
Inflation targeting
Controlling long term interest rate
Exchange rate policy
• Exchange rate policy involves choosing an exchange rate system and
determining the particular rate at which foreign exchange transactions will
take place.
• A country’s exchange rate policy affects its relative price structure in
domestic currency terms between goods which are traded internationally
(tradables) and goods which are produced for the domestic market (non–
tradables or home goods). (IMF)
Withdrawals and Injections
• Withdrawal/ Leakage: income that is generated in the production of
national output and is not part of the circular flow
3 types: Savings, Taxes and Import
• Injection: Amount of money spent by different sectors in addition to
their incomes generated in the circular flow of income
3 types: Investment, Government expenditure and exports
• In equilibrium, leakages are equal to injections and the circular flow
remain the same
• If Injection > Leakage, economy will grow
• If Injection < Leakage, economy will shrink/ recession
The Circular-Flow of Income - Two Sector Economy
• A simple circular flow model of the macro economics containing two sectors (business
and household) and two markets (goods and services) that illustrates the continuous
movement of the payments for goods and services between producers and
• It shows the real flows and the money flows.
• money flows from households to firms as consumption expenditure made by the
households on the goods and services produced by the firms.
• Money flows from households to firms as consumption expenditure made by the
households on the goods and services produced by the firms.
• Money flows from business firms to households as factor payments and then it flows
back from households to firms. This circular flow of money or income continues year
after year. This Is how the economy functions.
• In the figure, the resources flow from households to firms as indicated by the arrow
mark. In opposite direction to this, money flows from business firms to the households
as factors payments such as rent, wages, interest and profit.
Understanding GDP: The Circular Flow of Income (Two Sector Economy)
Injections: Govt.(G)/Exports(X)/Investment(I)
Govt Expenditure
Understanding GDP: The Circular Flow of Income (Four Sector Economy)
Government Spending Payment for Imports
Rent Payments
Land Wages for final
Labor Profit/ Capital market goods and
Capital Interest services
X(exports) < M(imports) X>M
- trade deficit - Trade surplus
HOUSEHOLDS - Leakages are more - Injections are more
than injections
hence this will
than leakages
reduce income hence this will increase
- Leads to foreign income
borrowing - Leads to foreign lending
Government Spending
- Rupee will - Rupee will appreciate
depreciate (dollar (dollar will depreciate)
will appreciate)
to be used only for lecture purpose at NMIMS SOC 29
Gross Domestic Product
GDP is the Market Value of all Final Goods and Services Produced on
Domestic Soil During a Given Time Period