ECP - Dissemanation Presentation - Latvia - English
ECP - Dissemanation Presentation - Latvia - English
ECP - Dissemanation Presentation - Latvia - English
Culture professionals:
3 artists – choreographer; writer; cultural specialist / director
6 curators - Head of the Latvian National Cultural Center; Latvian
National Library, librarian; Museum teacher; Lecturer at the Department
of Pedagogy of Liepaja Pedagogical Academy; Head of the Kandava
Education Department; Politician, municipal management
5 colleague - teachers, non-formal education representative, cultural
workers, parents
Students, pupils:
Kandava Karl Milenbach Secondary School; College of Business
Administration;Jurmala State Gymnasium;Latvian college of
culture;Riga Secondary School of Design and Art;College of Fire and
Civil;University of Liepaja;Latvian Academy of Arts;Kandava Technical
School;North American Montessori Centre;Riga Stradins University
The most important European values, beliefs, ideologies and
symbols in the answers of Latvian respondents:
8 Democracy
7 Freedom
5 Tolerance / Equality
4 Justice
3 Humanism / Human rights / Christianity / Rule of law / Solidarity
Capitalism / Sustainable development (Bulgaria/Latvia) / Peace /
2 Respect for cultural differences and minorities / Environment/ecology /
National sovereignty / Rights / Prosperity (through education) /
1 Security / National traditions / Equality / Fraternity / Acceptance of
people of all nationalities / Respect / Friendship / Honesty
Pacifism / Responsibility / Love / The right to protest / Conspiracy
The survey also investigated the attitudes of respondents with the
following criteria: Weak, Medium Strong, None, I don't know - towards the
Collective attempt to damage the reputation of those public figures and/or
Cancel culture companies that have disrespected a particular ideology (e.g., acting in a
racist, sexist way).
A person's sense of their own gender, regardless of their biological traits and
Gender identity
the sex assigned at birth.
The position that personal opinion, ideology, emotion and belief matter more
than the reality of the facts.
Cancel culture - A collective attempt to harm the reputation of other people
for not respecting a particular ideology (e.g. equality of races)
1 = Low 6
2 = Medium: 14
3 = Strong 3
4 = None 1
5 = Don't know 9
Gender identity - A person’s sense of his or her own gender
regardless of biology
1 = Low 5
2 = Medium: 7
3 = Strong 12
4 = None 3
5 = Don't know 6
Neo-feminism - Neo-feminists, unlike feminists, consider that men and
women are consubstantially different and do not act according to the same
moral rules. As a result, they intend to get rid of the current rights principles
that are too representative of the men class society, and for example they
think that in case of rape, a media trial is more appropriate than a judicial
1 = Low 7
2 = Medium: 5
3 = Strong 8
4 = None 5
5 = Don't know 8
Post-colonialism - Refutes the thesis that colonialism was an
extension of civilization by western countries and challenges the
institutions, power structures and social hierarchies that resulted
from colonization.
1 = Low 6
2 = Medium: 11
3 = Strong 3
4 = None 1
5 = Don't know 12
Trans-humanism -The belief in the possibility of improving the
human condition by developing and making widely available
technologies to greatly enhance human intellectual, physical, and
psychological capacities.
1 = Low 2
2 = Medium: 12
3 = Strong 18
4 = None 0
5 = Don't know 1
Wokism - Awareness of the relations of domination and of the
social injustices -induced by the social and political system in
place-and fight against them.
1 = Low 3
2 = Medium: 9
3 = Strong 13
4 = None 3
5 = Don't know 5
Post-truth - The position that personal opinion, ideology, emotion and belief matter
more than the reality of the facts.
1 = Low 6
2 = Medium: 12
3 = Strong 7
4 = None 2
5 = Don't know 6
Zemītes sākumskola Cēres pamatskola
October Our country «KNOW OR
in the GUESS!»
Month Topic The result
November EU countries, Knowledge is
their increased
through games Good material for learning the basics, which is
characteristic and interactive publicly available:
identifiers tasks
December Traditions - The Christmas
traditions of
Christmas the selected
countries were
studied and a
video (LV) was
created in
which they are
Month Topic The result
January EU countries Let's get
and the with the euro
monetary system coins and
banknotes of We used this
EU countries different game for tourism:
and tourist countries that
are used in the
attractions EU and how
you can ma_en
which country
they belong to
with the
pictures on
February Natural
natural resources are
resources, studied, their
use in both
wealth of EU economic
countries, their activity and
protection (We culture
changed it to the
March theme)
Our colleagues at the Cere school also use the plan we developed, but
also worked on their in-depth direction - European literary fairy tales and
music, as a result of which they staged the play "Cinderella" based on the
Grimm brothers' (German) fairy tale, using the music composed by Karel
Svoboda (Czech)
Mēnesis Tēma Rezultāts
Natural The resources of
the EU countries,
landscapes, which are used
natural resources, in the economic
growth of the
wealth of EU countries, have
March countries, their been identified,
and an
protection identification has
been made of
which of these
resources end
up in Latvia
At the beginning and end of the learning experiment, the students completed a
questionnaire that was identically prepared for all countries. The evaluation was the
change of knowledge in the answers comparing before and after.
• Starting a new topic - Brainstorming (what do you know, associations with the
• Visualization/demonstration;
• Individual/pair or group/frontal work/test work/independent;
• Working with text;
• Listening, watching educational videos;
• Role-plays, online games, learning games (board/movement) and songs;
• Interviews;
• Project work and its presentation;
• Study of documents;
• Exhibitions;
• Visiting museums;
• Watching plays and films;
• Reading books.
Information gathering sources and media formats used in
teaching work:
•Text books;
•Digital board;
•Classroom materials;
•Internet materials;
•Twinspace platform;
•Much information and materials for teaching was
found in the website:;
•Google document of the project, in which
colleagues have posted their learning materials and
Zemite primary school
Teaching subjects in which the project
was integrated:
Social studies and History
Design and Technology
Literature and drama
Social studies;
Latvian language;
English language.