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Filipino values are, for the most part ,centered at the maintaining
social harmony ,motivated primarily by the desire to be accepted
within a group. The main sanction against diverging from these
values are the concepts of Tagalog: hiya ,roughly translated as a
sense of shame and self esteem. Filipino values inform and
influence how we work and live. Discover who really are and
explore opportunities to live. If you want Filipinos to become
effective ,there is no need to supplant Filipino values with
western values.
What is an example of Filipino value system?


People get strength and stability from their family. As such ,many children have several god parents.
Concern for the extended family is seen in the patronage provided to family members when they seek
employment. It is common for members of the same family to work for the same company.

What are the ten Filipino values system?

The ten most depicted traits were the following:

3.close family ties
5.ningas cogon
6.respect for elders
Filipino an individual with unique moral obligation to treat one another resulting to community ties. These
values make Filipinos friendly , hospitable , polite , and loyal. In brief , the Filipino core values influence
how they behave in any situation.
LANDA JOCANO identified two models or the traditional model. The first is exogenous model or the foreign
model , while the second is described to be a “legal and formal “ model.


The Solow-Swan model or exogeneous growth model is an economic model of long –run economic growth .
Exogeneous compounds comes from within a of thing. Endogenous , therefore ,means within a system. So, an
endogenous variable that is affected by the other variables in the model. Exo-means outside, exogeneous
means something outside the system.

Example of Exogeneous

In the LM model of interest rate determination , the supply of and determine the interest rate contingent on
the level of money supply , so the money supply is an exogenous variable and the interest rate is an


Cultural values are shared assumption of what is right , good or important in a certain society. Filipino values
system is defined by the way of the live their life as an influence of ones culture.
It is the set of values or the values or the value system that a majority of Filipinos have historically held
important in their lives consisting their own unique assemblage of consistent ideologist , moral
code ,ethical principles, etiquette and cultural and personal values that are promoted by their society.


The Filipino recognize their family as an important social structure that one must take care of. They give
importance to the safety and unity of ones family. It is also common to find the whole clan living in the
same area and have extended family structure.


Filipinos are taught to become respectful individuals. This is mainly due to the influence of Christianity
that tell us to honor both our parents and our elders. The use of PO and OPO in conversation and mano.


Denotes a good relationship among the people in the family or within the group or community and
connotes helping one another in time of need. Filipino engage themselves in mutual cooperation.


It is a technique of reciprocity of debt of gratitude to others within the family circle or primary group
Sometimes unlimited in nature , emotional rather than financial or rational.


Filipinos are religious. They believe so much in supernatural powers and taught them to trust prayers rather
than hard work in the realization of their dreams. Success is considered a blessing from above.


In Filipino family each of the members have the adherence or the willingness to help the other member
who is in need more than they do , emotional or financial needs. They have this care to their family
member and this is the way they show their love to each other.


The Filipino value system or Filipino values refers to the set of values or the values system that a majority
of the Filipino have historically held important in their lives. This Philippine value system includes their own
unique assemblage of consistent ideologies , moral codes , ethical practice , etiquette , and cultural and
personal values that are promoted by their society. As with any society though the values that an individual
holds sacred can differ on the basis of religion , upbringing , and other factors.
As a general description, the distinct value system of Filipino is rooted primarily in personal alliance system
, especially those in kinship ,obligation , friendship , religion particularly Christianity.

Based on the studies , surveys , opinions , anecdotes , and other literatures made by expert and researches in
a relation to “ Filipino social values” or “ Filipino core values “ along with the Filipino character or Filipino
identity of a person or an individual known as the Filipino , the Filipino value system are found to possess
inherent key elements. One can note how hiya ( propriety dignity ) , companionship , esteem , are merely “
surface values”-readily seen and observed values exhibited and esteemed by many Filipinos. This 3 values are
considered branches from single origin- the actual core values of the Filipino personality known as “
togetherness”. It refers to community , or not doings things alone.

Togetherness has 2 categories , other people and not other people .The surface values spin off from the core
value through the “ pivotal aspect” or shared inner perception ( feeling for another).Other notable elements
or motivations are optimism about the future , pessimism with regards to present situations and events , the
concern and care for other people , the existence of being hospitable , religious nature , respectfulness to self
and others , respect for the female members of society , the fear of GOD and abhorrence of acts cheating and


Filipino values embody the Filipino culture and reveal its underlying Philosophy. Coherence in a value system is
a presumed healthy sign , both at the individual and social level. In this essay , we empty an expository and
reflective analysis of Filipino values. It is the task of philosophy to review values as a part of critically
examining the most fundamental assumptions that underline our lives.
To improve and develop society , philosophers must be able to promote mindfulness of both positive and
negative value implications. By offering holistic and alternative views of Filipino values , philosophers can
positively influence the maturation of the Filipino culture and philosophy.
The Filipino family , being the most primal and most stable institutions in the Philippine Society , must be
included in projects promoting a more coherent value system.

This review of values attempts to improve on the existing Filipino value system, towards promoting applied
philosophizing. Philosophy , as it engenders passionate attitude towards pursuing the truth and defining what
is good for everyone , is a key discipline for this purpose. We give attention to the family given its primal role
in developing values of individuals . Rather than blame the family for the ills in community and society. We see
family and society in give-and-take dynamics. ARELLANO CARANDANG a Filipino psychologist affirmed our view
on the family when she observed that while the family intimately reflects the stresses and strains of social life
,it also a source of strategies for resolving the social tension.


Values are principles, moral , standards , and ideals that we consider dear and precious in our life. What is
valued stands for something important , to be treasured. Our value system is shaped by our culture or way of
life , as peoples values collectively shape the culture , if not immediately in the future . From the human
science perspective , as EMERITA QUITO cited in her essay values as a factor in social actions , the best
scientific information we have for now is the theory on the primary and secondary values (1990). The primary
values , are the first ones formed in the child , from the moment of inceptions of consciousness until the age
of 12. These values , since they were fostered when the child’s language and reasoning facilities were not yet
fully developed , lie in the person’s unconscious.
They underlie the person’s decision making in an automatic manner. They define one’s sense of values: what
is right or wrong , what is beautiful or unappealing , what is worthwhile and not. Oftentimes , the person
would not be able to explain one’s choices and simply take it as a subjective or personal judgement . Unless
intervened upon, primary values do not change in one’s lifetime. In contrast , secondary values are formed as
the person gets more mature and interacts with society. Secondary values are borne out of deliberate
choices. The set of values , through time , get higher or lower in hierarchy as the person gathers experiences
and wisdom. Eventually ,they become part of one’s scale of values. Secondary values can change as the
person gathers objective proof for or against one’s current scale of values.
In a lifetime , to attempt to change a value system will have to consider three things. If you may, of ones
current set of values and culture. Second , it requires deliberate and conscious efforts to change toward a
move coherent value system. Third , as a subjective values are formed , molded and shattered in the family ,
families must be recognized as the primary player , with community-wide collaboration as a quicker and
effective route of values , and eventually cultural development.


Many Filipino values are universal human values that look on a distinctively Filipino flavor , meaning or
application , best expressed in a native language. In a general , all peoples eat , talk and sing , but Filipino
feast on Filipino delicacies , spoke various language , and sing in most gatherings. The Greek ideal of
moderation , the Confucian and Buddhist “ doctrine of the Middle “ or “balance” has a Filipino equivalent in
such an expression as “ HINDI LABIS , HINDI KULANG , KATAMTAMAN LAMANG” (TIMBREZA , 1982).
Diversity is given in the Philippine culture , owing to more than 100 INDIGENEOUS GROUPS , the archipelago
setting , and the varied cultural influences in its history. Nonetheless , three remains distinctly Filipino values
that form part of the Filipino identity ( MERCADO 1974).
More comprehensive reviews and probing on the Filipino values have already been completed by (MERCADO
1974) and other philosophy professors such as TIMBREZA (1982) and GOROSPE (1988). This paper builds on the
foundation already set by such previous scholarly works by now focusing on the identified kinks in the culture.
It has long been reported by GOROSPE (1988) that Filipino values tend to ambivalent , in the sense they have
the potential to work for good or evil. Ambivalent runs counter to coherence in the culture. Indeed ,there are
some deeply positive values in other cultures , which when translated in the Filipino context were found
negative. They somehow get stretched or twisted. The simple value of tolerance , was found “primarily”
associated with PAGPAPALAMPAS ( letting thing pass) and PAGTITIIS (endurance) in a language survey

Educators , such as FE HIDALGO AND JULIAN ABUSU acknowledged that while tolerance “can be used to
promote-mindedness and acceptance of differences , “the colloquial meaning is negative”. In Romero’s
elaboration , “someone destroy another person , you tolerate it”. Just tolerate it is valuing what is not pro-
person, something that not be. The Filipino value for family is something shared among the Oriental Cultures.
High value given to the family has also been attributed to the failure of government , as observed in her
clinical psychology practice , CARANDANG says , “in a country where systems do not work well , people turn to
their families”.
Many Filipino mainly depend on “GOD , MY FAMILY , AND MYSELF” she added . Ambivalence comes in many
forms. For protective reasons , like saving face , crimes in the family or by family members do not get
reported or acknowledged , even for generations. This creates a dual ethical policy. It is also common among
Filipino to leave their families to earn a living in the city or in other countries for their family’s sake. When
faced with inhuman work condition and loneliness , or the prolonged dependence of certain family
members ,they usually end saying , “OKAY LANG , PARA SA PAMILYA” conveying resignation.
Sadly, long- term recipients stay dependent unless the support stops. Owing perhaps to separations or plain un-
mindfulness , some families fail to take into consideration the needs of the provider. The family fails to
develop into a mutually caring unit. The value for GOD or a supernatural being is well- rooted one. The
Filipinos fully trust in GOD , regardless of religion , as expressed in the BAHALA NA ATTITUDE. It is an
expression of full trust to fate that everything will turn out for the best. Etymologically , BAHALA NA comes
from complete trust in divine power. It is uttered when one faces a challenge , like before performing ,
competing , or taking a difficult test. In a healthy situation , the person did all necessary steps to prepare for
occasion but still lacks of confidence. It is a wish that divine will do the rest , or will make possible something
the human faculty cannot achieve. It is uttered by farmers , when before harvest , an unexpected bad weather
comes . In this context , it is uttered with “MAY AWA ANG DIYOS” or GOD is merciful. But it also connotes
fatalism. Typically , a student who failed to review for an examination because of negligence would also
uttered “BAHALA NA”. Together with the prayer is a wishful thought that maybe he would pull it off in the next

UTANG NA LOOB means reciprocity , indebtedness , gratefulness , or honoring gratitude . It permeates and
influence all facets of the Filipino life –in business , education , politics , morality and religion. A grateful
client will not stop at simply paying his or her dues , or expressing appreciation for help received. One is
compelled to do something extra , like give a gift to the doctor , the teacher , the government staff , or a kind
of neighbor. Unable to pay , one will insist to give a gift on the next visit. The sense of gratitude is especially
intense among the poor who offer to pay back in anyway . This is where opportunist thrive. Exploitation of
UTANG NA LOOB has been linked to almost all evils in the Philippine Society. In the perpetuation of smuggling
syndicates , and persistent corruption in politics and government . Any sense of indebtedness , could be
exploited by a politician or a businessman to exact undue payback , usually in unspoken services. It can be so
compulsive , making one turn a blind eye to ethics.

Ambivalent values are likely just an extension of the ambivalence in human nature. They cannot be taken
out by taking out the values. For a culture to be tenable and strong , there ought to be check and balance.
Other values could limit the excessive , unbounded , or compulsive observation of certain values. MIRANDA
(1990) and other Filipino scholars have proposed the following values or traits in the Filipino that need to be
cultivated for this purpose.

MIRANDA (1990) suggest honing MAKATWIRANG –LOOB (internal uprightness).The use of KATWIRAN could help
Filipinos , who tend to be subjective , use objective moral standards to ensure rationally. It could
supplement KABUTIHANG-LOOB OR KAGANDAHANG-LOOB( internal goodness) , a traditional belief that relies
on internal compass presupposing goodness of the human being . In relating with family and others , several
traditional values could guide in establishing personal boundaries: MAPAGKILATIS (observant) or MAPAGMASID
(aware) ought to bring back objectivity in dealings and relationship , MARANGAL NA PAMUMUHAY (dignified
living) or PAGIGING TOTOO (truthfulness) could mitigate undue advances and abuses from others , and
PAKIKIPAGKAPWA TAO (relating among fellow humans) presumes the self is important as the family and other.

Simultaneously valuing the family , GOD , SELF and others , if founded on KAGANDAHANG LOOB , guided by
MAKATWIRANG LOOB and the other suggested norms in relating is expected to result to a coherent and more
humane Filipino culture , when everyone shares and no one is sacrificed. In this context , the other
traditional Filipino values for PAGMAMALASAKIT (empathizing) , PAKIKIRAMAY (sympathizing)
PAGTUTULUNGAN (helping one other) and BAYANIHAN (mutual assistance) are expected to be REKINDED.
These are all considered tenable with PAGSASAMA-SAMA (inclusiveness , togetherness ) especially considering
the different INDIGENOUS GROUPINGS in Philippine Society.

As we live , we philosophize. Much remains to be done in addressing ambivalent values towards promoting a
more coherent value system. To live out and apply philosophical insights require sustained system. To live out
and apply philosophical insights require sustained and deliberate reflective exercise across levels: self ,
family , community , and society . All parents and educators need to be oriented towards philosophizing.
Basic education must only prepare the young to survive , but also to build a family. Philosophers need to
philosophical societies , Filipino Philosophers should seriously consider influencing parent organizations ,
school curricula or academic programs , or the social media. Discussing ambivalent values is an interesting
starting point.

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