• In Java, the class is a blueprint from which we can create an individual object.
• Java provides a Keyword named class by which we can declare a class.
• Inside the class, we define class members and functions.
• It is not possible to create Java programs without class.
• We can also refer a class as a user-defined data type because an object-oriented paradigm
allows us to model real-world objects.
• In this section, we will focus on the types of classes in Java.
1.Concrete Class
• A normal class with an implementation for all of its methods and no abstract methods is
called a concrete class.
• They are not permitted to have any processes that are not in use at the time.
• If it implements all of its methods, a concrete class can extend its parent, an abstract class, or
an interface.
• It’s a fully working, instantiable class.
2. Abstract Class
• A class that has zero or more abstract methods and is specified with the abstract keyword is
called an abstract class.
• We must rigorously extend the abstract classes to a concrete class in order to use them
because they are incomplete classes.
• Constructors and static methods can also be included.
• It can have final methods, which force the subclass to keep the body of the method
3. Static Class
• In Java, static is a keyword that manage objects in the memory.
• The static object belongs to the class instead of the instance of the class.
• We can make a class static if and only if it is a nested class.
• We can also say that static classes are known as nested classes.
• It means that a class that is declared as static within another class is known as a static class.
• Nested static class does not require reference to the outer class.
• The purpose of a static class is to provide the outline of its inherited class.
4. Final Class
• The word final means that cannot be changed. The final class in Java can be declared using the final keyword.
• Once we declare a class as final, the values remain the same throughout the program.
• The purpose of the final class is to make the class immutable like the String class.
• It is only a way to make the class immutable.
• Remember that the final class cannot be extended. It also prevents the class from being sub-classed.
5. Inner class
• Java allows us to define a class within a class and such classes are known as nested classes.
• It is used to group the classes logically and to achieve encapsulation.
• The outer class members (including private) can be accessed by the inner class.
• The general syntax for declaring the nested class is as follows:
class OuterClass
class NestedClass