Heat Transfer_Radiation ppt
Heat Transfer_Radiation ppt
Heat Transfer_Radiation ppt
Operation: Radiation
Module 3
Electro-magnetic field
Monochromatic radiation
• Monochromatic radiation refers to electromagnetic radiation that consists of a single
wavelength or frequency. The term "monochromatic" is derived from the Greek words
"mono" (meaning one) and "chroma" (meaning color), implying that it involves a single
color or wavelength.
• Key Characteristics of Monochromatic Radiation:
1.Single Wavelength or Frequency: Monochromatic radiation consists of just one
wavelength or one specific frequency of electromagnetic waves. In contrast to white light,
which contains multiple wavelengths, monochromatic radiation is highly pure in terms of
its spectral content.
1. For example, a monochromatic light source may emit only light at a wavelength of
600 nm (orange-red).
2.Narrow Bandwidth: The radiation has a very narrow range of wavelengths, theoretically
a single wavelength, though in practice it might have a very small range of wavelengths
due to physical limitations of sources.
3.Constant Color: If the radiation falls within the visible spectrum, the light emitted will be
perceived as a single color, such as red, green, or blue.
• Examples:
• Laser Light: A laser is an excellent example of a source that can emit nearly
monochromatic radiation, often with a very precise and pure wavelength (such as a
Absorption, Reflection and
In 1864 by physicist James Clerk Maxwell, who postulated that accelerated charges or changing electric
currents give rise to electric and magnetic fields. These rapidly moving fields are called electromagnetic
waves or electromagnetic radiation, and they represent the energy emitted by matter as a result of the
changes in the electronic configurations of the atoms or molecules.
In 1887, Heinrich Hertz experimentally demonstrated the existence of such waves. Electromagnetic
waves transport energy just like other waves, and all electromagnetic waves travel at the speed of light
in a vacuum, which is c0 = 2.9979 × 108 m/s. Electromagnetic waves are characterized by their frequency
n or wavelength l. These two properties in a medium are related by
where c is the speed of propagation of a wave in that medium. The speed of propagation in a medium is
related to the speed of light in a vacuum by c = c0/n, where n is the index of refraction of that medium.
The refractive index is essentially unity for air and most gases, about 1.5 for glass, and 1.33 for water.
In heat transfer studies, we are interested in the energy emitted by bodies because of their temperature
only. Therefore, we limit our consideration to thermal radiation, which we simply call radiation.
The electrons, atoms, and molecules of all solids, liquids, and
gases above absolute zero temperature are constantly in
motion, and thus radiation is constantly emitted, as well as
being absorbed or transmitted throughout the entire volume
of matter. That is, radiation is a volumetric phenomenon.
However for opaque (nontransparent) solids such as metals,
wood, and rocks, radiation is considered to be a surface
phenomenon, since the radiation emitted by the interior
regions can never reach the surface, and the radiation incident
on such bodies is usually absorbed within a few microns from
the surface. Note that the radiation characteristics of surfaces
can be changed completely by applying thin layers of coatings
on them.
• Radiation is emitted in all directions and at a broad spectrum of wavelengths
by a body that is at thermodynamic (or absolute) temperature above zero.
The material of the body, the state of the surface, and the temperature of
the surface all affect how much radiation energy is released from a surface at
a certain wavelength.
• Naturally, people would want to know how much radiation a surface can emit
at a certain temperature. That leads to the idea of blackbody (a standard
against which the radiative properties of real surfaces may be compared).
• A blackbody is defined as a perfect emitter and absorber of radiation.
• At a specified temperature and wavelength, no surface can emit more energy
than a blackbody.
• A blackbody absorbs all incident radiation, regardless of wavelength and
direction. Also, a blackbody emits radiation energy uniformly in all directions
per unit area. That is, a blackbody is a diffuse emitter. The term diffuse
means “independent of direction”.
Stefan-Boltzmann Law
• The radiation energy emitted by a blackbody per unit time and per unit surface area was determined
experimentally by Joseph Stefan in 1879 which is expressed as
Planck’s Law
• The total blackbody emissive power, or Eb, is the total amount of radiation emitted over all wavelengths and
is determined by the Stefan–Boltzmann law.
• The quantity of radiation energy released by a blackbody at a thermodynamic temperature T per unit time,
per unit surface area, and per unit wavelength around the wavelength λ is known as the spectral blackbody
emissive power. For instance, we are more concerned with the quantity of visible light radiation that an
incandescent lightbulb emits than with the total amount emitted.
• Max Planck created the connection for the spectral blackbody emissive power Ebλ in 1901 along with his well-
known quantum theory. Planck's law, which describes this relationship, is stated as
This relation is valid for a
surface in a vacuum or a
gas. For other mediums, it
needs to be modified by
replacing C1 by C1/n2,
where n is the index of
k = 1.38065 ×10-23 J/K is Boltzmann’s constant refraction of the medium.
h=6.62607015×10−34 (joule-seconds)
λ = wavelength of the radiation emitted (m), T = absolute temperature of
the black body (K),
The variation of the blackbody emissive power with wavelength for
several temperatures. 1. The emitted radiation is a continuous
function of wavelength. At any specified
temperature, it increases with wavelength,
reaches a peak, and then decreases with
increasing wavelength.
2. At any wavelength, the amount of emitted
radiation increases with increasing
3. As temperature increases, the peak of the
curves shift to the left to the shorter
wavelength region. Consequently, a larger
fraction of the radiation is emitted at shorter
wavelengths at higher temperatures.
4. The radiation emitted by the sun, which is
considered to be a blackbody at 5780 K (or
roughly at 5800 K), reaches its peak in the
visible region of the spectrum. Therefore, the
sun is in tune with our eyes. On the other
hand, surfaces at T > 800 K emit almost
entirely in the infrared region and thus are
Wien’s displacement law
As the temperature increases, the peak of the curve in previous given figure shifts toward
shorter wavelengths. The wavelength at which the peak occurs for a specified temperature is
given by Wien’s displacement law as
Stefan-Boltzmann Law
1.Emissivity (ε)
1.A grey body has an emissivity less than 1 but independent of
wavelengths. This means that a grey body emits a fraction of the
radiation that a perfect black body would emit at the same temperature.
2.The emissivity of a grey body is constant, meaning it is the same at all
wavelengths and does not depend on the specific frequency of the
2.Absorptivity (α)
1.A grey body has an absorptivity that is also constant and equal to its
emissivity across all wavelengths. This means that for all wavelengths,
it absorbs a constant fraction of the radiation falling on it, regardless of
the wavelength of the radiation. α
Solid angle
The area of a surface on a sphere of unit radius is equivalent in magnitude to the solid angle
it subtends (both are 4π for a sphere of radius r = 1)
Note that the area dAn is normal to the direction of viewing since dAn is viewed from the center of
the sphere. In general, the differential solid angle dω subtended by a differential surface area dA
when viewed from a point at a distance r from dA is expressed as
where α is the angle between the normal of the surface and the direction of viewing, and thus dAn =
dA cosα is the normal (or projected) area to the direction of viewing.
We now consider the rate at which emission from dA1 passes through dAn. This quantity
may be expressed in terms of the spectral intensity I λ,e of the emitted radiation. I λ,e is
the rate at which radiant energy is emitted at the wavelength λ in the (θ, φ) direction,
per unit area of the emitting surface normal to this direction, per unit solid angle about
this direction,
Note and used
that the area per unit wavelength
to define intervalisdλ
the intensity about
the λ.
component of dA1 perpendicular to
the direction of the radiation. From Figure, we see that this projected area is equal to dA1
cos . In effect it is how dA1 would appear to an observer situated on dAn. The spectral
intensity, which has units of W/m2 sr μm, is then
The hemisphere above the surface intercepts all the radiation rays emitted by the
surface, the EMISSIVE POWER from the surface into the hemisphere surrounding it can
be determined by integration as
The radiosity of a blackbody is equal to its emissive power. This is obvious, since
a blackbody does not reflect any radiation, and thus radiation coming from a
Solar Radiation
• The sun is a nearly spherical body that has a diameter of D ≈
1.39 ×109 m and a mass of m ≈ 2×1030 kg and is located at a
mean distance of L = 1.50 × 1011 m from the earth. It emits
radiation energy continuously at a rate of Esun ≈ 3.8 × 1026 W. Less
than a billionth of this energy (about 1.7 ×1017 W) strikes the
earth, which is sufficient to keep the earth warm and to maintain
life through the photosynthesis process. The energy of the sun is
due to the continuous fusion reaction during which two hydrogen
atoms fuse to form one atom of helium. Therefore, the sun is
essentially a nuclear reactor, with temperatures as high as
40,000,000 K in its core region. The temperature drops to about
5800 K in the outer region of the sun, called the convective zone,
as a result of the dissipation of this energy by radiation.