2 TQM - Contributions of Quality Gurus
2 TQM - Contributions of Quality Gurus
2 TQM - Contributions of Quality Gurus
Quality Gurus
W. Edwards Deming
Developed courses during World War II to teach statistical quality-control techniques to engineers and executives of companies that were military suppliers After the war, began teaching statistical quality control to Japanese companies
Joseph M. Juran
Followed Deming to Japan in 1954 Focused on strategic quality planning
Deming Juran Crosby Feigenbau m Ishikawa Taguchi Shigeo Shingo Taiichi Ohno Shewhart
Quality Gurus
Philip Crosby
In 1979, emphasized that costs of poor quality far outweigh the cost of preventing poor quality In 1984, defined absolutes of quality management conformance to requirements, prevention, and zero defects
Deming Armand V. Feigenbaum Juran Crosby In 1951, introduced concepts of total quality control Feigenbau and continuous quality improvement m Ishikawa Kaoru Ishikawa Taguchi Promoted use of quality circles Shigeo Developed fishbone diagram Shingo Emphasized importance of internal customer Taiichi Ohno Shewhart
Quality Gurus
Genichi Taguchi
Emphasized variation reduction, Taguchi loss function
Shigeo Shingo
Developed Poka-Yoke and Source inspection systems
Taiichi Ohno
Father of Toyota Production System Juran Influenced areas like JIT and Lean manufacturing Crosby
Walter Shewhart
In 1920s, developed control charts Introduced the term quality assurance
Deming Juran Crosby Feigenbaum Ishikawa Taguchi Shigeo Shingo Taiichi Ohno Shewhart
Demings 14 Principles
1. Create a vision and show commitment 2. Learn the new philosophy 3. Understand inspection 4. Stop decision making solely on cost 5. Improve constantly 6. Institute training 7. Institute leadership 8. Drive out fear 9. Optimize team efforts 10.Eliminate exhortations to workers 11.Eliminate numerical quotas 12.Remove barriers to workmanship pride 13.Encourage selfimprovement 14.Take action
Knowledge of Psychology
Knowledge of Psychology
Knowledge of Psychology
Theory of Knowledge
Knowledge is not possible without theory Experience alone does not establish a theory, it only describes Theory shows cause-and-effect relationships that can be used for prediction
Appreciation for System Knowledge about Variation
Knowledge of Psychology
Knowledge of Psychology
People are motivated intrinsically and extrinsically Fear is demotivating Managers should develop pride and joy in work
Knowledge of Psychology
Deming Juran Crosby Feigenbaum Ishikawa Taguchi Shigeo Shingo Taiichi Ohno Shewhart
Quality Improveme nt
Deming Juran Crosby Feigenbaum Ishikawa Taguchi Shigeo Shingo Taiichi Ohno Shewhart
Deming Juran Crosby Feigenbaum Ishikawa Taguchi Shigeo Shingo Taiichi Ohno Shewhart
Deming Juran Crosby Feigenbaum Ishikawa Taguchi Shigeo Shingo Taiichi Ohno Shewhart
Determine methods of reaching goals Engage in education and training Implement work
Chec k
Ishikawa Diagram
Also known as Cause and Effect Diagram or C&E Diagram Fishbone Diagram
Man Machin e
Metho d
Environme nt
1. Why did it run out of gas? 1. Why didnt you buy any gas this morning? 1. Why didnt you have any money? 1. Why did you lose your money in last nights poker game?
Because Im not very good at bluffing when I dont have a good hand
Deming Juran Crosby Feigenbaum Ishikawa Taguchi Shigeo Shingo Taiichi Ohno Shewhart
Deming Juran Crosby Feigenbaum Ishikawa Taguchi Shigeo Shingo Taiichi Ohno Shewhart
Shingos Poka-Yoke
Mistake Proofing An approach for mistake-proofing processes using automatic devices or methods to avoid simple human or machine error, such as
Forgetfulness Misunderstanding Errors in identification Lack of experience Absentmindedness Delays, or Malfunctions
Quality Gurus Deming Juran Crosby Feigenbaum Ishikawa Taguchi Shigeo Shingo Taiichi Ohno Shewhart