Presented by:
Kaniz Fatema
Department of Urban and Regional Planning
Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET)
Legal aspects of planning and its importance. Enabling legislation process.
The Development Plan (structure and local) process and need for legislation.
The meaning of development control including planning permission, development orders, purchase
New town development laws. Land acquisition and compensation rules and regulations,
Compensation and betterment problems with reference to Bangladesh. Urban renewal practice.
Planning laws in Bangladesh: Pourashava Ordinance, Town Improvement Act, East Bengal Building
Construction Act- Building Construction Rules, Building Regulations of RAJUK, BNBC, Private
residential land development rules- Real Estate Development and Management Act, 2010, Private
Housing Project Land Development Rule, 2004, Mega city, Divisional Town and District Town’s
municipal areas including country’s all the municipal areas’ playground, open space, park and natural
living environment.
Executive body
Act Rules
Major Act
The laws which are not executed by any public authority and the
authority is not established according to the guideline of any statute.
Cover all basic rights of human.
Nature & control of human behavior, control on life style, process of
business and employment, contract and treaties etc. are the components
of Major Acts.
According to the subjective nature of the regulations the contemporary
laws of the country is classified as the Muslim law, Hindu law, Criminal
law, Civil law, International law, Contact and Tort, Constitutional law,
Industrial law etc. These laws are known as the Major Acts of the country
which is a macro concept.
Major Act
Absence of enforcement authority to execute them.
Court is the first and last platform to produce a better decision when
dispute arises.
For efficient execution of Major Acts a group of Minor Acts performs role
as supporting tools.
People follow the Major Acts according to their necessities.
Question of amendment is not necessary for those laws.
Minor Act
The laws which have been established and promulgated by the
Government through his own power or parliament to control any
particular problem such as Act, Ordinance, Rule, Order, Notification
Presence of particular authority (for enforcement) for every Minor Act.
Establishment of Acts follow a systematic way and finalized by the
Origin of the Acts follows the necessity and demand of society.
Always originates on a particular issue of the society.
Minor Act
It may be amended several times according to the views of society.
A budgetary allocation is necessary for the enforcement authority to
execute Minor Acts.
Government directly supervises the authorities.
In case of dispute arises the enforcement authority preserves the
sole right to solve that.
Again both the parties can frame a court case against the disputes.
Difference between Major
Acts and Minor Acts ?
Formation of Minor Acts
Political Commitment makes a proposal to the Law Commission
Law Commission prepare draft including reasons and send it to the Law
Demand of the local people considered by the Law Ministry through local
government institution
Law Commission prepares the draft & sends it to the Law Ministry for
After approval, Law Ministry sends it to the Government Press for Gazette
Problems of Minor Act
Decision making
Planning Regulations of Bangladesh
Planning regulations of Bangladesh have been started from the colonial period. Primary aim
of those regulations were followed two basic dimensions that is tax/revenue collection and
more public involvement in the administration.
Definite period with day, month and year, promulgated by the President or parliament.
Constituted or formed on specific national problems for effective control of the
development, planning and management for the betterment of society.
Specific public authority including an authorized person enforces every statute, all of
them concealed in legal enclosure. The process is supported and approved by
Perceived specific statements and objectives identified as background understanding of
the statutes.
For any dispute the statutes have legal entity to furnish any judgment on the court
cases. At best ruling of the judges could be affixed with the prescribed regulations.
Statutes and enactments (Minor Acts) are self-dictated but not self-enforced as the
Major Acts. Sometimes enforcement authority gives explanation where necessary.
Minor Acts always be changed (through amendment) according to the necessity of
To remove the drawbacks of the regulations and enforcement problems Minor Acts may
be amended several times.
Thank You…