by a geneticist.
By examining chromosomal structures and enzyme
pregnant woman.
Now a days, sure, simple safe, immunological test for
to open.
Some pinkish discharge and feel a bit of abdominal
Cervical Effacement and Dilatation
Second stage
Birthing Process (30 to 180 minutes)
the cervix.
This initiates a neuroendocrine reflex, the Fergusson
reflex, an example of a positive feedback mechanism
which occurs when stretch receptors in the cervix are
Sensory nerve endings in the cervix are stimulated
- Vaginal discharge
- Urination
- Breasts
Remote Puerperium
Period of time required for involution of genital organs
throughout the rest weeks of post partum.
Involution of uterus:
Return to pelvis by about 2weeks
Comes to normal size by 6 weeks
Weight changes
During 1 to 2 hrs pf postpartum ,uterine contractions may
25 9-12
26 10-13
28 12-15
30 14-17
2. Barrier to the entry of sperms:
(i) Use of condom (nirodh) over penis.
(ii) Use of diaphragm at the cervix of the uterus.
3. Sprmicidal agents:
(i) cream, pastes, jellies, foam tablets. These are to be
used before coitus and are applied in vagina.
(ii) Douching: use of mild irritating fluid like lactic
acid, common salt, lemon juice, soap to wash the
vagina after coitus.
4. Intra Uterine Devices (IUD)
If any forgein body is placed within the uterus, the
implantation of fertilized ovum becomes difficult.
This principle is used for the use of IUD e.g. loops,
copper T.
5.Surgical methods:
(i) Vasectomy in male
(ii) Tubectomy in female
(iii) Laparoscopy in female (passing of bright beam of light in the
fallopian tube)
6. Oral Contraceptives:
More adopted by female than male.
Oral contraceptives are hormonal pills.
They contain estrogen and progesterone and inhibit the
ovulation by feed back mechanism.
They may also prevent motility of sperms and make the vaginal
fluid viscid and thick.
Types of pills
Combined pills: contain both oestrogen and
Sequential pills: 10 pills which are to be taken for first