Meaning and Definition of Public Relations
Need and importance of public relations in 21 s t century
Anurag Dwivedi
Meaning of Public Relations
◦ The phrase ‘public-relations’ has two words namely, ‘Public’ and ‘Relations’.
• Develops Loyalty
The customers generate a loyalty factor for the brand because of an intense public
relations practice. They tend to buy from the company repeatedly.
Importance of PR
• Promotes Goodwill
In the long term, public relations practice paves the way for creating substantial
goodwill for the company.
2. Drafting strategies to support the brand’s every campaign and new move through
editorial content.
4. Planning and executing special public outreach and media relations events.
Functions of PR
5. Developing a crisis public relations strategy.
6. Handling the social media presence of the brand and responding to public
reviews on social media websites.
Stimulating Demand
While not as effective as sales promotion for moving customers to make a purchase,
PR can still be a useful technique for building demand. For instance, a positive story
about a product in a major media outlet can lead to a discernible increase in product
Objectives of Public Relations
• Reinforcing the Brand
In many organizations, the public relations function is also involved with brand
reinforcement by maintaining positive relationships with targeted audiences and
thereby aiding in building a strong image. Today it is crucial for organizations and
brands to build a favorable image. A strong image helps the marketer grow its
business and may also help protect the organization in times of crises.
Advantages of Public Relations
The advantages of Public relations are as follows
• The news is considered more impartial as it is from an outside source and is not
sourced from the newsletter, advocated blogs, or the official website of the company.
• Public relations have a wider reach and thus can influence innumerable people easily
at a given point in time.
◦ Management
PR is considered as a strategic management function. PR managers needs to be able
to administer the overall public relations program to ensure that it runs on time,
within budget and ends up with a successful record of achievement.
Duties & Responsibilities
◦ Maintain Relations
Public relation manager maintains relations with journalists, technical experts,
politicians, academics, opinion formers and with the employees, customers of the
organizations, etc. All PR communication should be to some agreed and identified
purpose which helps achieve their overall objectives in due course
◦ Organize
Public relations managers have to arrange special events from press briefings and
conferences, from annual general meetings and press tours to factory visits, award
functions, charity events etc. Organizing events for related to media relations and
image building is also in the scope of PR.
Duties & Responsibilities
◦ Writing/ Editing/ Production
It is the duty of the PR professionals to write news releases, newsletters, reports,
speeches, scripts etc. and production of house journals, Posters, films audio visuals
etc. PR professionals do not only have to write them, they also have to edit them at
◦ Research
One of the main areas of activity for PR practitioners is gathering intelligence
information. They need to know where to go for information, what to look for and
how to analyse it, and update it.
PR Campaign
Difference Between Public Relations, Advertising, Marketing, Sales Promotion,
Publicity and Propaganda
The Definitions
◦ Media Relations
Media relations is defined as a process that involves working with the
media and with journalists to inform the common man about the
policies, mission, vision and practice of an organization in a credible
◦ Advertising
Advertising is defined as any paid form of non- personal communication
about an organization, product or service by an identified sponsor
The Definitions
◦ Direct Marketing
Direct marketing consists of any marketing that relies on direct
communication or distribution to individual consumers, rather than through
a third party such as mass media.
◦ Sales Promotion
A very important part of IMC, sales promotion can be defined as those
marketing activities that provide extra value or incentives to the sales
force, the distributors or the ultimate consumers and can stimulate sales.
The Definitions
◦ Publicity
Publicity refers to non-personal communications regarding an
organization, product, service or idea not directly paid for or run under
identified sponsorship. It usually comes in the form of a news story,
editorial or announcement about an organization or its products.
◦ Propaganda
Propaganda is a mode of communication used to manipulate or influence
the opinion of groups to support a particular cause or belief. Though its
use is not exclusively negative, propaganda very often involves a heavy
emphasis on the benefits and virtues of one idea or group, while
simultaneously distorting the truth or suppressing the counter-argument.
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