Overview of Soil Conservation and
Soil conservation is the management of soil to
prevent its destruction.
Soil can be conserved through contour plowing,
conservation plowing, and crop rotation.
In contour plowing, farmers plow their fields along
curves of a slope. This helps the runoff of excess
rainfall and prevents it from washing away the soil.
In conservation plowing, farmers disturb the soil
and its plant cover as little as possible.
Soil (profile) development
• Soil formation and development
S/s = f (cl, o, r, p, t…)
where: S = new soil formed (profile)
s = soil properties
cl = climate (rainfall, temp, RH)
o = organism (biota)
r = relief (topography, altitude, aspect)
t = time
Soil erosion (soil loss)
• Erosion – the removal of material at the
earth’s surface (either geological or
accelerated-caused by man) by gravity, water
or wind and their transport and deposition to
other places.
• Processes involved:
Detachment (removal), transport, deposition
(The Wischmeier & Smith Model, 1962)
A / E = R.K.L.S.C.P
where: A or E = annual soil loss
L = 1 for a slope length of 72.5 feet long
or 22.5 m
S= 1 at 9% gradient or 5o
C = 1 for a bare cultivated fallow
P = 1 when plowed up and down the steepest
The USLE contd:
Where: S = Soil
S = Slope
P = Plant cover
P = Presence/absence of soil conservation
R = Rainfall
R = Runoff
W = Wind
The Basic Soil Loss Equation
• Slope length
In a bare soil/grassland, this is measured by
taking the whole length of the lower and
upper end.
When land has mechanical protection works,
the effective slope length is the distance
between the protection works.
Slope length contd:
Slope gradient, S
• Slope is the degree of inclination of an area or
terrain expressed in degree or per cent.
Crop management factor, C
(most complicated factor)
• C x R = Cf rf + C1 f1 + C2 f2 + C3 f3 + …
• This method is more sensitive than simply
using annual C and R values.