1-Elements of Music
1-Elements of Music
1-Elements of Music
In this course we will explore and learn more about the history of music through
the ages as well as discuss the characteristics of music as defined in each period.
We will also learn each music style within a historical context.
Schedule of Lessons
Introduction. Elements of Music (1)
Elements of Music (2)
Elements of Music (3)
Music of the middle ages
Music of the Renaissance
The Characteristic of Baroque Music & Composers and their Music
The Characteristic of Classical Music & Composers and their Music
Movie (Amadeus )
The Characteristic of Romantic Music & Composers and their Music
20th Century Music Styles (1900-1945) & their Music
Jazz & Rock Music
What is Music?
Music and sound are different. Most of us will not think of the
unpleasant sound of a drill as music. But simply the unpleasant
sound is noise, and the pleasant sound can not be said to be music.
Many people think that nature sounds are pleasant, such as raindrops, falling
leaves and streaming sound but does not call the music.
Before we can call something music, we need to think about
the elements that make it up. In genera, we define music as
artificially crafted sounds to be heard by others.
Elements of Music
Harmony is created when there are two or
more pitches sounded simultaneously.
Musical Elements
Definitions - Continued
Tempo is musical performance speeds. There
are a wide variety of paces for performance,
from extremely slow to extremely fast, plus
speeding up and slowing down
Tempo Marking words is flowing :
Musical Elements
Tempo Markings(Speeds)