Social Institutions
Social Institutions
Social Institutions
Group of people
Common interest
Shared culture
Fulfillments of needs
Characteristics or social institution
Satisfy social need
Embody the attenuate values
Relatively permanent
Change in one institution is likely to produce in other
All are independent
Ideas accepted by majority
Function of institution
Education may be defined as the process
whereby the social heritage of a group is
passed from one generation to another as well
as process whereby the child become socialized
i.e. learn the rule of behavior into which he is
Types of Education
Formal Education
Informal Education
Functions of Education
Techniques of learning skills
Rational thinking
Personal adjustment
Family living
Character Building
Interrelationship of institution
Capitalism is a system under which resources and means
of production are privately owned, citizens are encouraged to
seek profit for themselves, and success or failure of an enterprise
is determined by free-market competition.
Socialism is a system under which resources and means of
production are owned by the society as a whole, rights to private
property are limited, the good of the whole society is stressed
more than individual profit, and the government maintains
control of the economy.
Political institution
Definition: Political
institutions are organizations which create,
enforce, and apply laws; that mediate conflict; make
(governmental) policy on the economy and social systems;
and otherwise provide representation for the populous.
Functions of eco and politics
Satisfaction of specific needs:
Maintain order
More production
Personal freedom