Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Important aspects of Technology in Business
Formation, development, and growth of technology-
based new enterprises
Technology transfer for business development
Innovation in Technology based business
Starting Technology based new venture
• Advances in technology are the only source of
permanent increases in productivity.
Technological changes are basically the results of
innovations which in turn are the outputs of
innovative Entrepreneurs.
• Firms become innovative when they successfully
incorporate a technological change new to
enterprise as well as to the economy, and a
change has diffused into the economy in addition
to being adopted by the firm.
Important aspects of Technology in Business
Technology Intelligence for Business
• The role of technology in the development of new products
and processes and its contribution to productivity
enhancement has not gone unnoticed by firms. Additionally
the role of technology for business processes is a multi-fold
factor for its success.
• Technology intelligence is technology-related information
that is useful and utilized by firms during strategic decisions.
• Intelligence gathering may be deployed at the macro level,
industry or business level, and/or at the program or project
level. The process of gathering external data and analyzing it
to derive intelligence for major strategic decisions is referred
to as mapping the technology environment.
Important aspects of Technology in Business …
Conceptually, this process consists of four interlinked steps:
following two ways: in-house research and development and from external sources
creating new businesses, altering the rules of rivalry in existing competitive domains,
basic principles.
Second, firms should undertake projects only in areas where they are
competitively strong.
Third, risks and rewards need to be considered in terms of the
Finally, external sourcing needs to be considered as an
alternative implementation mode. However, external sourcing
should only be used when it is a speedier or a less-costly
alternative for the appropriation of a specific technological
capability relative to internal R&D, without compromising the
competitive advantage of the firm.
Important aspects of Technology in Business …
Deployment in New Products
• The development of new products has always been a considerable
generator of sales and profits for businesses. New products range
from products that are entirely new to the world to repositioning of
already-existing products.
• The process of developing new products is characterized by two
phases: the strategic phase and the operational phase. The strategic
phase is critical in the process in that it determines the profit
potential and ultimate success of the product.
• Furthermore, the strategic phase offers top management greater
leverage in influencing the success of the development process. The
operational phase is just as crucial in that it results in the actual
production of the new product.
Formation, development, and growth of technology-
based new enterprises
• The innovative capacity of an entrepreneur and more accurately, of
companies operating in that field, is a key determinant of its
capability to enhance the economic development and to upgrade
the standard of living of a country. It is widely accepted that one of
the indicators of this innovative capacity is the rate of creation of
New Technology-Based firms (NTBF).
• The nurturing of small firm formation and growth has
become increasingly important to the health of developed
economies in general, and to the creation of new innovative
industrial sectors in particular.
• Technology incubators, which play a role in accelerating the
commercialization of R&D outputs and the transfer of
technology, have contributed to startups of high technology-
based enterprises in the newly industrializing economies of
developing and developed economies of the world.
• Strengthening and promoting technology based ventures
through incubation programmes for new technology based
enterprises is necessary for them to survive in a competitive
How to form and develop Technology based ventures?
talent and
Stage 4: Stability
• The growth rate of the firm slows to a level consistent with market
growth. The major problems of the firm at this point are to
maintain growth momentum and market position. Therefore, the
entrepreneur should focus on the introduction of second-generation
product for acquiring new opportunities and the expansion of the
business into new geographic territories and markets. Therefore the
programs that can be carried out have to do with:
Enhancing the innovative capacity of firms.
Facilitating their internationalization
Technology transfer for business development
• Technology transfer is the process by which existing knowledge,
facilities or capabilities are utilized and marketed to fulfill
public and private needs.
• It is the process by which basic science research and
fundamental discoveries are developed into practical and
commercially relevant applications and products
• Technology transfer processes constitutes
technology transfer, technology promotion,
technology deployment, technology innovation,
technology development, technology assessment,
technology information and communication, technology
technology collaboration and technology commercialization
Drive for Acquisition new technology
• The
Market Feedback
Modifies Products
Technology and
Market Pull
Promotion and Commercialization of technology-
based innovation