adjective as in ingrained
Example Sentences
Instead, Leigh asks us to put the pieces together, to recall shades of people we’ve seen and known who behave similarly, if not our own deep-seated anger.
So while the vibecession may be fading for some, deep-seated economic issues persist and the recovery is far from uniform, especially across political and socioeconomic groups.
I won’t deny there’s a deep-seated unhappiness with government and politicians, a widespread feeling the status quo isn’t working and an eagerness to see Washington — and Sacramento, for that matter — shaken up.
As for his talent for seduction, I think it was a blend of deep-seated insecurities and the kind of charm that comes with being a former rock star.
"Some surgeons are prepared to offer an operation and there the controversy starts, because surgery for these deep-seated cysts is not without significant risks," he added.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.