South Florida Water Management District

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Lake Okeechobee
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Salinity Graph

Fixing Salinity Levels in Florida Bay

Everglades restoration restores more natural flows into and through the Everglades. The seagrass meadows of Florida Bay make up the largest continuous seagrass bed on Earth. Along with the mangrove forests lining the coast, these seagrass meadows are the reason Florida Bay can support such a great diversity and quantity of life. Every time Florida Bay experiences an extreme hypersalinity event, seagrass dies. Most of the issues in Florida Bay are tied to out-of-balance salinity.

Everglades restoration is working to prevent high salinity and protect seagrass by restoring freshwater flow into the Everglades.

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In The News

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In recognition of World Wildlife Day, we are highlighting our continued efforts to protect and…

Welcome to

The South Florida Water Management District is the oldest and largest of the state's five water management districts, managing water resources in a 16-county region that stretches from Orlando to the Florida Keys, serving a population of 9 million people.


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