NP Complete
NP Complete
NP Complete
CIT 596, Spring 2012
Problems that
• What if a Cross
problem has: the Line
o An exponential upper bound
o A polynomial lower bound
M classes to be scheduled, can we:
o Schedule all the classes
o Make sure that no two teachers teach the
same class at the same time
o No teacher is scheduled to teach two classes
at once
Pair Programming Problem
• With N students and K projects, where N is
even, can we:
o Assign pairs of students to each project
o Every student works on every project
o No student has the same partner more than
• Is this an NP-complete problem?
Graph isomorphism
• Graph isomorphism is NP-hard; is it NP-complete?
NP and P
• What is NP?
• NP is the set of all decision problems (question with yes-or-no
answer) for which the 'yes'-answers can be verified in polynomial
time (O(n^k) where n is the problem size, and k is a constant) by a
deterministic Turing machine. Polynomial time is sometimes used as
the definition of fast or quickly.
• What is P?
• P is the set of all decision problems which can be solved in
polynomial time by a deterministic Turing machine. Since it can
solve in polynomial time, it can also be verified in polynomial time.
Therefore P is a subset of NP.
• What is NP-Complete?
• A problem x that is in NP is also in NP-Complete if and only
if every other problem in NP can be quickly (ie. in polynomial
time) transformed into x. In other words:
• x is in NP, and
• Every problem in NP is reducible to x
• So what makes NP-Complete so interesting is that if any one
of the NP-Complete problems was to be solved quickly then
all NP problems can be solved quickly
• What is NP-Hard?
• NP-Hard are problems that are at least as hard as the hardest
problems in NP. Note that NP-Complete problems are also
NP-hard. However not all NP-hard problems are NP (or even a
decision problem), despite having 'NP' as a prefix. That is the
NP in NP-hard does not mean 'non-deterministic polynomial
time'. Yes this is confusing but its usage is entrenched and
unlikely to change.
• Returning true: in order to show that the
schedule can be made, we only have to show
one schedule that works
o This is called a certificate.