The Executive 1
The Executive 1
The Executive 1
The executive is the first round, which the usual administration of the
state revolves and includes all officials engaged in administration.
The president is elected for a fixed five year term and may be
re-elected only once for a consecutive term.
Functions of the Executive Branch of Government
The most fundamental function of the executive are those which relate
to essential activities of the government. The modern state of too
complex structure and it has to cater for the satisfaction of enumerate
human needs.
The government is now regarded as the means for achieving the welfare
of man. It provides for atmosphere in which welfare can be realised.
a) Internal Administration
1) The purpose of government cannot be realised unless there is internal peace and
order. It is the foremost duty of the executive to devise ways and means for
ensuring the maintenance of peace within a country.
2) It is the duty of the executive to implement policies and direct the execution of
3) The executive divides the work of the government into different departments and
agencies in such a manner as to ensure efficient and effective administration.
2) The department which coordinates the foreign relations is called the Ministry of
Foreign affairs.
3) To further the relationship which exists between countries, the executive foreign
mission has embassies and high commissioners (appoint ambassadors, high
commissioners, plenipotentiaries, diplomatic representatives and consuls
To organise military for the defence of the state, to prepare for and fight the
war, if it becomes necessary, and to negotiate and sign peace settlement after
every war, are the functions performed by the executive.
The executive is the final judge of the nature of the threat to the security of
the country. It has the prime responsibility to take all such steps as are needed
in the interest of the security and integrity of the state.
The chief executive of the state is also the supreme commander of the armed
forces of the state.
Functions of the Executive Branch of Government
d) Financial
All government spend good sums of money to perform various funding when
money is to be spent it has to be obtained through some means.
Governments meets its expenditure by taxing the people and typing other sources
of income.
This is the executive function and the department, which makes provisions of ways
and means to raise government revenue, is the Ministry of Finance in the case of
the executive exercises a number of financial functions.
It has the responsibility to prepare the budget.
It proposes the levy of new taxes or changes in tax structure and administration. It collects and
spends the money as sanctioned by the legislature.
The executive decides the ways and means through which the money is to be collected and
It formulates all economic policies and plans.
It takes suitable measures for regulating the production and distribution of goods, money
supply, prices and exports and imports.
It contracts foreign loans, negotiates foreign aid and maintains the financial credibility of the
Functions of the Executive Branch of Government
e) Miscellaneous Functions
The government responds to national disasters such as flood
army wormy worms breakouts of diseases such as cholera etc.
Checks and balances
• It is for this reason that His Excellency the President directed ALL
Government Ministries to prepare and present Quarterly Progress Reports
to him. The first of such reporting was done during February – March
2017 for the fourth quarter of 2017.
d) Ensure that they are well written and researched and that adequate consultation
with other concerned Government Ministries/Departments and stakeholders has taken