adjective as in cheering
Strongest matches
Strong matches
abating, allaying, alleviating, assuaging, consoling, curing, freeing, inspiriting, invigorating, lightening, mitigating, relieving, remedying, restoring, revitalizing, revivifying, softening, solacing, succoring, sustaining, tranquilizing, upholding, warming
Weak matches
Example Sentences
It’s always comforting when people who look like they sell fake acid in the parking lot of a Grateful Dead show have a front-row seat to America’s peaceful transfer of power.
Clover green in color and elegantly smooth, it is everything comforting on a chilly, dreary January evening.
Offering a listening ear or a comforting presence can speak volumes when words feel inadequate.
Most come seeking to re-create comforting childhood experiences of having their hair played with or backs scratched by family members.
Given how much the world is changing around us, it’s strangely comforting to see these token normies return every year, like the swallows in spring.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.