a) Reduction of aldehydes :
b) Reduction of ketones :
C) Reduction of carboxylic acids
d) Reduction of esters :
3) From Grignard reagents :
a) Preparation of 1 ° alcohols :
Primary ( 1 ° ) alcohols can be obtained by treating Grignard reagents
with form aldehyde followed by hydrolysis by a dilute acid.
b) Preparation of 2° alcohols :
Primary (1 °) alcohol > Secondary (2°) alcohol > Tertiary (3°) alcohol.
Chemical Properties of
A. Reactions involving cleavage of O-H bond
4. Reaction with acid chlorides and acid
anhydride (Acylation) :
[B] Reactions Involving
Cleavage of C-OH Bond
Higher the number of alkyl groups attached to the
carbon carrying -OH group, more is the polarity of
C-O bond and easier is its cleavage ; consequently
greater is the reactivity of the alcohol. Thus, the
reactivity of alcohols follows the order:
1.Reaction with hydrogen halides :