health ethics 2
health ethics 2
health ethics 2
• is respected
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Autonomy cont’d…
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Autonomy cont’d…
• Pre- conditions of autonomy are:
competence and liberty or freedom
I. Paternalistic model
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Models of autonomy cont’d…
III. Professional agent model
the patient willingly forego the right to
decision-making by voluntarily and explicitly
transferring the decision making task to the
• paternalism,
• Non-compliance
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Autonomy cont’d…
• Informed consent: is a process by which
patients are informed of the possible outcomes,
alternatives and risks of treatments and are
required to give their consent freely.
• It assures the legal protection of a patient’s
right to personal autonomy in regard to specific
treatments and procedures.
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Autonomy cont’d…
• Paternalism: Restricting others autonomy to
protect from perceived or anticipated harm.
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Autonomy cont’d…
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Beneficence cont’d…
– Prevent harm
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Non-maleficence cont’d…
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Beneficence and Non-
maleficence cont’d…
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Justice cont’d…
resource allocation
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Ethical Theories
Virtue Ethics
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Ethical theories cont’d…
Deontology (Duty or Rule based
The word ‘Deontology’ comes from a Greek
words ‘Deon’ (duty) and ‘logos’ (truth)
The theory proposes that the rightness
or wrongness of an action depends on
the nature of the act rather than its
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Ethical theories cont’d…
It holds that you are acting rightly when
you act according to duties and rights.
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Ethical theories cont’d…
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Ethical theories cont’d…
Teleology (Utilitarian or End based
• The term ‘Teleology’ derives from the Greek
‘teleo’ (end) and ‘logos’(truth).
• The question of rightness or wrongness is
answered in terms of the question of
• It tries to establish a balance of good over bad
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Ethical theories cont’d…
This theory looks to the consequences of
an action in judging whether that
action is right or wrong.
Utilitarian hold that no action in itself is
good or bad, the only factors that
makes actions good or bad are the
outcomes or end results that are derived
from them.
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Ethical theories cont’d…
Types of Utilitarian Theories
o individual human rights can be
sacrificed to attain a social goal.
o Predicting and evaluating the
consequences of actions is often
very difficult.
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Ethical theories cont’d…
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Ethical theories cont’d…
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Ethical theories cont’d…
• People will do the right thing because they have
developed virtuous habits
• As noted above, virtues that are especially
important for health professionals are
compassion, courage, generosity, commitment
and responsibility.
• Protecting and enhancing client dignity are also
the other virtues
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• Any questions ???
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