The media has a significant impact on our daily lives. People learn about
gender roles and identity by observing and understanding everyday
activities. In this regard, the media is one of the determining factors that
help shape social perceptions of gender roles and identities.
Many automotive ads feature males rather than females, implying that
men are better drivers than women.
Nowadays, automobile commercials shows women driving vehicles.
Gender Stereotypes
The media has defined how women and men should look and act. Stereotypes
play an important role in this.
Gender stereotyping is defined as the overgeneralization of a group's
characteristics, differences, and attributes based on gender.
Gender stereotypes form a widely accepted judgment or bias about specific
characteristics or traits that apply to both genders.
In advertisements, performers, actors, and actresses, the ideal male is
portrayed as masculine, dominant, physically fit, with abs and a handsome
appearance, similar to the image on the previous slide.
The standard woman is feminine, soft, pretty, treated as property, objectified,
should be submissive, thin, have large breasts, and so on. Because of the
media's heavy use of these types of people, what is actually a normal body
type for either gender is not acceptable, so anyone who does not process the
unattainable image, particularly women, does not measure up and is deemed
Gender in Media
It is critical to understand that not everyone falls into the binary categories of 'male
or female' and 'man or woman'. In terms of sex, most people are born with biological
characteristics that clearly identify them as male or female.
However, some people are born intersex, with non-typical or mixed biological sex
characteristics. In terms of gender, most people are cisgender, which means their
gender identity corresponds to the sex they were assigned at birth. However, some
people are transgender, which means they identify as a different gender than the
one assigned to them at birth.
However, some people are transgender, which means they identify as a different
gender than the one assigned to them at birth. Someone may identify as a man
despite being born with female sex characteristics. Furthermore, some people do not
consider themselves to be exclusively male or female, and may identify as non-
binary or gender-queer.
Gender Equality