Example Sentences
Sara Sharif experienced "daily living hell" at home at the hands of her father and stepmother, but at school she was a caring, cheerful "chatterbox", who loved singing and dancing, her head teacher said.
Jared Verse, the No. 19 pick in this year’s draft, is an edge rusher but said he came of age as a brazen chatterbox on the field by listening to Ramsey in mic’d up moments.
The film is an evocation of character, place and time, the tempo alternating between moody and lively, like our central odd couple, laconic Benny and chatterbox Kathy.
Sometimes it takes me — a culture professional — a while to catch up, so I’d imagine other folks might appreciate some distance between opening weekend and the instant media chatterboxes start breaking down the dismount.
She should have already taken home at least one Academy Award, maybe two, starting with her disarming, comic turn as the chatterbox pregnant wife in “Junebug.”
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.