Project Schedule Management: Prepared by Shwetang Panchal Sigma Institute of Management Studies
Project Schedule Management: Prepared by Shwetang Panchal Sigma Institute of Management Studies
Project Schedule Management: Prepared by Shwetang Panchal Sigma Institute of Management Studies
Chapter 5: Scheduling
Late 1950s
U.S. Navy, Booz-Allen Hamilton, and Lockeheed Aircraft Probabilistic activity durations Dupont De Nemours Inc. Deterministic activity durations
Chapter 5: Scheduling
task or set of tasks use resources state resulting from completion of one or more activities consume no resources or time predecessor activities must be completed
Chapter 5: Scheduling
events that mark significant progress diagram of nodes and arcs used to illustrate technological relationships series of connected activities between two events
Chapter 5: Scheduling
Critical Path
set of activities on a path that if delayed will delay completion of project time required to complete all activities on the critical path
Critical Time
Chapter 5: Scheduling
Chapter 5: Scheduling
Chapter 5: Scheduling
Chapter 5: Scheduling
Chapter 5: Scheduling
Chapter 5: Scheduling
Chapter 5: Scheduling
Chapter 5: Scheduling
Figure 5-6b A Completed Sample AOA Network Showing the Use of a Dummy Task
Chapter 5: Scheduling
Table 5-2 A Sample Problem for Finding the Critical Path and Critical Time
Chapter 5: Scheduling
Chapter 5: Scheduling
Chapter 5: Scheduling
Figure 5-10 The Critical Path and Time for Sample Project
Chapter 5: Scheduling
Slack or Float
Chapter 5: Scheduling
Chapter 5: Scheduling
Chapter 5: Scheduling
Chapter 5: Scheduling
Chapter 5: Scheduling
Figure 5-13 The Statistical Distribution of all Possible Times for an Activity
Chapter 5: Scheduling
Chapter 5: Scheduling
95 Percent Level
Task will be a or lower 5 percent of the time Task will be b or greater 5 percent of the time
Chapter 5: Scheduling
90 Percent Level
Task will be a or lower 10 percent of the time Task will be b or greater 10 percent of the time
Chapter 5: Scheduling
Chapter 5: Scheduling
Chapter 5: Scheduling
Chapter 5: Scheduling
Chapter 5: Scheduling
Chapter 5: Scheduling
Figure 5-17 An MSP Calendar for the Day Care Project, 4/16/00 to 5/27/00
Chapter 5: Scheduling
Chapter 5: Scheduling
Figure 5-18 The Statistical Distribution of Completion Times of the Path a-b-dg-h
Chapter 5: Scheduling
NORMINV(probability,,,TR UE)
Chapter 5: Scheduling
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Chapter 5: Scheduling
must enumerate alternate paths simulation does not require assumption of path independence
Chapter 5: Scheduling
Chapter 5: Scheduling
Chapter 5: Scheduling
Chapter 5: Scheduling
Figure 5-22 A Gantt Chart of Sample Project Showing Critical Path, Path Connections, Slack, EST, LST, EFT, and LFT
Chapter 5: Scheduling
Figure 5-23 A Gantt Chart of a Day Care Project Showing Expected Durations, Critical Path, Milestone, and Resource Requirements
Chapter 5: Scheduling
Figure 5-24 A Progress Report on a Day Care Project Showing Actual Progress Versus Baseline
Chapter 5: Scheduling
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Chapter 5: Scheduling
Precedence Diagramming
Chapter 5: Scheduling
Chapter 5: Scheduling
Other Methods
combines flowgraphs, probabilistic networks, and decision trees allows loops back to earlier events and probabilistic branching
Chapter 5: Scheduling
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Chapter 5: Scheduling