critical mass
noun as in crucial point
Example Sentences
“At some point, once that has reached sort of critical mass, you start to have insulin resistance, and you start to have the negative side effects of a lot of inflammation.”
In 1859, there was enough critical mass for some 300 miners to christen their settlement “Prospect Bar.”
Having a dedicated Center for Plastics Innovation at UD is a definite advantage, Vlachos said, because it brings a critical mass of people talking, thinking and working on these issues.
They are drawn by its Twitter-like feel, welcoming features, and, increasingly, the critical mass of scientists in many fields who have already made the move.
The so-called experts, with some exceptions, missed the fact that added together his powers could reach a critical mass.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.