The Game of Chess
The Game of Chess
The Game of Chess
5 King Knight – Rook –
3pts 5pts
1 Queen Bishops Pawns –
A BC D E F GH – 9pts – 3pts 1pt
Chess Board Layout
Pawns Moves
Pawns are the smallest pieces in the game of chess and are
represented by small cylindrical pieces. Each player starts with eight
pawns that are positioned on the second row of the chessboard in
front of the other pieces
En Passant Capture
The en passant rule is a special pawn capturing move in chess. "En passant"
is a French expression that translates to "in passing", which is precisely how
this capture works.
Pawns can usually capture only pieces that are directly and diagonally in front
of them on an adjacent file. It moves to the captured piece's square and
replaces it.
Pawns Moves
Pawn Promotion
• The special ability of a pawn once it reached the top of the board.
• The player promotes to any of the pieces except the King.
• Usually a player selects the most powerful piece the Queen.
• A player may chose underpromotion, depends upon the position of the
opponent’s King.
Chess Board Layout
Knight Moves Rook Moves
Chess Board Layout
Bishops Moves
Bishops are chess pieces represented by a tall, pointed hat, and are
considered one of minor pieces. Bishops can move diagonally any
number of squares, as long as there are no other pieces obstructing
their path.
The queen is the most powerful chess piece on the board, able to
move diagonally, horizontally, or vertically any number of squares.
The queen is represented by a tall, pointed headdress and is
considered one of the major pieces.
Chess Board Layout
Queen Moves King Moves
Chess Board Layout
King Moves
• Castling involves the king and a rook.
• no pieces are between the king and rook, and neither the king nor
rook has been moved.
• This can be short castling (right side) or long castling (left side)
• Here are three additional rules of castling:
• If you are in check, you cannot castle
• You cannot castle if any square the king is moving through is
attacked by your opponent's pieces.
• You cannot castle into check
Chess Notation (Algebraic)
Here are the abbreviations and symbols for each chess piece:
• King – K
• Queen – Q
• Rook – R
• Bishop – B
• Knight – N
• Pawn – no abbreviation when writing the move
• X –denotes a capture.
for ‘Check’ The symbol for this situation is a “+”
for Castling 0-0 short (kingside), 0-0-0 long (queenside)
Checkmate It can be a #, a ≠ , or ++.
Chess holds its master in its own bonds,
shackling the mind and brain so that the
inner freedom of the very strongest must
-Albert Einstein-
En Garde!
The class will form a group with 6 members.
There will be 2 players, 2 announcers, and 2
writers. The objective is to play a game of
chess observing the basic rules and
regulations of the game. Please be guided
with the scoring rubrics below.
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