Spillways Gates
Spillways Gates
Spillways Gates
Dundigal, Hyderabad- 500 043
Mr. R. Suresh Kumar,
Assistant Professor
• Gates are placed to control the flow of water from the crest. This gives the
• spillway a controlled spillway.
• A spillway without gate is called an uncontrolled spillway.
• 1. Flash boards, stop logs and needles
• 2. Radial gates
• 3. Drum gates
• 4. Vertical lift gates
• 5. Bear trap gates
• 6. Rolling gates
Flash boards:
• Flash boards are wooden boards or panels, placed side by side, on the crest of the
• spillways to form a continuous shutter.
• -These are simplest and oldest types of gates.
• -These are quite efficient and economical for small heights where they can be readily
• handled by the lifting arrangements.
• -The flash boards can be temporary or permanent
• Stop logs:
• Stop logs are horizontal wooden timber beams which span the space
between grooved piers
• constructed on the crest of the spillway.
• -Stoplogs are pushed down into the grooves from top, one over the other.
• -The logs may be raised by hands or with a hoist.
• -Stoplogs are generally used for small spillways
-Needles are wooden logs placed in an inclined position, with their lower ends resting in a
keyway on the spillway crest and their upper ends supported on a bridge.
-These are placed and removed by hands.
-Needles are somewhat easier to remove than stop logs, but are more difficult to place in
flowing water.
-Needles are also used for small spillways and weirs.
Radial gates
Radial gates:
A tainter gate(or radial gate) has the upstream face cylindrical. The axis of the segment of
the cylinder forming the u/s face is horizontal.
-The face is formed of a steel skin plate shaped to a segment of a hollow cylinder supported
on a steel framework.
-Radial gates have a number of advantages over the vertical gates and are quite popular. The
friction in the radial gates is concentrated at the pins and is usually much less than that in
the vertical gates.
-Because of the face of radial gates is cylinder, the water pressure acts normal to the face and
the resultant water pressure passes through its centre.
-These gates have been used up to 15m height and 20m span.
-These are usually more economical than the vertical gates of the same size.
Radial gatesRadial
Drum gates
Vertical lift gates:
-Vertical rectangular gates are commonly used for spillways.
-A vertical lift gate consists of a vertical framework fabricated of
steel members.
-A steel skin plate is fixed on the upstream side of the steel
framework. The vertical gate can
move vertically on its own plane in the grooves provided in
-The vertical gates are raised or lowered by a hoisting arrangement
through cables attached
to them. These gates are usually provided with counterweights to
reduce the lifting force.
The vertical gates are mainly of the following types:
i)Sliding gates
ii)Stoney gates
iii)fixed- wheel gates
Bear trap gates:
•-Bear trap gates are also known as movable drum gates.
•-A bear trap gate consists of two leaves of steel, with one leaf
hinged on the upstream side
•and the other on the downstream side over the crest.
•-The bear trap gates are suitable for low navigation dams.
•-These gates have a wide base but a deep recess is not required.
•-These gates may be designed to operate automatically.
Bear trap gates
-Needles are wooden logs placed in an inclined position, with their
lower ends resting in a
keyway on the spillway crest and their upper ends supported on a
-These are placed and removed by hands.
-Needles are somewhat easier to remove than stop logs, but are more
difficult to place in
flowing water.
-Needles are also used for small spillways and weirs.
Radial gates:
A tainter gate(or radial gate) has the upstream face cylindrical. The axis of the
segment of
the cylinder forming the u/s face is horizontal.
-The face is formed of a steel skin plate shaped to a segment of a hollow
cylinder supported
on a steel framework.
-Radial gates have a number of advantages over the vertical gates and are
quite popular. The
friction in the radial gates is concentrated at the pins and is usually much less
than that in
the vertical gates.
-Because of the face of radial gates is cylinder, the water pressure acts normal
to the face and
the resultant water pressure passes through its centre.
-These gates have been used up to 15m height and 20m span.
-These are usually more economical than the vertical gates of the same size.
Vertical lift gates:
-Vertical rectangular gates are commonly used for spillways.
-A vertical lift gate consists of a vertical framework fabricated of
steel members.
-A steel skin plate is fixed on the upstream side of the steel
framework. The vertical gate can
move vertically on its own plane in the grooves provided in
-The vertical gates are raised or lowered by a hoisting arrangement
through cables attached
to them. These gates are usually provided with counterweights to
reduce the lifting force.
The vertical gates are mainly of the following types:
i)Sliding gates
ii)Stoney gates
iii)fixed- wheel gates
Bear trap gates:
•-Bear trap gates are also known as movable drum gates.
•-A bear trap gate consists of two leaves of steel, with one lea
hinged on the upstream side
•and the other on the downstream side over the crest.
•-The bear trap gates are suitable for low navigation dams.
•-These gates have a wide base but a deep recess is not
•-These gates may be designed to operate automatically.