Afghanistan War
Following the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks in New York and Washington, the United States and a broad global alliance invaded Afghanistan to oust the Taliban, fight terrorism and hunt down Osama bin Laden. Almost a decade later, fighting continues in the Hindu Kush and peace and stability remain elusive.
Alle Beiträge
Escape from Afghanistan, Part III "Children Were Disposed of Like Garbage"
Escape from Afghanistan, Part I "We're Destroying the IT. Have a Nice Sunday"
The Taliban Catastrophe Afghanistan One Year After the Takeover
Interview with Former Afghan President Hamid Karzai "Millions of People Are Leaving the Country"
No Man’s Land A Journey To an Afghan Region Where the Taliban’s Grip Hasn’t Taken Hold
Making Their Voices Heard A Parliament of Exiled Afghan Women in Athens
Tall Task for the Taliban Afghanistan Teetering on the Brink of Economic Collapse
The New Rulers of Afghanistan The Taliban’s Campaign to Rob Villagers of Their Land
My Enemy's Enemy... The U.S. Allies with the Taliban Against Terror
Afghan Vice President in Letter to DER SPIEGEL "A Deal for Surrender Won't Happen"
German Foreign Minister on the Afghanistan Debacle "I Don't Know If It's Possible to Completely Make Up for Everything"
A Trillion Dollar Illusion The Entirely Predictable Failure of the West's Mission in Afghanistan
"Takeover of Kabul Unlikely Before 9/11" A Chronicle of German Failures in Afghanistan
Germany's Afghanistan Dilemma What To Do With Local Hires?
Former Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai "We Afghans Are Just Being Used Against Each Other"
Interview with Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghani "I Know I Am Only One Bullet Away from Death"
Interview with U.S. Special Envoy to Afghanistan "We Will Not Abandon Afghanistan"
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