Media in Digital Age
Media in Digital Age
Media in Digital Age
Media refers to the means or channels
used for communication, including
television, radio, newspapers,
magazines, social media, and the
Media and internet. It includes various forms of
information dissemination to a wide
Digital Age audience.
Digital age
The Digital Age, also known as the
Information Age, is the period
characterized by the widespread
adoption of digital technology,
particularly computers and the internet. It
has revolutionized the way information is
created, shared, and consumed.
Significance of Media in Our Daily Lives
Text-based - refers to any form of content that primarily relies on written words to convey
information, entertain, or communicate. This can include a wide range of formats and
Visual - Visual digital media refers to any form of content that primarily relies on images,
graphics, videos, animations, or other visual elements to convey information, entertain, or
Audio - Audio digital media refers to content that primarily relies on sound, including
spoken words, music, and other auditory elements, to convey information, entertain, or
Interactive - Interactive digital media refers to content that allows users to actively engage
with and manipulate the media through various forms of interaction.
Media in Digital Journalism
Streaming Influencer
Services Culture
Social Media
Impact on
Traditional to Online Famous Streaming Changing Viewer
Growing Market: Entertainment
Streaming: Platforms: Habits:
• Shift from • Netflix: Pioneer in • Subscription-based • Binge-watching • Disruption of
scheduled TV the streaming model dominates, culture emerges, traditional
programming to industry, offering a challenging cable influencing content distribution
on-demand vast library of and satellite TV. release strategies. channels.
content. content. • Personalized • New opportunities
• Viewers prefer • Hulu: Combines recommendations for content
flexibility and on-demand enhance user creators and
access across streaming with live experience. diverse storytelling.
devices. TV options.
• Disney+: Focuses
on Disney, Pixar,
Marvel, Star Wars,
and National
Influencer Culture