Bureau of Corrections
Bureau of Corrections
Bureau of Corrections
--When the Americans took over in the 1900s, the Bureau of Prisons was created
under the Reorganization Act of 1905 (Act No. 1407 dated November 1, 1905) as an agency
under the Department of Commerce and Police.
-- The Bureau of Prisons was renamed Bureau of Corrections under the New
Administrative Code of 1987 and Proclamation No. 495 issued on November 22, 1989. it is one
of the attached agencies of the Department of Justice. In the early days of the Bureau of
Corrections, penal institutions were established, closed or transferred to new sites.
--The Bureau of Corrections is an agency of the Department of Justice which is
charged with the custody and rehabilitation of national offenders, commonly known as
Persons Deprived of Liberty or PDL, who have been sentenced to three years of imprisonment
or more.
What is Correction?
--is branch of the criminal justice system concern with the custody, supervision and
rehabilitation of criminal offenders. It is the field of criminal justice administration, which
utilizes the body of knowledge and practice of the government and society in general involving
the processes of handing individual who have been convicted of offense for purposes of crime
prevention and control.
The agency operating units located nationwide, namely:
Bilibid Prison
is the first penal institution in the country. This facility was constructed in 1847, became
operational in 1865 and was formally opened on April 10, 1866 by a Royal Decree.
Its physical lay-out was in conformity with the dominant concept of design existing in Europe
during that time. It was perfectly a replication of Millbank Penitentiary where it was constructed in
a radial spoke of wheel, it has a central tower, and the brigadas (building) were made of strong
adobe stones. It was situated at the heart of the City of Manila but was later on transferred to the
Muntinlupa following the inevitable development of the area for commercial purposes.
--In addition, the Bilibid Prison in Manila has become overcrowded due to the
considerable increase in prison population. A 1969 Senate report prepared by Senator Salvador
Laurel described the Old Bilibid Prison as the “main insular penitentiary designed to house the
prison population of the country. This prison was known as the “Carcel y Presidion Correccional”
and could accommodate 1,127 prisoners. The Carcel was designed to house 600 prisoners who
were segregated according to class, sex, and crime while the Presidio could accommodate 527
prisoners. The Bureau of Prisons had a ship, the BUPRi, that transported goods and prisoners to
all penal establishments in the country.
--In 1936, the City of Manila exchanges its Muntinlupa property with the Bureau of
Prisons originally intended as a site for boys’ training school. Today, the old Bilibid Prison is now
being used as the Manila City Jail, famous as the “ May Halique Estate”.
-- The Sampaguita Camp (Medium Security Camp) which housed offenders sentenced to
not more than 20 years.
The New Bilibid Prison, which is 587 hectares was constructed in 1936 and formally opened
in 1940. It became the New Bilibid Prison (NBP) while the one left behind in Manila was
renamed the Old Bilibid Prison to avoid confusion and became the seat of the Manila City Jail
until this day.
Before the construction of San Ramon Prison, the Americans established in 1904 the
Iuhit Penal Settlement or now known as the Iwahig Prison and Penal Farm on a vast reservation
of 28,072 hectares. It would reach a total land area of 40,000 hectares in the late 1950s. The
area was expanded to 41,007 hectares by virtue of executive Order No. 67 issued by Governor
Newton Gilbert on October 15,1912. This is minimum security or open institution.
--This is located in Puerto Princesa, Palawan. The main colony is at the Sta. Lucia
sub-colony (9,865), with Inagawan (13,000), Montible (8,000) and Central (14,700) sub-
colonies. The “Tagumpay Settlement” (1,000 hectares of land) which is the portion of the
colony, is divided into 6 hectares homestead parcel lots, and released to the inmates who wants
to live in the settlement with his family will awarded to him.
--The establishment of this facility was made on the suggestion of Governor Luke E
Wright who felt the need for an institution designed for incorrigible offenders. The institution
had for its first Superintendent Lt. George Wolfe, a member of the U.S. expeditionary force, who
later became the first prison’s director.
Concept of Penalty
--Penalty in general signifies pain; especially considered in judicial sphere, it means
suffering undergone because of the action of human society, by one who commits crime.
-- is the redress that the state takes against an offending member of society that usually
involves pain and suffering. It is also the penalty imposed on an offender for a crime or
The justifications of punishment are:
1. Retribution
- meaning the punishment should be provided by the state whose sanction is violated, or
offenders should be punished because they deserve it.
2. Expiation or Atonement
- it is punishment in the form of group vengeance where the purpose is to appease the
offended public or group.
3. Deterrence
- punishment gives lesson to the offender by showing to others what would happen to
them if they violated the law.
4. Incapacitation and protection
- the public will be protected if the offender has being held in conditions where he
cannot harm others especially the public by placing him in a prison; and
5. Reformation or Rehabilitation
- it is the establishment of the usefulness and the responsibility of the offender to renew
him as a law-abiding citizen and productive member of the society upon his release.
Ancient Forms of Punishment
1. Death Penalty
– this was effected by burning, boiling in oil, breaking at the wheel.
2. Physical Torture
– this was the so-called corporal punishment w/, was effected by mutilation, maiming,
3. Social Degradation
– the purpose of this was to put up the offender to shame or humiliation. This was
effected by branding, use of ducking stool, pillory, etc.
4. Banishment
– this was sending or putting of an offender which was carried out either by a prohibition
against coming into a specified territory or prohibition against going outside a specified
territory, such as an island to where the offender has been removed.
Duration of Penalties
a. Maximum security
---This shall include highly dangerous or high security risk inmates as determined by the
Classification Board who require a high degree of control and supervision. Under this category
are —
I. those whose minimum sentence is less than twenty (20) years imprisonment;
II. remand inmates or detainees whose sentences are below twenty (20) years;
III. those who are eighteen (18) years of age and below, regardless of the case and sentence;
IV. those who have two (2) or more records of escapes. They can be classified as medium
security inmates if they have served eight (8) years since they were recommitted. Those with
one (I) record of escape must serve five (5) years; and
V. first offenders sentenced to life imprisonment. They may be classified as medium security
inmates if they have served five (5) years in a maximum security prison or less, upon
recommendation of the Superintendent. Those who were detained in a city and/or provincial jail
shall not be entitled to said classification.
c. Minimum Security
— This shall include those who can be reasonably trusted to serve their sentence under
less rest ricted conditions. Under this category are ;
I. those with severe physical handicap as certified by the chief medical officer of the prison;
II. those who are sixty-five (65) years old and above, without pending case and whose
convictions are not on appeal;
III. those who have served one-half (1/2) of their minimum sentence or one-third (1/3) of their
maximum sentence, excluding Good Conduct Time Allowance (GCTA) as provided in Chapter 4,
Part Ill hereof; and
IV. those who have only six months more to serve before the expiration of their maximum
Color of uniform as to security classification
The color of the uniform of an inmate shall be based on his security classification, as follows:
a. Maximum security — tangerine
b. Medium security — blue
c. Minimum security — brown
d. Detainee — gray
Classification of inmates as to entitlement to privileges - Inmates shall be
classified as follows to determine their entitlement to prison privileges:
a. Detainee;
b. Third Class inmate — one who has either been previously committed for three (3) or
more times as a sentenced inmate, except those imprisoned for nonpayment of a fine and
those who had been reduced from a higher class;
c. Second Class inmate — a newly arrived inmate demoted from first class; or one
promoted from the third class;
d. First Class inmate — one whose known character and credit for work while in
detention earned assignment to this class upon commencement of sentence; or one who has
been promoted from the second class;
Prison accommodations standards
a. All accommodations for the use of inmates shall meet requirements of sanitation and
hygiene with emphasis on adequate ventilation, living space and lighting.
d. Beds and clothing shall be neatly made up in a uniform manner at all times. Beds and
buildings occupied by inmates shall be thoroughly disinfected at least one a month.
e. Cleanliness shall be maintained art all times in all dormitories or cells specially toilet and
f. As often as it is necessary, an inmate shall send his dirty clothes to the laundry.
g. Every Sunday and Holiday, if weather permits, inmates will expose their clothes, beds,
bedding and so forth in the sunshine in an area designated for the purpose. Cleanliness of the
premises of the dormitories and their surroundings shall be strictly enforced. Littering is
h. Inmates shall be served meals three (3) times a day. Breakfast shall be served not more
than fourteen (14) hours after the previous day's dinner.