Buddisum Igcse
Buddisum Igcse
Buddisum Igcse
CLASS : 8-1(2022-2023)
1) Life of Buddha – The Birth to Parinirvana in concise
2) Buddhism for Daily Life
3) Introduction Buddhist Doctrine
4) My commitment to way forwarde
(1)Life of Buddha – The Birth to Parinirvana in
concise manner
(1.1)Birth of Prince Sidhartha Bodhisathwa (1. 14) Patachara
(1.15 ) Angulimala
(1. 2) Maha Maya Deviya and Maha Prajapathi Goathamiya
(1.16) Sunita
(1.3 ) Childhood , Marriage, the great departure from the(1.17
) Devadatta
(1. 4) Princess Yashodara (1. 18) Anathapindika
(1. 5) King Sudhdodhana (1. 19) Magandiya
(1.20) Alawaka
(1.6 ) King Bimbisara
(1.21 ) Ananda
(1.7 ) Sujatha (1.22 ) King Ajasattu
(1.8) Kassapa (1.23 ) Kisa Gotami,
(1.9 ) Prince Nanda (1.24 ) Upaka,
(1.25 ) Subhadda
(1.10 ) Prince Rahula
(1. 11) Ven. Sariputta and Ven. Moggallana
(1. 12) Visakha
(2)Buddhism for Daily(2.11)
Life:Chatha Manawaka Gatha
(2.1) Namaskaraya (2.12) Worshiping mother and
(2.2) Triple gem Father
(2.3) Five precepts (2.13) Loving kindness – Maithree
(2.4) Eight precepts
(2.14) Dasa katha
(2.5) Qualities and virtues of the Buddha
(2.15) – Ithipiso
Dethis Katha
(2.6) Qualities and virtues of the Dhamma – Swakkatho
(2.7) Qualities and virtues of the Sanga - Supatipanno
(2.8) Sharing of Merits –
(2.9) Request for Pardon – Kayenavacha chiththena
(2.10) Paramitha for noble friends – Eminapungna kammena
(3)Introduction Buddhist Doctrine
(3.11) Noble Friends
(3.1) Four Noble Truth (3.12) Dhammapadaya
(3.2)Eight Fold Path (3.13) Karaneeya Metha suthraya
(3.14) Chulla Haththi Padopama
(3.3) The Law of Kamma
Suthraya - summary
(3.4) Rebirth (3.15) Rahulowada suthraya -
(3.5) The Three Signs summary
(3.16) Dewa dutha suthraya -
(3.6) The Three Evils summary
(3.7) 10 Wholesome and unwholesome deeds -suthraya
(3.17) Asivisopama Dasa Kusala
and akusala kamma, summarizing most of the above
(3.8) 10 Meritorious deeds - Dasa Punyakriya,
(3.9) Reality of Me by means of four methods – Kinsukopama
(3.10) Panchaupadhanakkanda 2. Salayathana 3. Dathu (great
(1)Life of Buddha – The Birth to Parinirvana in
concise manner
(1.1)Birth of Prince Sidhartha Bodhisathwa
• About ten months after her dream of a white elephant and the sign that
she would give birth to a great leader, Queen Maya was expecting her
child. One day she went to the king and said, "My dear, I have to go
back to my parents. My baby is almost due." Since it was the custom in
India for a wife to have her baby in her father's house, the king agreed,
saying, "Very well, I will make the necessary arrangements for you to
• On the way to the Koliya country, the great procession passed a garden
called Lumbini Park. This garden was near the kingdom called Nepal, at
the foot of the Himalayan mountains. The beautiful park with its sala
trees and scented flowers and busy birds and bees attracted the queen.
Since the park was a good resting place, the queen ordered the bearers
to stop for a while. As she rested underneath one of the sala trees, her
birth began and a baby boy was born. It was an auspicious day. The
birth took place on a full moon (which is now celebrated as Vesak, the
festival of the triple event of Buddha's birth, enlightenment and death),
in the year 623 B.C.
(1. 2) Maha Maya Deviya and Maha Prajapathi
• Queen Mahamaya who passed away seven days after
giving birth to Prince Siddhartha. Following the death of
Queen Mahamaya, her sister Maha Prajapati, who was
also married to King Suddhodana, became the foster
mother of the prince. Having arranged for her own baby
son to be looked after by a wet nurse, Maha Prajapati
cared for the prince as her own child and played a
prominent role in his development until his renunciation
to become a homeless ascetic. Following the death of
King Suddhodana, she decided to become a nun and
after some initial hesitation, the Buddha ordained her as
the first Buddhist nun of the present Buddhist
(1.3 ) Childhood , Marriage, the great departure from t
• The Buddha, or Siddhartha Gautama, was born around 567 B.C.E., in a
small kingdom just below the Himalayan foothills. His father was a
chief of the Shakya clan. It is said that twelve years before his birth the
brahmins prophesied that he would become either a universal
monarch or a great sage. To prevent him from becoming an ascetic, his
father kept him within the confines of the palace. Gautama grew up in
princely luxury, shielded from the outside world, entertained by
dancing girls, instructed by brahmins, and trained in archery,
swordsmanship, wrestling, swimming, and running. When he came of
age he married Gopa, who gave birth to a son. He had, as we might
say today, everything.
• So one night Siddhartha left his palace with his servant Channa and
horse Kanthaka, leaving the luxuries and comfort of the royal life far
behind to become a mendicant. It is said in the Buddhist scriptures
that the horse's hooves were muffled by the gods in order to prevent
the guards from being aware of Siddhartha's departure. This event is
known as 'Great Departure
(1. 4) Princess Yashodara
• Yashodara was the wife of Prince Siddhartha before he
left his home to become sramana and also the mother
of prince Rahula, and the sister of Devadatta. She later
became a Buddhist Nun and is considered an arahat
(1. 5) King Sudhdodhana