How can we relate r or q to x and y?
x (x, y) r 2 x2 y2 r x2 y2
Pythagorean Theorem
y r y
q sin y r sin Converts from
x r Cartesian to
(0, 0) x
x polar
cos x r cos coordinates.
r is standard notation for a r
length that can contain x, y
and z coordinates. y
tan You must know how to use these
x trigonometric functions!!
Remember that positive
angles are measured
counterclockwise from 0o These definitions are based on the angle shown in the
(usually from the positive x- diagram. If you use a different angle you may have to
axis). modify these expressions.
Vector Properties
A B - Only when both magnitude and direction are exactly the same!
A B - These must be added vectorally!
A B B A - Cumulative law of addition.
A B C A B C - Associative law of addition.
A - Negative of a vector. Same magnitude but opposite direction.
A B A B - Subtraction of a vector. Same rules as for addition.
mA - Multiply a vector by a scalar.
- Positive scalar changes magnitude.
- Negative scalar changes magnitude and direction.
Vector Components
Vectors can be broken up into components. Components are used to describe part of the
vector along each of the coordinate directions for your chosen coordinate system.
- The number of components is determined by the number of dimensions.
A 2D vector in the x-y plane has 2 components
- 1 in the x direction and 1 in the y direction.
A 3D vector in spherical coordinates has 3 components
- 1 in the r direction, 1 in the q direction and 1 in the f direction.
- All vector components are defined to be orthogonal (perpendicular) to each other.
- Vector components are also vector quantities.
Vectors can be moved as long as Ay
A Ax Ay their length and orientation do sin Ay A sin
y not change!
2 2 2 Ax
A Ax Ay cos Ax A cos
Ay A Ay
When you square a vector, the These are only
q result is a square of the Ay valid for the
x magnitude. Directional tan specified angle.
Ax Ax
information is removed.
Vector notation using unit vectors
A unit vector is a dimensionless vector with a magnitude of 1 that is used to describe
You can determine magnitude and direction for 3D vectors in a similar fashion to what was
done for 2D.
cos x qx, qy and qz are the angles
2 R
R Rx R y Rz
2 2 2 measured between the
cos y vector and the specified
R coordinate direction.
The magnitude can be found using
the Pythagorean Theorem. Rz
cos z