ancient history
noun as in ancient times
Example Sentences
Yet scientists hypothesized that although Venus is likely uninhabitable today, it may have been hospitable in its ancient history.
I suppose it's possible that it's ancient history to a lot of people but I kind of doubt it is for anyone over 50.
Ethiopia's prime minister Abiy Ahmed said that while the 80s original was "well-meaning at the time", it was "frustrating to see our nation’s ancient history, culture, diversity and beauty reduced to doom and gloom".
But thanks to a powerful laser-based technology called lidar, ancient history is being illuminated like never before.
It swings from one extreme to another, matching Coppola’s grandiose gestures toward futurism, ancient history, symbolism, theatrical performance — and, at the heart of it all, love.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.