Presentation Slides by 31 October by Prof MacDonald
Presentation Slides by 31 October by Prof MacDonald
Presentation Slides by 31 October by Prof MacDonald
Main theme of lecture: macroeconomic
fundamentals useful for determination of exchange rates at long (equilibrium) and medium-run (forecasting) horizons. Controversial as seems to go against current conventional wisdom (CCW). What is CCW?
CCW argues for the abandonment of
macroeconomic fundamentals for analysing exchange rate movements. CCW takes as its starting point daily volume of global foreign exchange transactions = $1.2 trillion Given on daily basis macro-fundamentals dont change much - How explain $1.2T? Move to Market Microstrucure (MM).
MM focuses on institutional features of the
Forex inter-bank behaviour; inter-bank / broker. Two key MM variables are bid-ask measure of transaction costs - and order flow measure of information flow. Theoretical MM literature focuses on det. of B-A and influence of order flow on volatility. Highlights Heterogeneity vs. Homogeneity of expectations Important.
Empirical literature provides support for
influence of order flow on volatility-volume and B-A. So perhaps MM helpful for explaining high frequency volatility. But time frame day so not helpful for predictability or equilibrium. The new CCW arose because of the existence of the so-called Exchange Rate Disconnect. This has three aspects:
1. Volatility: Exchange rates when flexible are
excessively volatile. Intra- and inter-regime aspects. 2. Level: Exchange rates unpredictable at horizons of < 3 years - relates to forecasting and Meese and Rogoff Random walk result. 3. PPP Puzzle: If PPP taken as measure of equilibrium then equilibrium is ill-defined mean reversion too slow i.e. life too large.
I intend focussing on 2 aspects of the
exchange rate disconnect Level and PPP puzzle. Will argue: can forecast currencies using macro fundamentals as short as 2 month horizons; produce sensible measure of equilibrium if abandon PPP and focus on a real exchange rate relationship.
The issue of an equilibrium exchange rate, and
the related concept of misalignment, is of interest to policy makers/ central banks/ financial institutions. Forecastability of currencies of interest to financial institutions such as hedge funds. Recently returns from international portfolios have often come from exchange rate movements so getting these right important.
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(NOEM) to Assessment Issues. Basic idea: optimising behaviour of consumers has implications for CA which, in turn, has implications for exchange rates. Optimising rule of consumers suggests elasticity of substitution, , is key determines how relative price of T to NT affects rel quantaties. Given and required in consumption of traded goods show how much of Q needed to restore current balance. Advantages theoretically rigorous. Disadvantages: what is ? and as in FEER normative.
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How useful? Direction perhaps more so. But this is benchmark in academic literature. How good are the professionals see the
distributions for professionals. From Consensus Economics, period -.
V=[xt, xt-1, x]
Key advantage of strategy: 1. gives full system of equations, for all variables, rather
than a single reduced form. 2. Facilitates a stringent test of forecast ability since predicted values of all terms (exchange rates, prices and interest rates) are used rather than actual data values.