Social Entrepreneurship
Social Entrepreneurship
Social Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship Development
Social Entrepreneurship Defined
Mohd. Yunus
Nobel 2K6 Awardee
Grameen Bank,
Father of Micro credit
Victoria Hale
Dr. Hale first set her sights on the drug after she
attended a conference in Belgium in 1999, where
Dr. Shyam Sundar, an expert on black fever, was
railing against the world’s failure to fight the
“The tragedy, maybe even the crime, is that we
have known that this drug is an effective treatment
for kala azar since the 1960’s,” said Dr. Sundar,
whose free clinic in Muzaffarpur was also a site
for a trial by OneWorld Health. “We could do
something, but we were choosing not to.”
Many Early Battles
After visiting Dr. Sundar’s clinic in 2000, Dr. Hale, (doing consulting
work at the time), hired a law firm to help her get the tax exemption
necessary to create a nonprofit drug company.
The I.R.S. turned her down three times over 10 months, suspicious
that her plan was a scheme by the drug industry to shelter profits.
The tax agency challenged her to find an example of an existing charity
that mirrored a for-profit business.
“It took me five days, and then at dinner, it hit me: N.P.R. and
public television,” she said.
“They look an awful lot like for-profit radio and television, but they
serve a different audience with programs that their for-profit
counterparts don’t provide because they can’t profit from them.”
Two weeks later, OneWorld Health received I.R.S. approval and set out
to tackle black fever.
Many Early Battles
At the time, the W.H.O was developing another drug for black
fever with Zentaris, a large pharmaceutical company, and
the Indian government.
That drug, miltefosine, has the advantage of being an oral
treatment, while paromomycin is administered by injection.
But miltefosine, an anticancer drug, also has drawbacks. In
trials, it caused gastrointestinal problems in one-third of the
patients. And patients must be strictly supervised to ensure that
they take the full 21-day course of treatment.
By contrast, paromomycin has shown almost no side effects
in trials.
Commerce came in the way
Business Model – An Overview
Social Activism
In this case, the motivator of the activity is the same – an
unfortunate and stable equilibrium.
And several aspects of the actor’s characteristics are the
same – inspiration, creativity, courage, and fortitude.
What is different is the nature of the actor’s action
Instead of taking direct action, as the social entrepreneur
would, the social activist attempts to create change
through indirect action, by influencing others –
governments, NGOs, consumers, workers, etc. – to take
Social Activism
Edwin Aldrin: “We feel this stands as a symbol
of the insatiable curiousity of all mankind to
explore the unknown”.
Neil Armstrong: “That's one small step for man,
one giant leap for mankind”.
NASA mooned America!
By R. Rene