noun as in gathering or amassing
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Some chemical compounds, like copper sulfate, are allowed to help control plant diseases, but need to be used in a way that minimizes their accumulation on soil and avoids leaving residues on crops.
One of many factors contributing to day-after misery is the accumulation of acetaldehyde, a chemical byproduct of the beverages’ ethanol breaking down in the body.
For life is not simply an accumulation of coincidences, achieving meaning through repetition, through echo.
Its exposure to light and intense metabolic activity makes it highly vulnerable to oxidative stress and the accumulation of DNA damage over time, a process closely linked to aging.
The findings revealed that higher levels of visceral fat were related to increased amyloid, accounting for 77% of the effect of high BMI on amyloid accumulation.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.