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Word caesarean is derived from the Latin
word ‘CADERE’ which means ‘to cut’. It is an operative procedure whereby the fetuses after the end of 28th week are delivered through an incision on the abdominal and uterine walls. NEED OF CAESAREAN SECTION Due to increase awareness of fetal wellbeing Identification of at risk mothers. Wider use of caesarean section in post caesarean pregnancies and malpresentation. Increased prevalence of primigravid mothers in hospital population. Improved anesthesia , availability of blood transfusion and antibiotics. ABSOLUTE RELATIVE INDICATIONS INDICATIONS Central placenta Cephalo-pelvic praevia disproportion Contracted pelvis Previous uterine scar Cervical fibroid Fetal distress during first stage Advanced carcinoma Ante partum cervix hemorrhage Vaginal atresia Hypertensive disorder TIME OF OPERATION ELECTIVE:- When the operation is done at a prearranged time during pregnancy to ensure best surgical conditions EMERGENCY:-When the operation is done due to unforeseen complication arising either during pregnancy or during labour without wasting time. DEFINITION LSCS is the operation in which the extraction of the baby is done through an incision made in the lower segment through a transperitoneal approach. PREOPERATIVE PREPARATION Abdomen is prepared as for laprotomy. Ranitidine (H2blocker) 150 mg is given orally night before (elective procedure) and it is repeated (50mg I.M or I.V.) one hour before the surgery to raise the gastric Ph. …Contd Metoclopromide (10mgI.V.)is given to increase the tone of the lower esophageal sphincter as well as to reduce the stomach contents. It is administered after about 3 minutes of pre-oxygenation in the theatre. The stomach should be emptied , if necessary by a stomach tube (emergency procedure). …contd Bladder should be emptied by a soft rubber catheter which is kept in place till the end of the operation. FHS should be checked at this stage POSITION OF THE PATIENT The patient is placed in the dorsal position . In susceptible cases , to minimize any adverse effect of venacaval compression , a 15degree tilt to her left using sand bags till delivery of the baby is beneficial. ANTISEPTIC PAINTING The abdomen is painted with 7.5% Povidone iodine solution or savlon lotion followed by spirit and to be properly draped with sterile towels. INCISION ON THE ABDOMEN A vertical infraumblical midline or Para median incision is usually employed , the incision extends from about 2.5 cm below the umbilicus to the upper border of the symphysis pubis . Alternatively , a low transverse incision is made about two fingers breadth above the symphysis pubis. TRANSVERSE INCISION ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES
1.Post operative 1.Takes longer time
comfort is more and unsuitable in acute emergency operation 2.Fundus can easily Blood loss is little be palpated more immediate post operative period ……Contd ADVANTAGE DISADVANTAGE
3.Less chance of 3.Requires
wound dehiscence competency during and incisional repeat section hernia
4.Cosmetic value 4. Unsuitable for
classical operation PACKING The Doyen’s retractor is introduced The peritoneal cavity is now packed off using two taped large swabs. The tape ends are attached to artery forceps. This will minimize spilling of the uterine contents into the general peritoneal cavity. UTERINE INCISION PERITONEAL INCISION:-The loose peritoneum is cut transversely across the lower segment with convexity downwards at about 1.25 cm (1/2”)below its firm attachment to the uterus . ………Contd MUSCLE INCISION:-A small transverse incision is made in the midline by a scalpel at a level slightly below the peritoneal incision until the membranes of the gestation sac are exposed . Two index fingers are then inserted through the small incision down to the membranes and the muscles of the lower segment are split transversely across the fibers. ……Contd The method minimizes the blood loss but requires experience. Alternatively , the incision may be extended on either sides using a pair of a curved scissors to make it a curved one of about 10cm (4”) in length , the concavity directed upwards. DELIVERY OF THE HEAD The membranes are ruptured if still intact. The blood mixed amniotic fluid is sucked out by the sucker. The Doyen’s retractor is removed. The head is delivered by hooking the head with the fingers. ….Contd As the head is drawn to the incision line , the assistant is to apply pressure on the fundus. If the head is jammed , an assistant may push up the head by sterile gloved fingers introduced into the vagina. The head can also be delivered using Wrigley’s forceps. DELIVERY OF THE TRUNK As soon as the head is delivered , the mucus from the mouth pharynx and nostril is to be sucked out using rubber catheter . After the delivery of the shoulder , intravenous methergin 0.2mg is to be administered. The rest of the body is delivered slowly The cord is cut in between two clamps The Doyen’s retractor is reintroduced REMOVAL OF THE PLACENTA AND MEMBRANES The placenta is extracted by traction on the cord with simultaneous pushing the uterus towards the umbilicus per abdomen using the left hand (CCT) Routine manual removal should not be done SUTURE OF UTERINE WOUND The suture of the uterine wound is done with the uterus keeping in the abdomen The margins of the wound are picked by the Allis tissue forceps or Green Armytage haemostatic clamps ….Contd FIRST LAYER:- the first stitch is placed on the far side in the lateral angle of the uterine incision and is tied . The suture material is No. ’O’ chromic catgut and the needle is round bodied A continuous running suture taking deeper muscles excluding the decidua. …..Contd SECOND LAYER:- A similar continuous suture is placed taking the superficial muscles and adjacent fascia overlapping the first layer of the suture THIRD LAYER (peritoneal):-The peritoneal flaps are apposed by continuous inverting sutures (to prevent any raw surface) AFTER CARE IN FIRST 24 HOURS:- Observe the patient for 6-8 hours. Give fluids 5% dextrose or ringer lactate. In anemic mothers blood transfusion is important. Injection methergin 0.2mg can be repeated. Prophylactic antibiotics can be used in first 24 hours. SECOND DAY Start the oral feed. Baby is put to breast. Light solid diet of patient choice is given. Bowel is kept emptied SIXTH-SEVENTH DAY Abdominal skin stitches are to be removed on the sixth day. COMPLICATIONS OF LSCS IMMEDIATE COMPLICATIONS:- Post partum hemorrhage Shock Sepsis Anesthetic hazards Intestinal obstructions Thrombosis Wound complications Secondary PPH REMOTE COMPLICATIONS Gynecological :-Menstrual excess or irregularities, chronic pelvic pain or backache Surgical complications:-Incision hernia, intestinal obstructions. Future pregnancy:-Scar rupture FILL IN THE BLANKS Caesarean word has been derived from the latin word which means ‘to cut’ Two absolute indications for caesarean are ante partum hemorrhage and contracted pelvis . Ranitidine is given night before the elective operation. Yes or No Wrigley’s retractor is introduced during procedure. The suture material is No. 0 chromic catgut during suturing. Give enough of sedatives to the patient preoperatively. Routine manual removal of placenta must not be done.
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