Wireless and Mobile Communication (EC 302)
Wireless and Mobile Communication (EC 302)
Wireless and Mobile Communication (EC 302)
Communication (EC
Dr. Raghavendra Pal
A basic Cellular System
Cellular Concept
• The cellular concept was a major breakthrough in solving the
problem of spectral congestion and user capacity.
• The cellular concept is a system level idea which calls for
replacing a single, high power transmitter (large cell) with many
low power transmitters (small cells), each providing coverage to
only a small portion of the service area.
• Each small cell contains a transceiver that is called base station.
• Each base station is allocated a portion of the total number of
channels available to the entire system.
Cellular Concept
• Neighboring base stations are assigned different groups of
channels so that the interference between base stations
(and the mobile users under their control) is minimized.
• By systematically spacing base stations and their channel
groups throughout a market, the available channels are
distributed throughout the geographic region and may be
reused as many times as necessary as long as the
interference between channel stations is kept below
acceptable levels.
Frequency reuse
• The design process of selecting
and allocating channel groups for
all of the cellular base stations
within a system is called frequency
• Figure illustrates the concept of
cellular frequency reuse, where
cells labelled with the same letter
use the same group of channels.
Shape of a Cell
• Although the waves from transceiver make a circle if we look from the top,
we consider the cell to be in hexagonal shape due to several reasons.
• One reason is that the circles cannot be overlaid upon a map without
leaving gaps or creating overlapping regions. Due to this limitation there
are three sensible shapes: a square, an equilateral triangle or a hexagon.
• For a given distance between the center of a polygon and its farthest
perimeter points, the hexagon has the largest area of the three. Thus by
using the hexagon geometry, the fewest number of cells can cover a
geographic region thus reducing cost. Further, among the three choices,
the hexagon closely approximates a circular radiation pattern.
Frequency reuse
• To understand the frequency reuse concept, consider a cellular system which
has a total of S duplex channels available for use. If each cell is allocated a
group of k channels (k<S), and if the S channels are divided among N cells into
unique and disjoint channel groups which each have the same number of
channels, the total number of available radio channels can be expressed as
• The N cells which collectively use the complete set of available frequencies is
called a cluster. If a cluster is replicated M times within the system, the total
number of duplex channels C, can be used as a measure of capacity and is given
Frequency reuse
• Large cluster size (N) indicates that the ratio between the cell
radius and the distance between co-channel cells is small.
Conversely, a small cluster size indicates that co-channel cells
are located much closer together.
• Smallest possible value of N is desirable in order to maximize
capacity over a given coverage area.
• 1/N is called the frequency reuse factor of a cellular system as
each cell within a cluster is only assigned 1/N of the total
available channels in the system.
Frequency reuse
• Since the hexagonal geometry has exactly six equidistant neighbors
for N=7 and the lines joining the centers of any cell and each of its
neighbors are separated by multiples of 60 degrees, there are only
certain cluster sizes and cell layouts which are possible.
• The N can have the values which satisfy this equation
N =i2+ij+j2
Here, i and j are non negative integers. To find the nearest co-channel neighbors of a particular cell, one must do the
1. Move i cells along any chain of hexagons and then turn 60 degrees counter-clockwise and move j cells.
Frequency reuse
• This geometry has i=3 and j=2 thus
N= 19
Channel Assignment Strategies
• Fixed Channel Assignment: Each cell is allocated a predetermined set of
voice channels. Any call attempt within the cell can only be served by the
unused channels in that particular cell. If all the channels in that cell are
occupied, the call is blocked and the subscriber does not receive service. In
this method, cell is allowed to borrow channels from neighboring cells.
• Dynamic Channel Assignment: Each time a call request is made, the
serving base station requests a channel from the Mobile switching center
(MSC). The switch then allocates a channel to the requested cell following
an algorithm that takes into account the likelihood of future blocking within
the cell, the frequency of use of the candidate channel, the reuse distance
of the channel, and other cost functions.
Handoff Strategies
• When a mobile moves into a different cell while a conversation is in
progress, the MSC automatically transfers the call to a new channel
belonging to the new base station. This handoff operation not only
involves identifying a new base station, but also requires that the voice
and control signals be allocated to channels associated with the new base
• Processing handoffs is an important task in any cellular radio system.
Many handoff strategies prioritize handoff requests over call initiation
requests when allocating unused channels in a cell site. Handoffs must be
performed successfully and as infrequently as possible, and be
imperceptible to users.
Handoff Strategies
• Once a particular signal
level is specified as the
minimum usable signal for
acceptable voice quality at
the base station receiver, a
slightly stronger signal level
is used as a threshold at
which a handoff is made.
• This margin is given by
Handoff Strategies
• In, , cannot be too large or too
small. If is too large,
unnecessary handoffs which
burden the MSC may occur, if
is too small, there may be
insufficient time to complete a
handoff before a call is lost due
to weak signal conditions.
Prioritizing handoffs
• As we have discussed that the handoffs are prioritized
over new calls, one method of giving priority to handoffs
is called the guardband concept.
• In this, a fraction of total available channels is reserved
for handoff requests only. However, this method has a
disadvantage of reducing total carried traffic, as fewer
channels are allocated to originating calls.
Practical handoff consideration
• Taking care of highly mobile
and pedestrian users at the
same time.
• Cell Dragging problem can be
solved only by adjusting the
handoff thresholds and radio
coverage parameters.
Interference and System
• Interference is the major limiting factor in the performance of cellular
radio systems. Sources of interference include another mobile in the
same cell, a call in progress in a neighboring cell, other base stations
operating in the same frequency band, or any non cellular system
which inadvertently leaks energy into the cellular frequency band.
• Interference has been recognized as a major bottleneck in increasing
capacity and is often responsible for dropped calls.
• The two major types of system generated cellular interferences are
co-channel interference and adjacent channel interference.
Co-Channel Interference
• Frequency reuse implies that in a given coverage area here are
several cells that use the same set of frequencies. These cells
are called co-channel cells and the interference between signals
from these cells is called co-channel interference.
• Unlike thermal noise, co-channel interference can not be
overcome by increasing SNR.
• To reduce co-channel interference, co-channel cells must be
physically separated by a minimum distance to provide sufficient
isolation due to propagation.
Co-Channel Interference
• When the size of each cell is approximately the same, and the
base stations transmit the same power, the co-channel
interference ratio is independent of the transmitted power and
becomes a function of the radius of the cell (R) and the distance
between centers of the nearest co-channel cells (D).
• By increasing the ratio of D/R, the spatial separation between
co-channel cells relative to the coverage distance of a cell is
increased. Thus interference is reduced from improved isolation
of RF energy from the co-channel cell.
• .
Co-Channel Interference
• The parameter Q, called the co-channel reuse ratio, is
related to the cluster size. For a hexagonal geometry,
Note that the offered traffic is not necessarily the traffic which is
carried by the trunked system, only that which is offered to the
trunked system, the carried traffic becomes limited due to the
limited capacity (i.e. limited number of channels). The maximum
possible carried traffic is the total number of channels, C, in Erlangs.
Calculation of Probability of
• There are two types of trunked systems which are commonly used.
The first type offers no queuing for call requests. That is, for every
user who requests service, it is assumed there is no setup time and
the user is given immediate access to a channel if one is available. If
no channels are available, the requesting user is blocked without
access and is free to try again later. This type of trunking is called
blocked calls cleared.
• The Erlang B formula determines the probability that a call is blocked
and is a measure of the where
GOS C foris athe
numbersystem which
of trunked provides
channels no
by a trunked radio system and A is the total
queuing for blocked calls.
offered traffic.
Calculation of Probability of
• The second kind of trunked system is one in which a queue is provided to
hold calls which are blocked. If a channel is not available immediately, the
call request may be delayed until a channel becomes available. This type of
trunking is called Blocked Calls Delayed, and its measure of GOS is defined
as the probability that a call is blocked after waiting a specific length of time
in the queue. To find the GOS, it is first necessary to find the likelihood that
a call is initially denied access to the system. The likelihood of a call not
having immediate access to a channel is determined by the Erlang C
Calculation of Probability of
• If no channels are immediately available, the call is delayed, and the
probability that the delayed call is forced to wait more than t seconds is
given by the probability that a call is delayed, multiplied by the conditional
probability that the delay is greater than t seconds. The GOS of a trunked
system where blocked calls are delayed is hence given by
where the average delay for those calls which are queued is given by H/(C—A).
Improving Capacity In Cellular
• As the demand for wireless service increases, the number
of channels assigned to a cell eventually becomes
insufficient to support the required number of users. At
this point, cellular design techniques are needed to
provide more channels per unit coverage area. Techniques
such as cell splitting, sectoring, and coverage zone
approaches are used in practice to expand the capacity of
cellular systems.
Cell Splitting
• Cell splitting is the process of subdividing a
congested cell into smaller cells, each with its
own base station and a corresponding
reduction in antenna height and transmitter
power. Cell splitting increases the capacity of
a cellular system since it increases the
number of times that channels are reused. By
defining new cells which have a smaller radius
than the original cells and by installing these
smaller cells (called microcells) between the
existing cells, capacity increases due to the
additional number of channels per unit area.
Cell Splitting
• For the new cells to be smaller in size,
the transmit power of these cells must
be reduced. The transmit power of the
new cells with radius half that of the
original cells can be found by examining
the received power at the new and old
cell boundaries and setting them equal
to each other. This is necessary to
ensure that the frequency reuse plan for
the new microcells behaves exactly as
for the original cells.
Cell Splitting
• For this scenario,
• Pr [at old cell boundary] α Pt1 R-n
Figure 12.23 Simple idea of communication with code
Figure 12.24 Chip sequences
Figure 12.25 Data representation in CDMA
Figure 12.26 Sharing channel in CDMA
Figure 12.27 Digital signal created by four stations in CDMA
Figure 12.28 Decoding of the composite signal for one in CDMA
Figure 12.29 General rule and examples of creating Walsh tables
The number of sequences in a Walsh table needs to be N = 2 .
Example 12.6
Example 12.7
m 7
The number of sequences needs to be 2 . We need to choose m = 7 and N = 2 or 128. We can then
use 90
Example 12.8
Prove that a receiving station can get the data sent by a specific sender if it multiplies the entire
data on the channel by the sender’s chip code and then divides it by the number of stations.
Let us prove this for the first station, using our previous four-station example. We can say that the
D = (d1 ⋅ c1 + d2 ⋅ c2 + d3 ⋅ c3 + d4 ⋅ c4).
The receiver which wants to get the data sent by station 1 multiplies these data by c1.
Example 12.8 (continued)
GSM Channel Types
• Physical Channels
• The ones we have
discussed so far
• Logical Channels
• These channels are
for the transmission
of a certain type of
GSM Logical Channels
• Traffic Channels
• Used to carry voice or data
• These are bidirectional channels
• Control Channels
• Used for signaling between MS and BTS
• Critical for network operation
• MS registration
• Handover
• Call generation
• Call maintenance
Important control channels: Broadcast
• Broadcast control channel (BCCH)
• Network and cell identity
• Information required to connect to the network
• When you power on a MS, it receives the most powerful
signal on BCCH
• Frequency correction channel (FCCH)
• Fine frequency synchronization
• Synchronization Channel (SCH)
• Frame synchronization (Frame number)
Example of the use of Broadcast channel:
A Person Travelling to a New City