Pay For Performance AND Financial Incentives
Pay For Performance AND Financial Incentives
Pay For Performance AND Financial Incentives
Frederick Taylor
Intrinsic Motivation
Financial Rewards
Hygiene factors
Motivation to act
Factors that lead to job satisfaction are different from the factors that lead to dissatisfaction Financial incentives may motivate in the short term but the satisfiers associated with the work (achievement, responsibility, recognition, advancement) have deeper and long lasting effect.
Edward Deci
Intrinsically motivated behaviors are motivated by the underlying need for competence and selfdetermination.
Pay-for-performance plans
Individual incentive/recognition programs Sales compensation programs Team/group-based variable pay programs Organizationwide incentive programs Executive incentive compensation programs
Piecework Plans
The worker is paid a sum (called a piece rate) for each unit he or she produces.
Straight piecework: A fixed sum is paid for each unit the worker produces under an established piece rate standard. An incentive may be paid for exceeding the piece rate standard. Standard hour plan: The worker gets a premium equal to the percent by which his or her work performance exceeds the established standard.
Possible incentives
Bonuses, stock options and grants, profit sharing Better vacations, more flexible work hours Improved pension plans Equipment for home offices
Recognition-based awards
Commission plan
Pay is only a percentage of sales
Keeps sales costs proportionate to sales revenues. Can create wide variation in salespersons income. sales success may linked to external factors rather than to salespersons performance. Can increase turnover of salespeople.
Advantages of ESOPs
ESOPs help employees develop a sense of ownership in and commitment to the firm, and help to build teamwork. No taxes on ESOPs are due until employees receive a distribution from the trust, usually at retirement when their tax rate is lower. At-risk variable pay plans that put some portion of the employees weekly pay at risk. If employees meet or exceed their goals, they earn incentives. If they fail to meet their goals, they forgo some of the pay they would normally have earned.