Survey of Ethiopian Mass Media
Survey of Ethiopian Mass Media
Survey of Ethiopian Mass Media
The name of the newspaper was chosen by the Emperor himself, Menelik II.
The first volumes of Aimiro had a circulation of only 24 handwritten copies.
It was distributed to the king and to his aristocracy and gentry by horsemen.
The newspaper was fostering the agenda of the then kingdom i.e. sovereignty and unity.
Aimiro passed through periods of temporary suspension and revival, owing to financial difficulties,
shortage of newsprint and the Italian aggression.
With the aid of mimeograph machines, Aimiro had a weekly circulation of over two hundred copies
until it ceased publication in 1916.
Revived in 1924, the paper appeared weekly for several years.
Amiro NP as a medium
It’s name
Was given by Minillk 2nd (Hasso, 1994, & Mekuria, 2005)
The name given to express the profession's sensitivity to critical thinking and universal knowledge
It was the first NP within formal content and physical structure of NP
It’s content
Mostly it contain the idea of imperialists
The accent and numbers were related with religion
Additionally it was include contents to develop patriotism and unity
It challenged and the publication was stop for five years and start again in 1907
After 1907, this NP including contents about government rules, laws, proclamations to present it
It exists until 1926 within ups and downs
By following Amiro, there were around 14 NP that were published in the first phase of Ethiopian press
2nd phase( 1928-1933)
This phase is left for another class to make a balance to section A!!
Today’s session will cover total of 50’
Remind the last class by students(3’),
Opening question and ( sharing expectations by students, 6’),
Give clarification by the teacher(2’),
Follow up question and ( sharing expectations by students 5’),
Give clarification by the teacher(2’),
Lecturing ppt slides by the teacher(20’)
Summarize the topic(5’)
Question and answer(7’)
Ending the class(0’)
Media during Emperor Menelik II
“Every time a newspaper dies, even a bad one, the country moves a little
closer to authoritarianism” Richard Kluger
Dear students, what do you understand from the above thought? Think
individually, discuss in pair, and share in group.
For your self evaluation
The thought of Richard Kluger indicates
The medias’ role as a fourth estate.
What do we mean by medias’ fourth estate?
Journalism, journalists, or (media)
Though Ethiopia is one of the very few countries in Africa that have long history of writing,
newspapers emerged in the country very late at the end of the 19th century( during emperor
Menelik II)
The exact year and name of the earliest newspaper is, however, uncertain.
The press in Ethiopia during Emperor Haile Selassie covers the longer time of
the countries press history.
Even if it were challenged by italian invasion, the press media were changed
their content, structure, publication, and cerculation.
Such influential and long-lasting weekly papers as Addis Zemen and The
Ethiopian Herald came onto the scene in 1941 and 1943, respectively.
Group 1, Government print media( the historical development, what are these( NP&
Magazine, the language they use, etc.(7)
Group 2, Private print media ( the historical development, what are these( NP& Megazin,
the language they use, etc.(7)
Group 3, Problems in print media (7)
Group 4, Press during the Derg period (7)
Group 5, Political, social and economic role of print media(7)
Group 6, Political, social and economic role and impact of social media (7)
Group 7, the overview of Broadcast media in Ethiopian (8)