2 Religion Vs Science
2 Religion Vs Science
2 Religion Vs Science
Creationism vs Science?
Before the
Scientific Revolution,
people thought the Earth
was the centre of the
Universe and everything
moved around it.
People believed
that humans were the
final part of God’s
creation, and therefore
the most important
beings on the most
important planet.
Since the Scientific
Revolution, these beliefs
have been challenged;
our planet is not at the
centre of the Universe
and we are just one of
many millions of galaxies.
The Universe has
evolved over billions of
years and is still
changing; we are one of
many life forms that is
constantly evolving in
response to our changing
The Origins of the
Christian understanding…
In the beginning…
God said ‘let
there be light’
and He made
day and night
On the second day…
Explain why
Christians believe
God intended
humans to be more
important than
other forms of life.
(7 Minutes)
D Part Model Answer
• There are several examples in the book of
Genesis which Christians use to show that
humans are more important than other creatures.
Firstly, God created humans last. Secondly, only
humans were created in the “image of God” and
were given the “breath of life”. These two also
imply that humans have a “soul”.
• Finally, human beings were given authority and a
position of stewardship over the animals. Genesis
also says that God put Adam and Eve in charge.
D Part Model Answer
• There are several examples in the book of Genesis which
Christians use to show that humans are more important than
other creatures. Firstly, God created humans last, which
suggests that they are the pinnacle of creation. Secondly, only
humans were created in the “image of God” and were given
the “breath of life”, which shows that humans share something
of God’s nature which other creatures do not. These two also
imply that humans have a “soul” which distinguishes us from
the rest of creation and makes us special.
• Finally, human beings were given authority and a position of
stewardship over the animals. This authority is shown in the
story of Adam being given the job of naming the animals.
Genesis also says that God put Adam and Eve in charge, which
clearly demonstrates that they are more important than the
animals of which they are in charge.
Look at your own answer
“I am endeavouring to
show that a grand law
exists, by which, in two
great departments of
nature at least, the
analogues of the fossil
skeletons were formed
Gosse thought the without pre-existence.”
fossils were planted
by God to test the
faith of humans.
The Catholic Church
only accepted
evolution theory in