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POLLUTION Presented by, Nandana.A.S Roll no:40 Department of English INTRODUCTION
Pollution is the introduction of substances or energy that
cause adverse changes in the environment and living entities. There are different types of environment pollution like air pollution,water pollution,soil pollution,noise pollution,etc. Amongst them soil pollution,also called soil contamination,refers to the degradation of land due to the presence of chemicals or other man-made substances in the soil. TYPES OF ENVIRONMENT POLLUTION Generally pollution is classified either according to the environment like air,water,land,light in which it occurs or according to the pollutant like mercury,carbondioxide,solid waste,noise, biocide,heat,etc by which pollution is caused. Thesecause disturbances not only in the environment but also in the living entities. LAND OR SOIL POLLUTION
Soil is very important environmental component
for human, animals and plants. Itis the basic medium for food, vegetation and natural resources. Itis also the base for the development of human culture and civilization. There are various aspects and components of soils- texture, structures,moisture,profiles and horizons. DEFINITION OF SOIL POLLUTION
“The contamination of soil with excess of chemicals,
fertilizers, insecticides,herbicides is known as soil pollution.” The decrease in the quality of soils either due to human activities or natural sources or by both is known as soil pollution or soil degradation. Soil pollution is caused due to soil erosion,decrease in plant nutrients,decrease in soil micro organisms,excess or deficit of moisture content,high fluctuation of temperature,etc. SOURCES OF SOIL POLLUTION
The major sources of soil pollution are’
Deforestation Soil erosion Soil eruption Forest fires Excessive use of chemicals fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides and herbicides. Dumping of industrial and urban wastes. Water-logging and seeping. CATEGORISATION OF THE SOURCES OF SOIL POLLUTION The sources of soil pollution may be classified as under: Physical sources:-eg:-soil erosion,volcanic eruption, forest fire, deforestation. Biologicalsources:-eg:-the micro-organisms,bacteria and protozoa. Air-born sources:-eg:-thermal power plants, radiations from industries and factories and nuclear radiations. Biocides sources:-eg:-Chemical fertilizers and pesticides destroy micro-organisms, organic phosphate compounds. Urban and industrial sources:-eg:-Urban wastes such as paper,wood,plastic, polythene bags,packing materials, discharged sewage etc pollute the soil. Among the industrial sources of soil pollution,the important ones are paper mills,sugar mills,oil refineries,industries manufacturing chemicals,iron and steel,plastic materialsand rubber products,dyeing units, tanneries,saw mills,cotton mills,etc. ADVERSE EFFECTS OF SOIL POLLUTION 1. Soil pollutants directly affect the micro- organisms in the land. 2. Chemical fertilizers and pesticides, plastic materials and rubber destroy the organic phosphate compounds in the soil,due to which the soil loses its normal texture and capacity to retain water, resulting in the decreased quality and fertility of the soil. 3. Soil pollutants affect the ground water resources. 4. Soil pollutants lead to soil erosion which converts the fertile soil into waste land. 5. Soil pollution results in the decrease in agricultural production. 6. Crops growing in polluted soil become a cause for ill-health in human beings. 7. Radiational wastes harm human and animal health. 8. Urban wastes are the eyesores,affecting health and hygiene. MEASURES TO CONTROL SOIL POLLUTION It is very essential to control and prevent soil pollution because the existence of man, animals and vegetation depend upon the quality of soil.The essential commodities required for man, animals and plants come from soil.The following are the suggested measures to control soil pollution. The garbage and night soil can be converted into compost manures by cobalt and nickel techniques.Urban and industrial wastes could be safely disposed,not to reach the agricultural lands. Avoiding as far as possible chemicals fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides;resorting to organic farming using ‘green manures’ and ‘bio-fertilizers’. Restricting the use of D.D.T Industriesemitting smoke and ashes are to be identified and monitored by pollution control agencies. Avoidingmono-culture and adopting crop rotation suitably. Ensuring proper crop management and land use Byencouraging recycling of wastes, solid wastes getting mixed with soil could be prevented to a large extent. Reclamation of soil helps to reduce soil pollution. Educating the farmers about the proper use of fertilizers and biocides. Developing awareness in the public about controlling soil pollution. CONCLUSION
Soilpollution is an environmental issue that
touches on all aspects of life Soilpollution is mainly caused by human activity,which can be controlled. This type of pollution not only disturb the fertility of lands but also cause the contamination of underground water sources. Therefore effective steps should be taken to stop it in order to prevent the harmful effect of this pollution.