• Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection
(STD) caused by the spirochete bacterium
Treponema pallidum. This disease can be
passed to another person through kissing or
close physical contact. The infected person is
often unaware of the disease and unknowingly
passes it on to his/her sexual partner
• The symptoms of syphilis developed in three stages, they are as
Early local infection: Treponema pallidum initiates infection when it gains access to
subcutaneous tissues via microscopic abrasions that occur during sexual intercourse. Despite
a slow estimated dividing time of 30 hours, the spirochete evades early host immune
responses and establishes the initial ulcerative lesion, the chancre.
Immune response: Treponema pallidum elicits innate and adaptive cellular immune
responses in skin and blood. The host immune response begins with lesional infiltration of
polymorphonuclear leukocytes, which are soon replaced by T lymphocytes. In some respects,
the immune response to T. pallidum is paradoxical. On one hand, the various immune
responses during early infection appear to be efficacious, since they coincide with resolution of
the primary chancre, even in the absence of therapy. Despite this apparent immune control,
however, widespread dissemination of spirochetes occurs at the same time, leading to
subsequent clinical manifestations of secondary or tertiary syphilis in untreated patients.
Syphilis is caused by the bacteria Treponema