Kantian Ethics
Kantian Ethics
Kantian Ethics
Deontologist believe that the moral decision should be made based on one duties and rights of others. According to Kant , morality is based on pure reason , as people has ability to think rationally , they therefore must act morally irrespective of personal desires
1724 -- 1804
It is sometimes described as "duty" or "obligation" based ethics, because deontologists believe that ethical rules "bind you to your duty. When faced with an ethical dilemma, Kant believes we should ask ourselves: To whom do I owe a duty and what duty do I owe them? Kant believes only actions performed for the sake of duty have moral worth.
A central theme among deontological theorists is that we have a duty to do those things that are inherently good ("truth-telling" for example) . While the ends or consequences of our actions are important, our obligation or duty is to take the right action, even if the consequences of a given act may be bad.
(2) If you want to lower your cholesterol level , then you ought to eat less read meat. Kant called them hypothetical imperatives, because they tell us to do something only on the condition that we have the relevant desire . In neither case does the use of the word ought express a moral obligation.
Kant characterized moral rules as imperatives that express what we ought to do categorically rather hypothetically That is, they are use of the word ought that tell us what to do regardless of our desires . Imperatives that command categorically are of the form Do (period) Thus we cannot evade the force of the moral rule
Thus , we cannot evade the force of the moral rule Tell the truth merely by saying , for example , But I dont care about being trusted
Types of Imperatives
Hypothetical Imperative:
If you want to drive to Jaipur from New Delhi , take the NH 18 Highway. Structure: ifthen
Categorical Imperative
Always tell the truth Unconditional, applicable at all times
If a man were to obtain the loan under false pretenses , the rule on which he would be acting would be something like this : Whenever you need a loan, make a promise to repay the money , even if you know that you cannot do so. Although such rule could easily be acted on by one person, the effect of it being made a rule for every one that is , of becoming a universal law would be, self defeating.
The obligation to do our duty is unconditional. That is, we must do it for the sake of duty, because it is the right thing to do, not because it will profit us psychologically, or economically, not because if we dont do it and get caught well be punished. The categorical imperative was Kants name for this inbred, self-imposed restraint, for the command of ` within that tells us that the only true moral act is done from a pure sense of duty.
-- Admiral James Stockdale
The second formulation holds that Act so that you treat humanity ,whether in your own person or in that of another , always as end and never as a means only
Act only according to that maxim by which you can also will that it would become a universal law. Act in such a way that you always treat humanity, whether in your own person or in the person of any other, never simply as a means, but always at the same time as an end. Act as though you were, through your maxims, a law-making member of a kingdom of ends
Categorical Imperatives: Universality Always act in such a way that the maxim of your action can be willed as a universal law of humanity. --Immanuel Kant
Categorical Imperatives: Respect Always treat humanity, whether in yourself or in other people, as an end in itself and never as a mere means. --Immanuel Kant
KANTIAN ETHICS Supreme Principle of Morality The rightness or wrongness of an act depends upon universal laws of action (the END never Justifies the MEANS) It is all about DUTY
Deontological ethics is commonly contrasted with teleological ethical theories, according to which the rightness of an action is determined by its consequences. Deontologists believe that some actions are wrong no matter what consequences follow from them Immanuel Kant, for example, famously argued that it is always wrong to lie even if a murderer is asking for the location of a potential victim
Are exceptions possible for Kant?
Yes, as long as they can be consistently universalized
The speeding car
We can universalize an exception for something like ambulance drivers
One of the greatest strengths of Kant's theory, is that it does not play favourites nor make exceptions. The same fundamental rules of morality apply to everyone regardless of class, colours, caste, race, creed, blood type, gender, and so forth.
lying or copying someone elses work? Would you lie and tell a friend that you dont have the paper he wants to look at and possibly copy? Or do you let him have the paper? Duty-based ethics provides no framework for you to resolve the conflict.
Duty-based ethics could simply become rule following, with possible temptations to bend the rules or to cut corners.
Doing ones duty can have negative results. If it does, can the action taken still be considered moral?
Virtue Ethics
Virtue ethics' founding fathers are Plato and, more particularly Aristotle (its roots in Chinese philosophy are even more ancient) and it persisted as the dominant approach in Western moral philosophy .
Virtue Ethics
Utilitarian and duty-based ethics focus on deciding what actions we should take in situations because, from our perspective, they are the right thing to do.
Virtue ethics asks instead , what kind of person should we be ? Moral character rather than right action is fundamental in this ethical theory.
Virtue Ethics
Virtue-based ethical theory place less emphasis on which rules people should follow and instead focus on helping people develop good character traits, such as kindness and generosity. These character traits will, in turn, allow a person to make the correct decisions later on in life.
Virtue theorists also emphasize the need for people to learn how to break bad habits of character, like greed or anger. These are called vices and stand in the way of becoming a good person.
The role of ethics according to Aristotle is to enable us to lead successful , rewarding lives- the kind of lives we would call the good life The good life in Aristotles sense is possible only for a virtuous persons that is persons who develop the traits of character that we call the virtues .
According to Aristotle, when people acquire good habits of character, they are better able to regulate their emotions and their reason. This, in turn, helps us reach morally correct decisions when we are faced with difficult choices
He believed that we can achieve happinessor the good lifeby developing virtue.
The good life in Aristotles sense is possible only for virtuous persons that is, persons who develops the traits of character that we call virtues.
because the virtuous person will fare better in life, and the virtuous person is the happy person.
For Aristotle, we need virtues in order to live
that the virtues all have in common that they are needed to live successfully.
What is Virtue ?
Virtue to Aristotle meant the excellence of a specific thing. The virtue of a knife is that it cuts well; the virtue of a teacher is that he or she imparts knowledge successfully to others. The virtue of human beings in general is our rationality. To determine the specific virtue of a specific thing simply ask what purpose that thing serves in society.
Our job as human beings is to use our rationality to find the golden mean in every virtue and then to practice and live it until it becomes a habit.
Courage is a virtue, but too little courage becomes cowardice and too much becomes recklessness. In between these two extremes is the golden mean of courage.
Courage is a virtue, but too little courage becomes cowardice and too much becomes recklessness. In between these two extremes is the golden mean of courage. Our job as human beings is to use our rationality to find the golden mean in every virtue and then to practice and live it until it becomes a habit.
What is Virtue
Aristotle describes Virtue as character trait that manifests itself in Habitual action Honesty for example , cannot consist in telling the truth once; it is rather a trait of person who tells the truth as a general practice For Aristotle, virtue is something that is practiced and thereby learnedit is habit .
Honesty is not simply a matter of knowing how to tell the truth but involves habitually telling the truth
Aristotle classified virtue as a state of character , which is different from feeling or skill.
A virtue is something that we admire in a person ; a virtue is an excellence of some kind that is worth having for its own sake.
A skill like carpentry is useful for building a house , for example , but not every one need to be a carpenter . Honesty , by contrast , is a trait that every one needs for a good life. This has clear implications for moral education, for Aristotle obviously thinks that you can teach people to be virtuous
Virtues are habits. That is, once they are acquired, they become characteristic of a person. For example, a person who has developed the virtue of generosity is often referred to as a generous person because he or she tends to be generous in all circumstances.
Moreover, a person who has developed virtues will be naturally disposed to act in ways that are consistent with moral principles. The virtuous person is the ethical person.
Concluding Evaluation
Virtues are those strengths of character that enable us to flourish The virtuous person has practical wisdom, the ability to know when and how best to apply these various moral perspectives.
Any manager should be caring , for example , but a concern for employee welfare can go only so far when layoff is unavoidable .
Ideally , morality should be something that we do not think about at all but merely do out of habit .
The distinguishing feature of virtue is its insistence that being of certain character and not perfomining right actions is central to morality. If we expect an ethical theory to help us solve the really hard and complex problems of life ,than an ethics of right action may be more helpful . If on other hand , we are more concerned with living our daily life in a community with others ,then perhaps an ethics of character is more appropriate.
Justice like rights is an important moral concept with wide range of applications. We use it to evaluate not only the actions of individuals but also social , legal political , and economic practices and institutions. Question of justice often arise when there is something to distribute
If there is a shortage of organ donors , for example , we ask what is a just , or fair way of deciding who gets a transplant ? If there is a burden, such as taxes , we want to make sure that every one bears a fair share. Justice is also concerned with the righting of wrongs,
It requires , for example that a criminal be punished for a crime and that the punishment fit the crime by being neither too lenient nor too severe. Justice also requires that something to be done to compensate the victims of discrimination or defective products or industrial accidents.
Distributive justice
Retributive justice
Which involves the punishment of wrong doers.
Compensatory justice
Which is a matter of compensating persons for wrong done to them.
"Socialist : People should be assigned burdens according to abilities, benefits according to need.
Libertarian : Burdens should be assigned as they are voluntarily accepted, benefits as others voluntarily give them
Capitalism : Benefits should be distributed according to the value of contribution individual makes to the society , and benefits are the direct results of your efforts
Theories of justice
Following are the four prominent theories of justice: Aristotles principle of proportionate equality. John Mills theory of justice based on utility. John Rawlss egalitarian theory of justice. Robert Nozicks libertarian entitlement theory.
Egalitarian theory
John Rawls (February 21, 1921 November 24, 2002) was an American philosopher and a leading figure in moral and political philosophy.
Utilitarianism ,Rawlss charges , does not take seriously the difference between persons
As a alternative to the utilitarian ideal of society with the highest level of welfare , Rawls proposes a society that recognizes its free and equal moral persons , a concept he attributes to Kant.
For Rawls ,questions of justice arise primarily when free and equal persons attempt to advance their own interest and come into conflict with others pursuing their self interest . The key to a well ordered society is the creation of institutions that enables individuals with conflicting ends to interact in mutually beneficial ways
The focus of Rawlss theory , is on social justice , that is, on a conception of justice that is suited to a well ordered society .
Once we have determined what constitutes a just society , however we can apply the results to questions of justice in the political ,legal and economic spheres.
He assumes , that people he is describing are rational in the sense that they conceive ends and act purposefully to achieve them and that they are willing to cooperate with others when this is possible and to abide by any agreements made.
To say that we are behind a Veil of Ignorance is to say we do not know the following sorts of things: our sex, race, physical handicaps, generation, social class of our parents, etc. But self-interested rational persons are not ignorant of (1) the general types of possible situations in which humans can find themselves; (2) general facts about human psychology and "human nature".
Self-interested rational persons behind the Veil of Ignorance are given the task of choosing the principles that shall govern actual world. Rawls believes that he has set up an inherently fair procedure here. Because of the fairness of the procedure Rawls has described, he says, the principles that would be chosen by means of this procedure would be fair principles.
According to Rawls, ignorance of these details about oneself will lead to principles that are fair to all. If an individual does not know how he will end up in his own conceived society, he is likely not going to privilege any one class of people, but rather develop a scheme of justice that treats all fairly.
In particular, Rawls claims that those in the Original Position would all adopt a maximin strategy which would maximise the prospects of the least well-off .
The First Principle of Justice- Each person is to have an equal right to the most extensive scheme of equal basic liberties compatible with a similar scheme of liberties for others .
The basic liberties of citizens are, roughly speaking, political liberty (i.e., to vote ), freedom of speech , liberty of conscience, freedom of property; and freedom from arbitrary arrest.
The first principle is more or less absolute, and may not be violated, even for the sake of the second principle.
The task of ensuring that every one has basic rights ought to be completed before any inequalities based on the second principle are permitted.
The second principle recognizes ,however that there are conditions under which rational self-interested persons would make an exception to the first principle and accept less than equal share of some primary goods.
One such condition is that every one would be better off with the inequality than without it.
If it is possible to increase the total amount of income , for example , but not possible to distribute it equally , than resulting distribution is still just, according to Rawls as long as the extra income is distributed in such a way that every one benefits from inequality.
Principle 2(b) , the principle of equal opportunity is similar to the view that careers should be open to all on the basis of talent.
Whether a person gets a certain job , for example ought to be determined by competence in that line of work and not by skin color ,family connection or any other irrelevant characteristic.
What does the Difference Principle mean? It means that society may undertake projects that require giving some persons more power, income, status, etc. than others, e.g., paying accountants and upper-level managers more than assembly-line operatives, provided that the following conditions are met:
(a) the project will make life better off for the people who are now worst off, for example, by raising the living standards of everyone in the community and empowering the least advantaged persons to the extent consistent with their wellbeing, and (b) access to the privileged positions is not blocked by discrimination according to irrelevant criteria.
Rawls' claim in a) is that departures from equality of a list of what he calls primary goods 'things which a rational man wants whatever else he wants' - are justified only to the extent that they improve the lot of those who are worst-off under that distribution in comparison with the previous, equal, distribution
Libertarianism is, as the name implies, the belief in liberty. Libertarians strive for the best of all worlds - a free, peaceful, abundant world where each individual has the maximum opportunity to pursue his or her dreams and to realize his full potential.
Libertarians believe that each person owns his own life and property, and has the right to make his own choices as to how he lives his life - as long as he simply respects the same right of others to do the same.
Libertarianism is thus the combination of liberty (the freedom to live your life in any peaceful way you choose), responsibility (the prohibition against the use of force against others, except in defense), and tolerance (honoring and respecting the peaceful choices of others).
Libertarians believe that this combination of personal and economic liberty produces abundance, peace, harmony, creativity, order, and safety
Another way of saying this is that libertarians believe you should be free to do as you choose with your own life and property, as long as you don't harm the person and property of others.
Spontaneous order
Human activity requires a, certain order which is to say rules and institutions that provide a basic frame work for people interaction. One concept of order is a planned order, in which a ruler or a group of leaders set goals and organise people activities to achieve them.
An alternative to a planned order is a system in which individuals , within certain general rules , make decisions that result in Spontaneous order Hayek cites the development of language , money and the first laws as examples of such spontaneous order. Spontaneous order protects and expands the basic right to liberty and property.
Whether we are entitled to a certain holdings is determined by tracing their history. Most of us what we possess comes from others through transfers , such as purchases and gifts. As long as each transfer was just and the original acquisition was just, then our present holding is just.
2 A principle of justice in transfer - This principle explains how one person can acquire holdings , including voluntary exchange and gifts.
3 A principle of rectification of injustice how to deal with holdings that are unjustly acquired or transferred, whether and how much victims can be compensated, how to deal with long past transgressions or injustices done by a government, and so on.
Nozick believes that if the world were wholly just, only the first two principles would be needed .
Thus, Entitlement Theory would imply "a distribution is just if everyone is entitled to the holdings they possess under the distribution" Unfortunately, not everyone follows these rules: "some people steal from others, or defraud them, or enslave them, seizing their product and preventing them from living as they choose, or forcibly exclude others from competing in exchanges" . Thus the third principle of rectification is needed.
Back up
Egalitarianism (derived from the French word gal, meaning equal) or Equalism is a political doctrine that holds that all people should be treated as equals and have the same political, economic, social, and civil rights. Generally it applies to being held equal under the law and society at large. In actual practice, one may be considered an egalitarian in most areas listed below, even if not subscribing to equality in every possible area of individual difference.
Economic egalitarianism
Economic egalitarianism is a state of economic affairs in which the participants of a society are of equal standing and equal access to all the economic resources in terms of economic power, wealth, and contribution. It is a founding principle of various forms of socialism.
(1) is egalitarian, since it distributes extensive liberties equally to all persons. (2b) is also quite egalitarian, since it distributes opportunities to be considered for offices and positions in an equal manner. (2a) is not egalitarian but makes benefit for some (those with greater talents, training, etc.) proportionate to their contribution toward benefiting the least advantaged persons.
What does the Difference Principle mean? It means that society may undertake projects that require giving some persons more power, income, status, etc. than others, e.g., paying accountants and upper-level managers more than assembly-line operatives, provided that the following conditions are met: (a) the project will make life better off for the people who are now worst off, for example, by raising the living standards of everyone in the community and empowering the least advantaged persons to the extent consistent with their well-being,
and (b) access to the privileged positions is not blocked by discrimination according to irrelevant criteria.
The Difference Principle has elements of other familiar ethical theories. The "socialist" idea (see Distributive Justice) that responsibilities or burdens should be distibuted according to ability and benefits according to need is partly contained within the Difference Principle. We may reasonably assume that the "least advantaged" have the greatest needs and that those who receive special powers (hinted at under "social inequalities") also have special responsibilities or burdens. However, the merit principle that the use of special skills should be rewarded is also included in the Difference Principle.
What (2a) does not permit is a change in social and economic institutions that makes life better for those who are already well off but does nothing for those who are already disadvantaged, or makes their life worse.
Example: policies that permit nuclear power plants which degrade the environment for nearby family farmers but provide jobs for already well-paid professionals who come in from the big cities.
An important consequence here, however, is that inequalities can actually be just on Rawls's view, as long as they are to the benefit of the least well off
John Rawls' principles can be understood as blending elements of merit, egalitarian, libertarian, and "socialist" principles, they are not an arbitrary synthesis but have their own carefully worked out derivation from a reasonable model of fairness
Self-interested rational persons behind the Veil of Ignorance are given the task of choosing the principles that shall govern actual world. Rawls believes that he has set up an inherently fair procedure here. Because of the fairness of the procedure Rawls has described, he says, the principles that would be chosen by means of this procedure would be fair principles.
Rawlss method
Rawlss begins by asking us to imagine a situation in which free and equal persons ,concerned to advance their own interests, attempt to arrive at unanimous agreement on the principles that will serve the basis for constructing the major institutions of society.
The approach taken by Rawls in a A theory of justice is similar to traditional contract theories , which assume that if individuals in some hypothetical pre contract situation would unanimously accept certain terms for governing their relations, then those terms are just and all people have an obligation to abide by them. Crucial to any contract theory is description of the pre contact situation which is called original position
A distinctive feature of the original position ,as described by Rawls is the veil of ignorance . The individuals who are asked to agree on the principles of justice must do so without knowing many facts about themselves and their situation. Rawls conceives of the process as bargaining game in which people are free to offer proposals of their own and reject those of others until unanimity is achieved
According to Robert C Solomon, mere wealth creation is not purpose of business. According to him,
The bottom line approach to business is that we have to get away from bottom line thinking and conceive of business as an essential part of the good life ,living well getting along with others , having a sense of self respect , and being part of something one can be proud of.
The response of most people to a complex ethical dilemma is to ask what they feel comfortable with or what a person they admire would do. Virtue ethics views individuals as embedded in community and holds that a web of close relationships is essential for a good life. Because business activity so much of role and relationships , then perhaps an ethic of virtue is more relevant to the experience of people in the workplace
BPO is typically categorized into back office outsourcing - which includes internal business functions such as human resources or finance and accounting, and front office outsourcing - which includes customer-related services such as contact center services.
Knowledge process outsourcing (KPO) is a form of outsourcing, in which knowledge-related and information-related work is carried out by workers in a different company or by a subsidiary of the same organization, which may be in the same country or in an offshore location to save cost. Unlike the outsourcing of manufacturing, this typically involves high-value work carried out by highly skilled staff.
1,60,001 to 3,00,000
3,00,001 to 5,00,000 Above 5,00,000
20% 30%
1,90,001 to 3,00,000
3,00,001 to 5,00,000 Above 5,00,000
20% 30%
2,40,001 to 3,00,000
3,00,001 to 5,00,000 Above 5,00,000
20% 30%