Agri Chapter 4
Agri Chapter 4
Agri Chapter 4
Meaning of market
The word market comes from the latin word
“marcatus” which means merchandise or trade
or a place where business is conducted.
In common parlance, a market includes any
place where persons assemble for the sale or
purchase of commodities intended for satisfying
human wants.
The word market in the economic sense carries
a broad meaning.
Some of the definitions of market are given as follows:
1. A market is the sphere within which price determining
forces operate.
2. A market is the area within which the forces of demand
and supply converge to establish a single price.
3. The term market means not a particular market place
in which things are bought and sold, but the whole of
any region in which buyers and sellers are in such a free
interact with one another that the prices of the same
goods tend to equality, easily and quickly.
4. Market means a social institution which performs activities
and provides facilities for exchanging commodities
between buyers and sellers.
5. Economically interpreted, the term market refers, not to
a place but to a commodity or commodities and buyers
and sellers who are in free interact with one another.
A market exists when buyers wishing to exchange the money
for a good or service are in contact with the sellers who are
willing to exchange goods or services for money.
Thus, a market is defined in terms of the existence of
fundamental forces of supply and demand and is not necessarily
confined to a particular geographical location.
Components or Essentials of a Market
For a market to exist, certain conditions must be satisfied.
1. The existence of a good or commodity for
transactions (physical existence is, however, not
2. The existence of buyers and sellers;
3. Business relationship between buyers and sellers; and
4. Demarcation of area such as place, region, country or
the whole world.
Note: The existence of perfect competition or a uniform
price is not necessary.
Market Structure
Market structure refers to those organizational
characteristics of a market which influence the
nature of competition and pricing, and affect
the conduct of business firms;
An understanding and knowledge of the
market structure is essential for identifying the
imperfections in the performance of a market.
Components of Market Structure:
The components of the market structure, which together
determine the conduct and performance of the market, are:
1. Concentration of Market Power:
This is measured by the number and size of firms existing in
the market.
The extent of concentration represents the control of an
individual firm or a group of firms over the buying and selling
of the produce.
A high degree of market concentration restricts the movement
of goods between buyers and sellers at fair and competitive
prices, and creates an oligopoly or oligopsony situation in the
2. Degree of Product Differentiation:
Whether or not the products are homogeneous
affects the market structure.
If products are homogeneous, the price variations
in the market will not be wide. When products are
heterogeneous, firms have the tendency to
charge different prices for their products.
Everyone tries to prove that his product is
superior to the products of others.
Conditions for Entry of Firms in the Market:
Seasonality of Production:
Farm products are produced in a particular season; they cannot be
produced throughout the year.
In the harvest season, prices fall.
But the supply of manufactured products can be adjusted or made
uniform throughout the year.
Their prices therefore remain almost the same throughout the year.
3. Bulkiness of Products:
The characteristic of bulkiness of most farm products makes their
transportation and storage difficult and expensive. This fact also
restricts the location of production to somewhere near the place of
consumption or processing.
– The price spread in bulky products is higher because of the
higher costs of transportation and storage.
4. Variation in Quality of Products:
There is a large variation in the quality of agricultural products,
which makes their grading and standardization somewhat difficult.
There is no such problem in manufactured goods, for they are
products of uniform quality.
5. Irregular Supply of Agricultural Products:
• The supply of agricultural products is uncertain and irregular
because of the dependence of agricultural production on
natural conditions.
– With the varying supply, the demand remaining almost constant,
the prices of agricultural products fluctuate substantially.
6. Small Size of Holdings and Scattered Production:
• Farm products are produced throughout the length and
breadth of the country and most of the producers are of small
• This makes the estimation of supply difficult and creates
problems in marketing
7. Processing:
Most of the farm products have to be processed
before their consumption by the ultimate consumers.
This processing function increases the price spread of
agricultural commodities.
Processing firms enjoy the advantage of monopsony,
oligopsony or duopsony in the market.
This situation creates disincentives for the producers
and may have an adverse effect on production in the
next year.
Marketing is productive, and is as necessary as the farm production.
Marketing adds cost to the product; but, at the same time, it adds
utilities to the product.
The following four types of utilities of the product are created by
(a) Form Utility:
• The processing function adds form utility to the product by changing
the raw material into a finished form.
– With this change, the product becomes more useful than it is
• in the form in which it is produced by the farmer.
– For example, through processing, oilseeds are converted into oil, sugarcane
into sugar, cotton into cloth and wheat into flour and bread.
• The processed forms are more useful than the original r1a8w materials.
(b)Place Utility:
The transportation function adds place utility to products
by shifting them to a place of need from the place of plenty.
• Products command higher prices at the place of need
than at the place of production because of the increased
utility of the product.
(c) Time Utility:
• The storage function adds time utility to the products by
making them available at the time when they are
(d) Possession Utility:
The marketing function of buying and selling helps in the transfer of
ownership from one person to another.
Products are transferred through marketing to persons having a higher
utility from persons having a low utility.
In addition to creation of utilities, marketing also contributes for economic
From the point of view of economic development, marketing provides
profit motive and the necessary
– input to increase agricultural production
– provides sufficient food for consumers,
– raw material and market for industrial producers.
For this reason, it has been described as the most important multiplier of
agricultural development.
Marketing Functions: A marketing function may be defined as a major activity
performed in accomplishing the marketing process.
There are 3 major marketing functions:
a. Exchange functions:
• i. Buying (Assembling)
• ii. Selling
b. Physical Functions:
• i. Storage & Packaging
• ii. Processing
• iii. Transportation & Distribution
c. Facilitating Functions:
– i. Standardization (grading & quality)
– ii. Risk Bearing
– iii. Market Intelligence (advertisement & promotion)
_ iv. Financing
1. The Exchange Functions
Are those activities involved in the transfer of title of raw and processed
agricultural products and services (food & fiber).
– It involves buying and selling.
– Here price determination is always considered.
• A. Buying (Assembling) function
Involves the activities associated with finding out sources of
supply, assembling products and purchases.
• Assembling involves delivering of the farm produce from several
farmers to a central location into a larger lot to enable other
functions in marketing to occur - i.e. massing quantities of farm
products & includes vegetable packing sheds, grain elevators,
livestock sale
B. Selling function
• Selling occurs in several ways in agricultural marketing and
includes selling of supplies and services to farmers, selling
of farm produce to assemblers & processors; selling of food
& fiber to consumers.
• All these involve price acceptance and merchandising
( i.e. display of goods, decisions on place and time to
approach customers, promotion of goods, providing sample,
preparing private tender or open auction).
• The selling function involves transfer of ownership or
creation of possession utility.
2. Physical Functions
These are those activities that involve handling,
movements, and physical change of the product.
• They are involved in creating utility or adding value
to the farm produce by solving the problems of
when, what and where in marketing.
A. Packaging Function
• Packaging provides a number of advantages
including protection from weather or
contamination, enhancing handling, providing
information and means of ads, etc.
B. storage
• Storage is an important marketing function, which involves holding and
preserving goods from the time they are produced until they are needed for
• Storage is an exercise of human foresight by means of which commodities
are protected from deterioration, and surplus supplies in times of plenty are
carried over to the season of scarcity.
• The storage function, therefore, adds the time utility to products.
• Agriculture is characterized by relatively large and irregular seasonal and
year to year fluctuations in production.
• The consumption of most farm products, on the other hand, is relatively
– These conflicting behaviors of demand and supply make it neces 2s6ary that large
quantities of farm produce should be held for a considerable period of time.
C. Transport & Distribution Functions
• It is making the good available at the proper place. Most of
the goods are not consumed where they are produced.
• Agricultural commodities have to be brought from the farm
to the local market and from there to primary wholesale
markets, secondary wholesale markets, retail markets and
ultimately to the consumers.
• The inputs from the factories must be taken to the
warehouses and from the warehouses to the wholesalers,
retailers and finally to the consumers (farmers).
• Transportation adds the place utility to goods..
• The main advantages of the transport function are:
• i. Widening of the Market: Transport helps in the development or widening of
markets by bridging the gap between the producers and consumers located in
different areas.
• ii. Narrowing Price Difference over Space:
• iii. Creation of Employment:
– The transport function provides employment to a large number of persons through
the construction of roads, loading and unloading, plying of the means of
transportation, etc.
• iv. Facilitation of Specialized Farming:
– Different areas of the country are suitable for different crops,
• depending on their soil and agro-climatic conditions.
– Farmers can go in for specialization in the commodity most suitable to their area,
and exchange the goods required by them from other areas at a cheaper price than
their own production cost.
D. Processing
• The processing activity involves a change in the form of the
• This function includes all of those essentially manufacturing
activities which change the basic form of the product.
• Processing converts the raw material and brings the products
nearer to human consumption.
• It is concerned with the addition of value to the product by
changing its form.
• Processing also helps to reduce the perishability of
• agricultural products and squeeze their size thereby facilitate
storage and transportation.
3. Facilitating Functions
(c)Speculative Middlemen
• Those middlemen who take title to the product with a view to making a profit on it
are called speculative middlemen.
• They are not regular buyers or sellers of produce. They specialize in risk – taking.
• They buy at low prices when arrivals are substantial and sell in the off – season
when prices are high. They do the minimum handling of goods.
• They make profit from short-run as well as long-run price fluctuations.
(d)Facilitative Middlemen
• Some middlemen do not buy and sell directly but assist in the marketing
• Marketing can take place even if they are not active. But the efficiency of
the system increases when they engage in business.
• These middlemen receive their income in the form of fees or service
charges from those who use their services
The important facilitative middlemen are:
i. Laborers: They perform such physical tasks in the marketing process as
loading and unloading, cleaning, filling and stitching the bags, etc.
ii. Graders: These middlemen sort out the product into different grades, based
on some defined characteristics, and arrange them for sale. They facilitate the
process of prices settlement between the buyer and the seller. Example; the
Ethiopian commodity exchange (ECX)
iii. Transport Agency: This agency assists in the movement of the produce
from one market to another.
iv. Communication Agency: It helps in the communication of the information
about the prices prevailing, and quantity available, in the market.
• The post and telegraph, telephone, newspapers, the radio, television,
internet and informal links are the main communication channels in
agricultural marketing.
• v. Advertising Agency: It enables prospective buyers to know the
quality of the product and decide about the purchase of commodities.
Newspapers, the radio, cinema slides, television and internet are the
main media for advertisements.
• vi. Auctioners: They help in exchange function by putting the produce for
auction and bidding by the buyers.
• Marketing channels are routes through which agricultural
products move from producers to consumers.
• The length of the channel varies from commodity to
commodity, depending on the quantity to be moved, the form
of consumer demand and degree of regional specialization in
• Marketing channels for agricultural products vary from
product to product, country to country, lot to lot and time to
• For example, the marketing channels for fruits are different
from those for food grains. Packagers play a crucial role in the
marketing of fruits.
The level of the development of a society or country determines
the final form in which consumers demand the product.
For example, consumers in developed
• countries demand more processed foods in a packed form.
Wheat has to be supplied in the form of bread.
• The distribution channel for agricultural products may take either
of the following routes:
1. Producer or manufacturer – Retailer – Consumer.
2. Producer or manufacturer – Consumer.
3. Producer or manufacturer – Wholesaler– Retailer – Consumer.
• Wholesaler is most important functionary in the chain of
distribution of goods.
• Market integration is a process in which firms expand by combining
additional marketing functions and activities under a single
Example: Setting up of milk processing plant, establishment of wholesale
facilities by retailers, etc.
• Integration influences market conduct of firms and consequently
their marketing efficiency.
• Integration renders the following advantages:
a). Assure supplies and outlets, thus reducing business risk and
marketing costs;
b). Improve the bargaining power of the seller either through handling
large volume of business or having more alternative market and
service opportunities;
c). Economies scale through making fuller use of
management and resources already available, and from
advertisement and promotion