cup of tea
noun as in preference
Weak matches
Example Sentences
"In India, you can find innovation everywhere you turn - even in the preparation of a simple cup of tea," he wrote.
"So they were there to witness some of that, but then we would hug or they would bring me cups of tea."
It could be as simple as texting a friend, journaling, moving your body, stepping into the sun, stretching, getting a cup of tea or taking the dog for a walk.
“I wrote this cheesy letter, introduced myself and asked to be considered for an internship,” Kuntz remembered over a cup of tea 22 years later.
The 63-year-old has the terminal disease pulmonary fibrosis and attends a weekly drop-in session at St Leonard’s Hospice in York, where patients have been discussing the assisted dying bill over cups of tea.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.