Properties of Froths
Properties of Froths
Properties of Froths
Chemistry of Frothers
Chemically, frothers are similar to ionic collectors, i.e. they are heteropolar surface active chemicals (surfactants)
consisting of a polar and a non-polar group. However, a good frother must not have collector power as doing so
complicates the control of grade and recovery. For this reason, alcohol frothers are the most widely used frothers since
they have practically no collector power.
Frothers are adsorbed on the air-liquid interface, in other words, frothers reduce interfacial tension between air and liquid
(ϫa/w or ϫg/l).
Water dipole molecules react with the polar groups of frother and hydrate them but are indifferent to the non-polar groups.
Consequently, frother molecules are oriented such that the polar groups are in contact with water
molecules while non-polar groups are in contact with the air phase, diagram below.
Some of the most effective frothers contain one of the groups mentioned:
-OH Hydroxyl (Alcohols) Hydroxyl, Carboxyl, Amino groups are most soluble in water.
Frothers with Amino and Sulpho groups possess weak collector properties
-C Carboxyl group
C Carbonyl group
Acidic Frothers
Acidic frothers are effective in acidic medium.
They are produced by gasification of coal tar and distillation of crude oil.
Acidic frothers were extensively used in the past but their application has reduced significantly in
recent times because of environmental concerns.
Basic Frothers
Neutral Frothers
Effective in acidic and alkaline media.
Most widely used group in sulphide and oxide flotation of base metal ores and industrial minerals.
Aliphatic alcohol frothers are mostly used as mixtures of different carbon lengths and a mixture of
hydrocarbon oils.
Several sub-groups exist. Below chemical structures of some common Neutral Frothers.
Chemical Structures of Common Neutral Frothers – Aliphatic Alcohols
Chemical Structures of Some Common Neutral Frothers – Alkoxy Paraffins
Developed in 1951 by Dr. Powell, South Africa.
Extensively used in flotation of sulphide and oxide base metal ores. Also effective in flotation of oxide
minerals after Sulphidisation.
They are selective and give improved rates of flotation particularly for Cu & Zn sulphide minerals.
They are less sensitive to presence of clay gangue.
Chemical Structures of Polyglycol Ether Frothers
Manufactured from synthetic brake fluid.
General formula is given below.
Several variations exist by different manufacturers therefore, performance may also vary.
Natural and Synthetic Frothers
The “first generation” or original frothers were natural products, - Pine Oil, Cresylic Acid, and
Eucalyptus oil being the most common.
These are rich in surface active ingredients that stabilize froth bubbles and are effective as frothers.
However, being natural products, these chemicals are not quite pure as they contain a broad range
of chemicals in addition to the surface-active ingredients, Terpineol – C 10H17OH in Pine Oil, and
CH3C6H4OH in Cresylic Acid.
A large variety of synthetic frothers are now in use whose chemistry is based on high molecular
weight. The composition of these frothers is much more stable making it easier to control flotation
Most common of these synthetic frothers is Methyl Iso Butyl Carbinol (MIBC). Another two important
ranges of effective synthetic frothers are Polyglycol Ethers and Polyglycols.
Often, these frothers are blended.
The table below gives a general guide on properties and use of Alcohol, Polyglycol ether and
Polyglycol frothers.
Comparison of Alcohol, Plyglycol Ether and Polyglycol Frothers
1. Ideal Froth. This is the desired froth structure which is intended to serve as reference for other
classes. It is specific to a particular plant and is dependent on; ore mineralogy, feed grade, tonnage,
slimes content, combination of flotation chemicals used, type of flotation equipment, circuit
configuration, water quality, etc.
Ideal froth often represents a balance between runny froth and sticky viscous froth.
2. Runny Froth. Degree of loading is poor and patchy. Froth appears watery and flows fast. Bubble size
is smaller than in ideal and froth is relatively unstable.
3. Sticky Viscous Froth. Characterized by excessive loading, low mobility, large and persistent froth.
Froth Types in Relation to Froth Characteristics – Moolman et al. 1996
Froth Average
Type Bubble
Size Mobility Stability Overall Texture Average Colour
Ideal Medium Medium Medium Polyhedral, closely packed bubbles with “clear little window” Indicates high
on top that indicates balance between water and mineral mineralization
Runny Small High Low Watery, spherical, loosely packed bubbles with little Little mineral
Sticky Large Low High Viscous, ellipsoidal, closely packed bubbles with high froth Froth load too high,
load. may cause a light
colour because of
Factors Affecting Froth Characteristics
The characteristics of froth is affected by a number of process variables so that the properties of
froth is the net result of processes taking place in the pulp. Some of the prominent parameters
affecting froth characteristics are:
Bubble size and shape
Air flow rate
Volume of froth, its viscosity and mobility
Solids concentration
Particle size of solids
Chemistry of pulp
Most of the good and high grade ores have been depleted and yet the demand for metals keeps increasing. As a
result, the mining industry has turned to low grade ores. The valuable minerals in these ores are often small grained
and are finely disseminated into the gangue matrix.
Finer grind is therefore, imperative to achieve good liberation of valuable minerals from gangue.
However, the efficiency of flotation is known to reduce with finer particle size as demonstrated by the Recovery-
Particle Size curve.
Not only does recovery decline, concentrate grade or selectivity is also negatively affected.
Sutherland (1948), found that the Pc and Pa for fine particles could be improved by using small bubbles.
He proposed that the overall probability of a particle floating (Pf) can be represented by;
Pf = PcPa(1-Pd)
Each of the components was studied by using mineral particles and air bubbles of different sizes. This work concluded
by presenting a numerical relationship, thus:
Pc α (Dp/Db)2
Dp = Diameter of solid particle
Db = Diameter of bubble
It can be seen that Pc will reduce if Dp decreases (i.e. grind becomes finer) and that Pc will increase if Db is reduced.
Particle Diameter, Flotation Recovery, and Liberation
a) “Elephant” Curves b) Particle Size Vs Liberation and Flotation Recovery
Effects of Solids Concentration
High or low solids concentration has a direct bearing on stability and appearance of the froth
Important Note
It is not correct to compare froth structure from different stages in a flotation circuit, e.g. Rougher and Cleaner. Rougher
concentrate will contain more gangue minerals which will influence structure and appearance of froth.
High Mineral Loading will result in; Large bubbles, no little windows on top of bubbles, too stable
and viscous froth. Possible causes: Low depressant dosage; High mineral content in feed.
On the other hand,
Low Mineral Loading will result in; Watery froth, very small unstable bubbles, patchy loading.
Possible causes: High depressant dosage; Low mineral content in feed.
High Mineral Loading will result in; Large bubbles, no little windows on top of bubbles, too stable
and viscous froth. Possible causes: Low depressant dosage; High mineral content in feed.
On the other hand,
Low Mineral Loading will result in; Watery froth, very small unstable bubbles, patchy loading.
Possible causes: High depressant dosage; Low mineral content in feed.
Effect of Air Flow Rate
In a flotation circuit, air flow rate is often the first parameter to adjust in an effort to restore recovery
or grade.
Increasing air flow rate results in an increase in solids recovery to froth and consequently, higher
recovery. But this is at the expense of selectivity or grade.
Conversely, Reducing air flow rate results in reduction of solids concentration into froth and an
accompanying reduction in recovery. This however, is favourable to selectivity.
There is a relationship between air flow rate and bubble size as seen earlier; Low air flow rate gives
small average bubble size while high air flow rate gives large average bubble size.
Process Variables Vs Froth Structure – Moolman et al. 1996
Process Variable Froth Appearance
1. Frother addition: Too high Froth too stable, bubbles too small
Too low Froth less stable, large bubbles formed by coalescence
2. Depressant dosage: Too high Froth watery, runny with low degree of mineralization (froth loading too low); small bubbles
Too low Froth viscosity too high: reflected by too stable a froth with low mobility; large bubbles; gangue minerals gives
the froth lighter appearance
3. Collector addition: Too high Depresses valuable minerals
Too low Difficult to detect with eye: may be detected by image analysis
4. Activator dosage: Too high Froth becomes brittle and more mobile
Too low Difficult to detect with eye
5. Pulp level: Too high Froth too fast and watery
Too low Froth viscosity too high, reflected by stick froth of low mobility
6. Pulp density: Too high Degree of mineralisation too high (froth load too high; viscous froth of low mobility
Too low Froth watery and runny and unstable
7. Too high feed grade High loading of froth with no windows; Stable froth; mobility may be low
Too low feed grade Poor froth loading; large windows; unstable watery and runny froth
8. Too coarse feed size distribution Froth too brittle; small bubble size
Froth Stability
Main aspects used to characterize strength of frother:
1) Foamability
2) Foam Stability (or Collapse Time)
3) Surface activity
This refers to the volume of foam formed by a frother. It is to be expected that a stronger frother will create larger
volume of froth compared to a weaker frother and also that higher dosage of same frother will yield larger volume
of foam.
Frother that lowers surface tension between air-water interface more also produces more stable froth. For
example, experimental work by Gupta, A.K. et al. (2007) ranked DF1012 (strongest) > Alpha Terpineol >
MIBC (weakest) in terms of reducing surface tension.
Bubble Coalescence
As air bubbles oscillate due to turbulent conditions, they collide and merge. The merging of small bubbles
into larger bubbles is called Coalescence and is influenced by thinning of the water film around the bubbles.
An important function of a good frother is that it must allow “thinning” of the water film around bubbles to
increase probability Pa after collision.
The water and entrained hydrophilic minerals removed by thinning of water film must be drained back into
the froth zone below.
However, although thin membrane bubbles (dry froth) enhance selectivity, they also promote bubble
coalescence. Coalescence results in drop back of minerals into the froth below and possibly into pulp-froth
zone. On the other hand, whereas thick membrane bubbles (wet froth) are not selective, they resist
It is therefore, necessary to strike a balance between dry and wet froth structure.
Above a certain frother concentration, the degree of bubble coalescence begins to decrease and at a critical
concentration, the bubbles stop to coalesce and there is no increase in bubble size.
This critical frother concentration is called Critical Coalescence Concentration (CCC).
Recovery and Selectivity in Froth Phase
It is important to consider froth as a 3-Phase zone and to conceptualise sub-processes taking place
which involve detachment and re-attachment of particles, ultimately contributing to overall selectivity
and recovery.
(i) 3-Phase System:
Froth zone Pulp-Froth zone Pulp zone
These 3 zones interact so that overall selectivity and recovery is the net effect of the sub-processes
and their interaction.
(ii) Sub-Processes Between Zones:
a) Bubble Coalescence. There is a reduction in total available surface area in the upper regions as bubbles
b) Particle Detachment. Particles detach from bubble surfaces when sufficient force is exerted to separate the
particle from the aggregate.
c) Particle Drainage. Some particles drain into lower froth and others further down into pulp. Particle drainage is
selective with respect to particle hydrophobicity, size, and density.
d) Particle Re-attachment. Particles detached in b) above have a chance to re-attach to bubbles in the lower froth
zone by displacing less hydrophobic minerals or covering unloaded froth surface area.
Events in 3-Phase Zones
Froth Phase Larger particles require more energy to detach from bubbles due to higher contact area.
Hydrophilic particles detach preferentially to hydrophobic particles.
Larger & more dense particles drain faster than finer less dense particles.
Pulp-Froth Interface
More hydrophobic particles have a higher probability of re-attachment.
Pulp Phase
(Collection Zone)
Fresh Feed
Pulp-Froth zone is responsible for a large degree of upgrading and also for significant proportion of recovery loss across froth phase as a whole.
A mass balance is carried out which incorporates “recycling” i.e. detachment and re-attachment of solid particles .
Factors Affecting Froth Stability
Reagent types and concentrations
Viscosity of medium
Bubble size
Properties of particles (Size, Hydrophobicity, Shape)
Flotation reagents which increase strength of attachment between solid-air bubble, e.g. collector, also
increase froth stability. On the other hand, reagents which reduce strength of attachment between
solid-air bubble, e.g. depressant also reduce froth stability.
There is a relationship between frothing ability and surface activity of the solutes (polar part). Solutes
which lower surface tension more strongly tend to produce more persistent froth. For example,
Polyglycol ether with more OH- sites is more surface active and therefore, stronger than MIBC which
has one OH- site.
Viscosity (Plasticity)
Viscous medium has higher resistance to drainage of water films from between bubbles. Therefore,
the rate of coalescence in viscous media is lower with consequent loss of selectivity in froth zone but
higher recovery.
Bubble size
Optimum bubble size must be established for each application. Experienced operators will have tacit
knowledge about optimum bubble size. Optimum bubble size should result in high probabilities of
solid-air bubble collision Pc and attachment Pa.
Too large bubble diameter results in overly stable froth which is Viscous, closely packed with high
froth load while too small bubbles results in unstable froth which is watery, with loosely packed
bubbles that have little mineral content.
Properties of particles
Particle Size: Generally, coarse particle size distribution produces brittle froth and the bubbles are small. On the other
hand, fine particle size distribution produces more stable froth (which in extreme cases may be sticky) and the bubbles are
large. However, according to Hadler et al (2010), the effect of particle size cannot be linked to froth stability without
considering air flow rate as even small produce significant changes to froth stability.
Particle Hydrophobicity: Hydrophobic particles form very stable froth of low mobility. Bubble diameter is also large.
Hydrophilic particles will produce froth of opposite characteristics; i.e. unstable, runny, and small bubble diameter.
Particle Shape: Particle shape affects the area of solid particle in contact with the air bubble so that for particles of same
hydrophobicity, the more spherical particles will have less area of contact and therefore, produce less stable froth.
Machine Vision: Process Control by Froth Image Analysis
Process Control by Froth Image Analysis
According to Aldrich et al (2010), development of process control based on froth image analysis can be
divided into four stages;
Froth characterization
Inferential estimation of operational variables
Process monitoring
Automated control
1. Froth Classification
Involves identification of froth structure, characteristic of specific process conditions in the plant. The
identified features are used as predictor variables to categorise froth classes.
Froth identification can be used to determine how the flotation plant is being operated and the controls
required to restore froth structure to ideal.
For example, froth colour, bubble size, bubble shape can be used to estimate mineral content in froth.
2. Inferential Estimation of Operational Variables
A critical question to answer is which variables are critical and how do they affect flotation
performance? It has been found that the bubble size and velocity are critical and as a minimum, must
be included in modelling.
Additionally, air recovery to concentrate (indicator of stability) is important.
Models of flotation kinetics in froth have been developed based on froth hydrodynamics and
empirical data.
Woodburn et al (1994) combined conceptual froth structure with flotation kinetics. They based flotation
kinetics on the flux of bubble surface area overflowing from the cell;
ɸ = αQaSb
Where; ɸ = Flux of bubble surface area
α = Air recovery
Qa = Volumetric air flow rate into cell
Sb = Specific bubble area
The above equation can be re-written as;
ɸ = αQaSb = (εvfhw)Sb
α = εvfhw/Qa
Where; ε = Volume fraction of air
vf = Froth velocity
h = Froth height
w = Weir height
vf and h can be determined by image analysis.
Greater values of α, air recovery, result in improved flotation performance. Varying air flow rate to individual cells in a bank to
3. Process Control Charts
In addition to identification of specific classes of froth as an indicator of process conditions, plant
operators can also be assisted by use of process charts.
Optimum froth features are imaged and stored on-line as charts. Dynamic plant variables are
controlled to achieve froth structure that conforms as closely as possible to the optimum charts stored
4. Classical Control
Advances in computing power and technology have resulted in tremendous progress in the area of
process control including digitized understanding of froth structure.
However, flotation processes are influenced by many variables which also interact amongst
themselves making the overall system very complex. This even more so when dealing with the study
of froth structure which is a relatively new field.
In some studies, the control systems become very slow because of numerous variables that must be
processed. It becomes necessary to devise a control configuration which guarantees satisfactory
operation while enabling process optimization.
Furthermore, cases arise where it is difficult even not possible, to find the best reference values for
some output variables.
In such cases, the reference values are replaced with Upper and Lower Alarm limits so that the
purpose of control is to maintain the output between these two limits by use of “IF-THEN” algorithms.
Commercial Machine Vision Systems
Monitoring and control of froth flotation using froth vision is developing and there are already commercial
systems installed in operating plants. Examples; FrothMaster, JKFrothCam, SmartFroth, VisioFroth,
A video camera is installed above a flotation cell and it captures and stores dynamically the nature of froth
together with selected variables.
For instance, the camera will measure froth velocity in each cell. Froth velocity is directly related to mass pull
(and therefore, recovery and grade). The control system is then used to adjust froth depth, to optimise froth
velocity and mass pull.
Dynamic control algorithms include mass pull, air flow rate, froth depth, reagent additions, etc. These are
adapted to local froth structure and characteristics depending on level of importance or impact on
metallurgical performance.
In most plants where machine vision is applied, the installations are integrated with other plant process control
Commercial Machine Vision
1. Wills, B.A., and Napier-Munn, T.J., (2006), Mineral Process Technology: An Introduction to the Practical
Aspects of Ore Treatment and Mineral Recovery, 7th Edition, Publisher: Elsevier Science and Technology
Books, ISBN: 0750644508.
2. Mining Chemicals Handbook (2002), Revised Edition, Cytec Industries Inc.
3. Bulatovic, S.M., (2007), Handbook of Flotation Reagents – Chemistry, Theory and Practice: Flotation of
Sulphide Ores, Volume 1, Elsevier Science and Technology Books.
4. Aldrich, C., (2010), Int. J. Miner. Process, 96(2010), p1-13.
5. Gupta, A.K., (2007), Effect of Alcohol and Polyglycol Ether Frothers on Form Stability, Bubble Size and
Coal Flotation, Int. J. Miner. Process, 82(2007), p126-137.
6. Moolman, D.W., (1996), The Significance of Flotation Froth Appearance for Machine Vision Control, Int.
J. Miner. Process., 48(1996), p135-158.
7. SGS Mineral Services Brochure – T3 SGS 236, METCAM – FC V5.