Introduction To Nouns and Pronouns
Introduction To Nouns and Pronouns
Introduction To Nouns and Pronouns
by Mikay Historia
What are nouns?
1 What are nouns?
Nouns are the names of people, places, things, and ideas. They are the core of sentences,
forming the subject of the sentence.
2 Examples of nouns:
Think about a cat, a tree, a school, or a city. All of these are examples of nouns, which name
specific things.
3 Types of nouns:
Nouns can be further categorized into different types, such as common nouns (like cat, tree,
school), proper nouns (like John, New York, Monday), concrete nouns (like book, table, car),
abstract nouns (like love, happiness, freedom), and more.
4 Using nouns:
Nouns make sentences meaningful by providing concrete and abstract ideas. They help us
understand who or what is being discussed and create a clear picture of what's happening.
What are pronouns?
What are pronouns? Examples of pronouns: Types of pronouns:
Pronouns are words that replace Instead of saying "The cat is on the Pronouns have different types, like
nouns to avoid repetition. They refer table," we can use a pronoun and personal pronouns (I, you, he, she, it,
back to nouns that have already say, "It is on the table." This makes we, they), possessive pronouns
been mentioned or are understood our sentences more concise and (mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours,
from the context. avoids unnecessary repetition. theirs), and demonstrative pronouns
(this, that, these, those).
Identifying nouns and pronouns in sentences
Read the sentence carefully Identify the subject Find the words that replace
the noun
Start by reading the sentence aloud Ask yourself, "Who or what is doing
and paying attention to each word. the action?" The answer will be the Look for words that refer to the
subject of the sentence, which is subject or other nouns mentioned
usually a noun. in the sentence. These words are
the pronouns.
Noun and pronoun examples for kids
Nouns Pronouns Nouns and Pronouns
The cat sat on the mat. The dog She is playing with her doll. He is
chased the ball. The bird flew in eating his lunch. They are reading The boy went to school. He saw
the sky. a story. his friends there. They played on
the playground.
Exercises to practice nouns
and pronouns
Write down five things you can Write down five things you can
see in your room. do.