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Human Computer


Chapter 1: the human

What is human-computer interaction (HCI)?
• With the exception of some embedded software and operating
system code, the success of a software product is determined by the
humans who use the product.
• the availability of technical functionality does not guarantee that
software will be practically usable.
• Software that is usable for its purpose is sometimes described by
programmers as “intuitive” (easy to learn, easy to remember, easy to
apply to new problems) or “powerful” (efficient, effective)
• HCI helps us to understand why some software products are good and
other software is bad.

… What is HCI?
• HCI is the study of interaction between people and computer-based
systems that concern with the physical, psychological and theoretical
aspects of this process. (A. Dix et al,)
• HCI focuses on the interactions between human and computer
systems, including the user interface and the underlying processes
which produce the interactions.
• The contributing disciplines include computer science, cognitive
science, human factors, software engineering, management science,
psychology, sociology, and anthropology.

• The rapid growth of computing has made effective human-computer
interaction (HCI) essential.
• HCI is the study of how people interact with computers and to what
extent computers are or are not developed for successful interaction
with human beings
• HCI studies how people design, implement and use computer
• HCI involves design, implementation and evaluation of a system and
user interfaces.
• If a system is not well designed it fails to support its functionality,
therefore a functioning system is well designed system
• i.e. functionality and user interface design are interwined
• HCI has become an umbrella term for a number of disciplines
including theories of education, psychology, collaboration as well as
efficiency and ergonomics

some of the disciplines

involved in the field of HCI

Who involved in HCI?

• Why do human-computer interaction?
• to enable us to design interactive products to support people in their
everyday and working lives
• to develop usable products :
• easy to learn
• effective to use
• provide an enjoyable experience
• Why is human-computer interaction important?
• There is a lot of design about that can cause problems for users
• Good design involves understanding how users interact with computers, and
enabling them to do so effectively

Assignment 1: Group work
1. State the definition of usability given by Jakob Nielsen. Detail each
of the five quality attributes that Nielsen used to define usability.
Your descriptions should be detail and compact. Avoid duplication
and repetitions of ideas and concepts.
2. Define user centered design (UCD). Discuss the UCD process and
steps performed in doing UCD. Also show the relationship between
usability and UCD.

• Humans are limited in their capacity to process information. This has important implications for
• Information is received and responses given via a number of input and output channels:
• visual channel
• auditory channel
• haptic channel
• movement.
• Information is stored in memory:
• sensory memory
• short-term (working) memory
• long-term memory.
• Information is processed and applied:
• reasoning
• problem solving
• skill acquisition
• error.
• Emotion influences human capabilities.
• Users share common capabilities but are individuals with differences, which should not be ignored.
• The human, the user, is, after all, the one whom computer systems
are designed to assist.
• The requirements of the user should therefore be our first priority
• One model of the human processing involved in interacting with
computer systems is the Model Human Processor
• The model comprises three subsystems:
• the perceptual system, handling sensory stimulus from the outside world,
• the motor system, which controls actions, and
• the cognitive system, which provides the processing needed to connect the

• Information comes in, is stored and processed, and information is
passed out.
• We will therefore discuss three components of this system: input–
output, memory and processing.
• In the human, we are dealing with an intelligent information-
processing system, and
• processing therefore includes problem solving, learning, and, consequently,
making mistakes.

Input-output channels
• A person’s interaction with the outside world occurs through
information being received and sent: input and output.
• In an interaction with a computer the user receives information that is
output by the computer, and responds by providing input to the
computer –
• the user’s output becomes the computer’s input and vice versa.
• Consequently the use of the terms input and output may lead to
• Need to blur the distinction since, a particular channel may have a
primary role as input or output in the interaction but also in the other
• Example: sight
• Example: Sight may be used primarily in receiving information from
the computer, but it can also be used to provide information to the
• for example by fixating on a particular screen point when using an eyegaze
• Input in the human occurs mainly through the senses and output
through the motor control of the effectors.
• Five major senses: sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell.
• Of these, the first three are the most important to HCI.
• Taste and smell do not currently play a significant role in HCI

• Similarly there are a number of effectors, including the limbs, fingers,
eyes, head and vocal system
• In the interaction with the computer, the fingers play the primary role,
through typing or mouse control,
• with some use of voice, and eye, head and body position

• primary source of information for the average person
• Two stages of vision:
• physical reception of stimulus from the outside world

• processing and interpretation of stimulus

• the physical properties of the eye and the visual system mean that
there are certain things that cannot be seen by the human;
• the interpretative capabilities of visual processing allow images to be
constructed from incomplete information.

The human eye 15
The Eye - physical reception
• Vision begins with light.
• The eye is a mechanism for receiving light and transforming it into electrical energy.
• Light is reflected from objects in the world and their image is focused upside down
on the back of the eye (retina).
• retina contains rods for low light vision and cones for colour vision
• The receptors in the eye transform it into electrical signals which are passed to the
• The retina also has specialized nerve cells called ganglion cells. There are two
types: X-cells & Y-cells.
• ganglion cells (brain!) detect pattern and movement
• Ganglion cells:
• X-cells, which are concentrated in the fovea and are responsible for the early detection of
pattern; and
• Y-cells which are more widely distributed in the retina and are responsible for the early
detection of movement
Visual perception
• How do we perceive size and depth, brightness and color,
• each of them are crucial to the design of effective visual interfaces.
• reflected light from the object forms an upside-down image on the
• The size of that image is specified as a visual angle.
• If two objects are at the same distance, the larger one will have the larger
visual angle.
• If two objects of the same size are placed at different distances from the eye,
the furthest one will have the smaller visual angle.
• The visual angle indicates how much of the field of view is taken by
the object.

• Visual angle

… Visual perception
• If the visual angle of an object is too small we will be unable to
perceive it at all
• Given that the visual angle of an object is reduced as it gets further
away, we might expect that we would perceive the object as smaller.
• In fact, our perception of an object’s size remains constant even if its
visual angle changes.
• So a person’s height is perceived as constant even if they move
further from you.
• This is the law of size constancy, and it indicates that our perception
of size relies on factors other than the visual angle.

Interpreting the signal
• Size and depth
• visual angle indicates how much of view object occupies
(relates to size and distance from eye)
• visual acuity is ability to perceive detail (limited)
• familiar objects perceived as constant size
(in spite of changes in visual angle when far away)
• cues like overlapping help perception of size and depth
• Brightness
• subjective reaction to levels of light
• affected by luminance of object, which is the amount of light emitted by an object
• measured by just noticeable difference
• visual acuity increases with increased luminance as does flicker
• Colour
• made up of three components: hue, intensity, saturation
• cones sensitive to colour wavelengths
• blue acuity is lowest (only 3–4% of the fovea is occupied by cones which are sensitive to blue light)
• 8% males and 1% females colour blind mostly being unable to discriminate between red and green.
… Interpreting the signal
• Our expectations affect the way an image is perceived. For example, if
we know that an object is a particular size, we will perceive it as that
size no matter how far it is from us
• Visual processing compensates for the movement of the image on the
retina which occurs as we move around and as the object which we
see moves.
• Although the retinal image is moving, the image that we perceive is
• Similarly, color and brightness of objects are perceived as constant, in
spite of changes in luminance.
• This ability to interpret and exploit our expectations can be used to
resolve ambiguity
… Interpreting the signal
• Consider the image shown in Figure below. What do you perceive?

Ambiguous shape Context is king


• The context in which the object appears allows our expectations to

clearly disambiguate the interpretation of the object as B or 13.

ABC 121314

… Interpreting the signal (Optical illusion)
• Optical illusions sometimes occur due to over compensation
• Most people when presented with Muller Lyer illusion will say that
the top line is longer than the bottom. In fact, the two lines are the
same length.
• This may be due to a false application of the law of size constancy: the top
line appears like a concave edge, the bottom like a convex edge

Here the top line appears longer, owing to the

distance effect,
although both lines are the same length. These
illusions demonstrate that our perception
of size is not completely reliable.
the Muller Lyer illusion

the Ponzo illusion

… Cont’d
• Another illusion created by our expectations compensating an image is the
proofreading illusion.
• Read the text in Figure below quickly. What does it say?

Is this text correct?

• Most people reading this rapidly will read it correctly, although closer
inspection shows that the word ‘the’ is repeated in the second and third line.
… Cont’d

• There are several stages in the reading process.
• First, the visual pattern of the word on the page is perceived.
• It is then decoded with reference to an internal representation of language.
• The final stages of language processing include syntactic and semantic analysis and
operate on phrases or sentences.
• Consider the first two stages of this process and how they influence interface
• During reading, the eye makes jerky movements called saccades followed by
• Saccades are extremely fast, small, jerky movements of both eyes in the same direction.
• The points your eyes rested on between rapid movements are called fixations.
• Perception occurs during the fixation periods, which account for approximately
94% of the time elapsed.
• The eye moves backwards over the text as well as forwards, in what are known as
regressions. If the text is complex there will be more regressions. 26
… Reading
• Adults read approximately 250 words a minute.
• It is unlikely that words are scanned serially, character by character,
• Experiments have shown that words can be recognized as quickly as single
• Familiar words are recognized using word shape.
• Reading from a computer screen is slower than from a book
• This is thought to be due to a number of factors including a longer line length,
fewer words to a page, orientation and the familiarity of the medium of the
• These factors can of course be reduced by careful design of textual

• A final word about the use of contrast in visual display: a negative
contrast (for example: dark characters on a light screen) provides
higher luminance and, therefore, increased acuity, than a positive
• Reading involves saccades and fixations
• Perception occurs during fixations
• Word shape is important to recognition
• Negative contrast improves reading from computer screen
(Experimental evidence suggests that in practice negative contrast
displays are preferred and result in more accurate performance)
• The sense of hearing is often considered secondary to sight.
• Provides information about environment:
distances, directions, objects etc.
• Physical apparatus:
• outer ear – protects inner and amplifies sound
• middle ear – transmits sound waves as
vibrations to inner ear
• inner ear – chemical transmitters are released
and cause impulses in auditory nerve
• Sound
• pitch – sound frequency
• loudness – amplitude
• timbre – type or quality

… Hearing
• Humans can hear frequencies from 20Hz to 15kHz
• Auditory system filters sounds
• can attend to sounds over background noise.
• for example, we can pick out our name spoken across a crowded noisy room.
• Though sound can convey a remarkable amount of information,
• It is rarely used to its potential in interface design, usually being confined to
warning sounds and notifications
• Exercise:
• Suggest ideas for an interface which uses the properties of sound

• You might approach this exercise by considering how sound could be added
to an application with which you are familiar
• Speech sounds can obviously be used to convey information. This is useful
not only for the visually impaired but also for any application where the
user’s attention has to be divided.
• Uses of non-speech sounds include the following:
• Attention – to attract the user’s attention to a critical situation or to the end of a
• Status information – continuous background sounds can be used to convey status
information. For example, monitoring the progress of a process (without the need
for visual attention).
• Confirmation – a sound associated with an action to confirm that the action has
been carried out. For example, associating a sound with deleting a file.
• Navigation – using changing sound to indicate where the user is in a system. For
example, what about sound to support navigation in hypertext? 31
• Touch is also known as haptic perception
• Even though it is viewed as less important than sight or hearing, touch
provides us with vital information about our environment.
• It tells us when we touch something hot or cold, and can therefore act
as a warning
• Although for the average person, haptic perception is a secondary
source of information, for those whose other senses are impaired, it
may be vitally important.
• For such users, interfaces such as braille may be the primary source of
information in the interaction.
• We should not therefore underestimate the importance of touch.
… Touch
• We receive stimuli through the skin. The skin contains three types of sensory
• thermoreceptors – heat and cold
• nociceptors – pain
• mechanoreceptors – pressure
• It is with mechanoreceptors that we are concerned with in relation to human–
computer interaction.
• There are two kinds of mechanoreceptor, which respond to different types of
• Rapidly adapting mechanoreceptors respond to immediate pressure as the skin
is indented. (instant)
• These receptors also react more quickly with increased pressure.
• However, they stop responding if continuous pressure is applied.
• Slowly adapting mechanoreceptors respond to continuously applied pressure.
… Touch
• Some areas are more sensitive than others e.g. fingers.
• Kinethesis - awareness of the position of the body and limbs
• affects comfort and performance.
• This is due to receptors in the joints. Three types:
• rapidly adapting, which respond when a limb is moved in a particular
• slowly adapting, which respond to both movement and static position;
• positional receptors, which only respond when a limb is in a static
• This perception affects both comfort and performance.
• For example, for a touch typist, awareness of the relative positions of the fingers
and feedback from the keyboard are very important. 34
• Motor control and how the way we move affects our interaction with
• A simple action such as hitting a button in response to a question
involves a number of processing stages.
• The stimulus (of the question) is received through the sensory
receptors and transmitted to the brain.
• The question is processed and a valid response generated.
• The brain then tells the appropriate muscles to respond.
• Each of these stages takes time, which can be roughly divided into
reaction time and movement time.

… Movement
• Movement time is dependent largely on the physical characteristics
of the subjects: their age and fitness,
• Reaction time varies according to the sensory channel through which
the stimulus is received
• Reaction time - dependent on stimulus type:
• visual ~ 200ms
• auditory ~ 150 ms
• pain ~ 700ms
• a combined signal will result in the quickest response.
• Factors such as skill or practice can reduce reaction time, and fatigue
(tiredness) can increase it.

… Movement
• One question that we should ask is whether speed of reaction results
in reduced accuracy
• In some cases, requiring increased reaction time reduces accuracy
• Studies of keyboard operators have shown that, although the faster
operators were up to twice as fast as the others, the slower ones
made 10 times the errors
• Speed and accuracy of movement are important considerations in the
design of interactive systems, primarily in terms of the time taken to
move to a particular target on a screen.
• The target may be a button, a menu item or an icon

… Movement
• The time taken to hit a target is a function of the size of the target and
the distance that has to be moved.
• This is formalized in Fitts’ law:
• Fitts' Law describes the time taken to hit a screen target:

Mt = a + b log2(D/S + 1)

where: a and b are empirically determined constants

Mt is movement time
D is Distance
S is Size of target

Þtargets as large as possible

distances as small as possible 38
… Movement
• Since users will find it more difficult to manipulate small objects,
targets should generally be as large as possible and
• the distance to be moved as small as possible.
• This has led to suggestions that piechart-shaped menus are
preferable to lists since all options are equidistant.
• However, the trade-off is increased use of screen estate, so the choice
may not be so simple.
• If lists are used, the most frequently used options can be placed
closest to the user’s start point (for example, at the top of the menu).

Human Memory
• Our memory contains our knowledge of actions or procedures

• A model of the structure of memory

• There are three types of memory function:
Sensory memories

Short-term memory or working memory

Long-term memory 40
• It is generally agreed that there are three types of memory or memory
• sensory buffers, short-term memory or working memory, and long-term memory
• These memories interact, with information being processed and passed
between memory stores
• Sensory memory:
• Acts as buffers for stimuli received through senses:
• iconic memory: visual stimuli
• echoic memory: aural stimuli
• haptic memory: tactile stimuli (touch)
• These memories are constantly overwritten by new information coming
in on these channels.
… Sensory memory
• We can demonstrate the existence of iconic memory by moving a
finger in front of the eye.
• Can you see it in more than one place at once?
• This indicates a persistence of the image after the stimulus has been removed
• the existence of echoic memory is evidenced by our ability to
ascertain the direction from which a sound originates
• Echoic memory allows brief ‘play-back’ of information
• Have you ever had someone ask you a question when you are
reading? You ask them to repeat the question, only to realize that you
know what was asked after all.
• This experience is evidence of the existence of echoic memory

… Sensory memory
• Information is passed from sensory memory into short-term memory
by attention, thereby filtering the stimuli to only those which are of
interest at a given time
• Attention is the concentration of the mind on one out of a number of
competing stimuli or thoughts. It is clear that we are able to focus our
attention selectively, choosing to attend to one thing rather than
• This is due to the limited capacity of our sensory and mental processes. If we
did not selectively attend to the stimuli coming into our senses, we would be
• cocktail party phenomenon: we can attend to one conversation over
the background noise, but we may choose to switch our attention to a
conversation across the room if we hear our name mentioned
Short-term memory
• Short-term memory (STM) or working memory acts as a ‘scratch-pad’
for temporary recall of information.
• It is used to store information which is only required
• Example: calculate the multiplication 35 × 6 in your head.
• Different ways and intermediate stages, like 2*35 and then 3*70; OR 30*6 +
5*6, etc.
• Intermediate states need short-term memory
• Short-term memory can be accessed rapidly, in the order of 70 ms.
• However, it also decays rapidly, meaning that information can only be
held there temporarily, in the order of 200 ms.

… Short-term memory
• Short-term memory also has a limited capacity
• There are two basic methods for measuring memory capacity.
1. The first involves determining the length of a sequence which can be remembered
in order.
2. The second allows items to be freely recalled in any order.
• Using the first measure, the average person can remember 7 (Miller’s
• Try it. Look at the following number sequence:
Now write down as much of the sequence as you can remember.
0121 414 2626
44 113 245 8920
… Short-term memory
• The one with the UK telephone number is more easy to remember
• Here the digits are grouped or chunked.
• A generalization of the 7 rule is that we can remember 7 chunks of
• chunking information can increase the short-term memory capacity
• The successful formation of a chunk is known as closure.
• This process can be generalized to account for the desire to complete
or close tasks held in short-term memory
• If a subject fails to do this or is prevented from doing so by
interference, the subject is liable to lose track of what she is doing
and make consequent errors
… Short-term memory
• DESIGN FOCUS: Cashing in
• Closure gives you a nice ‘done it’ when we complete some part of a task. At this
point our minds have a tendency to flush short-term memory in order to get on
with the next job. Early automatic teller machines (ATMs) gave the customer
money before returning their bank card. On receiving the money the customer
would reach closure and hence often forget to take the card. Modern ATMs
return the card first!

Long-term memory (LTM)
• If short-term memory is our working memory or ‘scratch-pad’, long-
term memory is our main resource.
• Here we store factual information, experiential knowledge, procedural
rules of behavior – in fact, everything that we ‘know’.
• It differs from short-term memory in a number of significant ways:
• it has a huge, if not unlimited, capacity.
• it has a relatively slow access time of approximately a tenth of a second.
• forgetting occurs more slowly in long-term memory
• Long-term memory is intended for the long-term storage of information
• Repository for all our knowledge
• slow access ~ 1/10 second
• slow decay, if any
• huge or unlimited capacity
• There are two types of long-term memory: episodic memory and
semantic memory.
• Episodic memory represents our memory of events and experiences
in a serial form.
• It is from this memory that we can reconstruct the actual events that took
place at a given point in our lives.
• Semantic memory is a structured record of facts, concepts and skills
that we have acquired.
• The information in semantic memory is derived from that in our
episodic memory, such that we can learn new facts or concepts from
our experiences.
• Semantic memory is structured in some way to allow access to information,
representation of relationships between pieces of information, and inference.
• Semantic memory structure
• provides access to information
• represents relationships between bits of information
• supports inference
• Model: semantic network (One model for the way in which semantic memory is
• inheritance – child nodes inherit properties of parent nodes
• relationships between bits of information explicit
• supports inference through inheritance
• This model is known as a semantic network.
• As an example, our knowledge about dogs may be stored in a network
as shown in the next slide
LTM - semantic network

• Long-term memory may

store information in a
semantic network

… LTM - semantic network
• Specific breed attributes may be stored with each given breed, yet
general dog information is stored at a higher level
• This allows us to generalize about specific cases. For instance, we may
not have been told that the sheepdog Shadow has four legs and a tail,
but we can infer this information from our general knowledge about
sheepdogs and dogs
• Questions were asked such as: ‘Can a collie breathe?’, ‘Is a beagle a
hound?’ and ‘Does a hound track?’
• In spite of the fact that the answers to such questions may seem
obvious, subjects took longer to answer questions such as ‘Can a
collie breathe?’ than ones such as ‘Does a hound track?’
• in the former case subjects had to search further through the memory
hierarchy to find the answer 52
Long-term memory processes
• There are three main activities related to long-term memory:
• storage or remembering of information,
• Forgetting, and
• information retrieval
• How does information get into LTM and how can we improve this
• Information from STM is stored in LTM by rehearsal.
• The repeated exposure to a stimulus or the rehearsal of a piece of
information transfers it into LTM.
• rehearsal
• information moves from STM to LTM

… LTM (Storage and remembering info)/Rehearsal
• This process can be optimized in a number of ways:
• The amount learned was directly proportional to the amount of time spent
learning (Total time hypothesis)
• total time hypothesis
• amount retained proportional to rehearsal time
• others suggest that learning time is most effective if it is distributed
over time
• For example, in an experiment in which Post Office workers were taught to
type, those whose training period was divided into weekly sessions of one
hour performed better than those who spent two or four hours a week
learning. (distribution of practice effect).
• distribution of practice effect
• optimized by spreading learning over time

… Remembering information (LTM)
• structure, meaning and familiarity
• information easier to remember


LTM (Forgetting)
• So if structure, familiarity and concreteness help us in learning
information, what causes us to lose this information, to forget?
• There are two main theories of forgetting: decay and interference
• Decay theory:
• suggests that the information held in long-term memory may eventually be
• information is lost gradually but very slowly
• Interference theory: information is lost from memory through
• If we acquire new information it causes the loss of old information. This is
termed retroactive interference.
• A common example of this is the fact that if you change telephone numbers,
learning your new number makes it more difficult to remember your old number.
This is because the new association masks the old. 56
… LTM (Forgetting)
• Sometimes the old memory trace breaks through and interferes with new
• This is called proactive inhibition.
• An example of this is when you find yourself driving to your old house rather than
your new one.
• Forgetting is also affected by emotional factors.
• In experiments, subjects given emotive words and non-emotive words
found the former harder to remember in the short term but easier in the
long term.
• We tend to remember positive information rather than negative (Selective
• so may not forget at all memory is selective …
… affected by emotion – can subconsciously `choose' to forget 57
… LTM (Forgetting)
• There is evidence to suggest that we may not lose information
completely from long-term memory.
• First, proactive inhibition demonstrates the recovery of old
information even after it has been ‘lost’ by interference.
• Secondly, there is the ‘tip of the tongue’ experience, which indicates
that some information is present but cannot be satisfactorily
• Thirdly, information may not be recalled but may be recognized, or
may be recalled only with prompting.

LTM – Information Retrieval
• Two types of information retrieval, recall and recognition.
• Recall reminders
• the information is reproduced from memory
• can be assisted by the provision of retrieval cues, which enable the subject
quickly to access the information in memory
• One such cue is the use of categories.
• In an experiment subjects were asked to recall lists of words, some of which
were organized into categories and some of which were randomly organized.
• The words that were related to a category were easier to recall than the
• Recall is even more successful if subjects are allowed to categorize their own
lists of words during learning

… LTM – Information Retrieval
• Recognition
• the presentation of the information provides the knowledge that the
information has been seen before.
• Recognition is the less complex cognitive activity since the information is
provided as a cue.
• information gives knowledge that it has been seen before
• less complex than recall - information is cue

• How is information processed and manipulated
• This is perhaps the area which is most complex and which separates
humans from other information-processing systems, both artificial
and natural
• Although it is clear that animals receive and store information, there
is little evidence to suggest that they can use it in quite the same way
as humans
• AI has produced machines which can see (albeit in a limited way) and
store information.
• But their ability to use that information is limited to small domains.

… Cont’d
• Humans are able to use information to reason and solve problems,
• and do these activities when the information is partial or unavailable.
• Human thought is conscious and self-aware:
• while we may not always be able to identify the processes we use, we can identify
the products of these processes, our thoughts.
• we are able to think about things of which we have no experience, and
solve problems which we have never seen before.
• How is this done?
• Thinking can require different amounts of knowledge.
• Some thinking activities are very directed and the knowledge required is
constrained. Example: subtraction calculation
• Others require vast amounts of knowledge from different domains.
• Example: understanding news paper headlines (demands knowledge of politics, social
structures, public figures and world events etc) 62
… Thinking
• Two categories of thinking: reasoning and problem solving.
• In practice these are not distinct since the activity of solving a
problem may well involve reasoning and vice versa.
• However, the distinction is a common one and is helpful in clarifying
the processes involved.
• Reasoning:
• is the process by which we use the knowledge we have to draw conclusions or
infer something new about the domain of interest
• There are a number of different types of reasoning:
• deductive, inductive and abductive.
• We use each of these types of reasoning in everyday life, but they differ in
significant ways.
Deductive Reasoning
• Deductive reasoning derives the logically necessary conclusion from
the given premises. For example,
• If it is Friday then she will go to work
• It is Friday
• Therefore she will go to work.
• it does not necessarily have to correspond to our notion of truth. So,
for example,
If it is raining then the ground is dry
It is raining
Therefore the ground is dry

• is a perfectly valid deduction, even though it conflicts with our knowledge of

what is true in the world.
• Deductive reasoning is therefore often misapplied. Given the
Some people are babies
Some babies cry
• many people will infer that ‘Some people cry’.
• This is in fact an invalid deduction since we are not told that all babies
are people.
• It is therefore logically possible that the babies who cry are those who
are not people.

Inductive Reasoning
• Induction is generalizing from cases we have seen to infer information
about cases we have not seen
• generalize from cases seen to cases unseen
e.g. all elephants we have seen have trunks
therefore all elephants have trunks.
• Unreliable:
can only prove false, not true
• … but useful! (we use constantly in learning about our environment)
• Humans not good at using negative evidence
• Even if we saw an elephant without a trunk, we would be unlikely to move
from our position that ‘All elephants have trunks’
• e.g. Wason's cards.
… Inductive Reasoning
• Experiment by Wason:
• You are presented with four cards
• Each card has a number on one side and a letter on the other
• Which cards would you need to pick up to test the truth of the statement ‘If a
card has a vowel on one side it has an even number on the other’?
• A common response to this is to check the E and the 4. However, this uses
only positive evidence.
• to test the truth of the statement we need to check negative evidence: if we
can find a card which has an odd number on one side and a vowel on the
other we have disproved the statement

Wason’s cards 67
Abductive reasoning
• Abduction reasons from a fact to the action or state that caused it.
• It is the method we use to derive explanations for the events we
• Suppose we know that Aster always drives too fast when she has
been drinking.
• If we see Aster driving too fast we may infer that she has been
• However, this is unreliable since there may be another reason why she is
driving fast: she may have been called to an emergency, for instance
• Unreliable:
• can lead to false explanations

Problem solving
• Reasoning is a means of inferring new information from what is
already known.
• Problem solving is the process of finding a solution to an unfamiliar
task, using the knowledge we have.
• Human problem solving is characterized by the ability to adapt the
information we have to deal with new situations.
• There are a number of different views of how people solve problems
• The earliest is the Gestalt view that problem solving involves both reuse of
knowledge and insight.
• A second major theory, proposed in the 1970s by Newell and Simon, was the
problem space theory, which takes the view that the mind is a limited
information processor.
… Problem solving
• Gestalt theory:
• Behaviorists claim that problem solving is a matter of reproducing known
responses or trial and error.
• This explanation was considered by the Gestalt school to be insufficient to account
for human problem-solving behavior.
• Instead, they claimed, problem solving is both productive and reproductive.
• Reproductive problem solving draws on previous experience as the behaviorists
claimed, but
• Productive problem solving involves insight and restructuring of the problem
• Gestalt
• problem solving both productive and reproductive
• productive draws on insight and restructuring of problem
• attractive but not enough evidence to explain `insight' etc.
• move away from behaviourism and led towards information processing theories
Problem solving (cont.)
Problem space theory
• problem space comprises problem states
• problem solving involves generating states using legal operators
• The problem has an initial state and a goal state and people use the operators
to move from the former to the latter.
• Such problem spaces may be huge, and so heuristics are employed to select
appropriate operators to reach the goal
• e.g. means-ends analysis
• In means–ends analysis the initial state is compared with the goal state and
an operator chosen to reduce the difference between the two.

… Problem space theory
• An important feature of Newell and Simon’s model is that it operates
within the constraints of the human processing system, and
• searching the problem space is limited by the capacity of short-term memory
(STM), and the speed at which information can be retrieved.
• Within the problem space framework, experience allows us to solve problems
more easily since we can structure the problem space appropriately and
choose operators efficiently
• largely applied to problem solving in well-defined areas
e.g. puzzles rather than knowledge intensive areas
• These problems may be unfamiliar but the knowledge that is required to
solve them is present in the statement of the problem and the expected
solution is clear.

Problem solving (cont.)
• A third element of problem solving is the use of analogy.
• Here we are interested in how people solve novel problems.
• One suggestion is that this is done by mapping knowledge relating to a
similar known domain to the new problem – called analogical mapping.
• Similarities between the known domain and the new one are noted and
• operators from the known domain are transferred to the new one.
• Example: A doctor is treating a malignant tumor. In order to destroy it he needs to
blast it with high-intensity rays. However, these will also destroy the healthy tissue
surrounding the tumor. If he lessens the rays’ intensity the tumor will remain. How
does he destroy the tumor?
• The solution to this problem is to fire low-intensity rays from different
directions converging on the tumor
• The investigators found that only 10% of subjects reached this solution without
Problem solving (cont.)
• Analogy
• analogical mapping:
• novel problems in new domain?
• use knowledge of similar problem from similar domain
• analogical mapping difficult if domains are semantically different
• Skill acquisition
• All of the problem solving that we have considered so far has concentrated on
handling unfamiliar problems
• much of the time, the problems that we face are not completely new. Instead,
we gradually acquire skill in a particular domain area
• skilled activity characterized by chunking
• lot of information is chunked to optimize STM
• conceptual rather than superficial grouping of problems
• information is structured more effectively 74
Errors and mental models
• Human capability for interpreting and manipulating information is
quite impressive.
• However, we do make mistakes. Some are trivial, resulting in no more
than temporary inconvenience or annoyance.
• Others may be more serious, requiring substantial effort to correct.
• Occasionally an error may have catastrophic effects, as we see when
‘human error’ results in a plane crash or nuclear plant leak.
• Why do we make mistakes and can we avoid them?
• In order to answer the latter part of the question we must first look at
what is going on when we make an error

Types of error
• slips
• right intention, but failed to do it right
• causes: poor physical skill, inattention etc.
• change to aspect of skilled behaviour can cause slip
• mistakes
• wrong intention
• cause: incorrect understanding

humans create mental models to explain behaviour.

if wrong (different from actual system) errors can occur

• Our emotional response to situations affects how we perform.
• For example, positive emotions enable us to think more creatively, to solve
complex problems, whereas negative emotion pushes us into narrow focused
• A problem that may be easy to solve when we are relaxed, will
become difficult if we are frustrated or afraid.
• Various theories of how emotion works
• James-Lange: emotion is our interpretation of a physiological response to a stimuli
• Cannon: emotion is a psychological response to a stimuli
• Schacter-Singer: emotion is the result of our evaluation of our physiological
responses, in the light of the whole situation we are in
• Emotion clearly involves both cognitive and physical responses to stimuli

Emotion (cont.)
• The biological response to physical stimuli is called affect

• Affect influences how we respond to situations

• positive  creative problem solving
• negative  narrow thinking

“Negative affect can make it harder to do even easy tasks; positive

affect can make it easier to do difficult tasks”
(Donald Norman)

Emotion (cont.)
• Implications for interface design:
• in situations of stress, people will be less able to cope with complex
problem solving or managing difficult interfaces, whereas
• if people are relaxed they will be more forgiving of limitations in the
• This does not give us an excuse to design bad interfaces but does
suggest that if we build interfaces that promote positive responses –
for example by using aesthetics or reward – then they are likely be
more successful
• aesthetically pleasing and rewarding interfaces will increase positive affect

Individual differences
• The psychological principles and properties that we have discussed
apply to the majority of people
• humans, and therefore users, are not all the same
• We should be aware of individual differences so that we can account for
them as far as possible within our designs.
• These differences may be:
• long term, such as sex, physical capabilities and intellectual capabilities.
• Others are shorter term and include the effect of stress or fatigue on the user.
• Still others change through time, such as age.
• Ask yourself:
will design decision exclude section of user population?
• Example: the visually impaired users (other sensory channels need to be used
for example for visual interfaces) 80

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