verb as in persist, carry on
Strongest matches
verb as in begin again; resume
Strong matches
Example Sentences
With a chance for their first playoff victory since 2018 slipping away, Herbert — who finished with 242 yards passing and one touchdown — continued to battle.
Engineers from the KSA, which was established in 2017 to promote, co-ordinate and regulate space-related activities in the East African nation, are continuing to run other tests to find out more about the object.
But she refused and moved to Bombay, where the surveillance continued.
“We ask for continued flexibility and understanding as we all work through these difficult times,” Frenk wrote.
Eric Morecambe's legacy lives on in the hearts of millions, and the prices reflect not only the quality and uniqueness of the items but also the deep affection fans continue to hold for him.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.