Barriers To Intercultural Communication
Barriers To Intercultural Communication
Barriers To Intercultural Communication
Descriptive of communication between people living in the same country as well as in different countries
Interethnic International intracultural
Total system of language, values, beliefs, customs, religions, art, and manners Also includes and is affected by the economic system of the country
Prejudice Proxemics Kinesics
Translation limitations Lack of language training
Indians look down when acknowledging authority; seen as untrustworthiness by North Americans and Europeans
Public reprimands are acceptable and even effective in the US but not in other cultures
Argentineans and other South Americans need time for trust building before doing deals; for N. Americans, time is money
Germans value experience/seniority/age and sending young managers to deal with seniors is a mistake; jokes are inappropriate in business settings
Taking pictures of local people in Africa is offensiveKoranic prohibition on representations of a person, being photographed may be equivalent to becoming a victim of witchcraft The Japanese smile is a law of etiquette
Shaking of the head for no and nodding for yes are unknown in some countries In Middle East, Latin America, and southern European countries, male friends exchange greetings with hugs and kisses
Arabs in some regions disapprove of using the left hand to take food from a serving dish; to do so is considered unclean.
People in some cultures maintain eye contact when talking while other avoid eye contact to show respect.
Write naturally but avoid abbreviations, slang, acronyms, technical jargon, sports and military analogies, and other devices.
Avoid words that trigger emotional responses such as anger, fear, or suspicion.
Use graphics, visual aids, and forms, when possible to simplify the message. Use figures for expressing numbers to avoid confusion. Be aware of differences in the way numbers and dates are written
Write out the name of the month to avoid misunderstandings. Adapt the letter format to the traditional format of the recipients country
Reference List
Guirdham, Maureen. (1999). Communicating across cultures. London: MacMillan Press Ltd. Lehman, Carol and Dufrene, Debbie. (1999). Business communication (12th ed.). Ohio: South-Western College Publishing.